Cao Cao was even more ecstatic.

The three treasures in the horse will surely make the cavalry shine and become a stronger and invincible existence.

At that time, his cavalry will definitely shock the world.

Today's class is really not in vain.

Got something so important.

"Okay, that's the end of today's class, tomorrow you guys are coming over, then I'll teach you something else." Ye Qing heard the system prompt, so he left class directly.

Today is all some digression, but it is quite fulfilling.

I could hear that all three children liked it.

"Yes sir, I'll leave first, and I'll talk about it tomorrow!" Cao Ang got up and saluted Cao Anmin and Cao Xiu together.

Cao Cao also knew Ye Qing's rules, and he taught one class a day, which was more tired.

So also took his leave.

Only Dian Wei remained in the courtyard, responsible for guarding the nursing home, doing heavy physical work, and sharing worries for Ye Qing.

And Ye Qing's mind also got into the system space early.

What did the system give this time?

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for teaching natural science to your students, answering difficult questions raised by students, obtaining a set of magic blackboard props, a pair of matchless ghost electric iron halberds, and a set of fire boiler appliances! "

There's a lot of stuff.

Just a set of magic blackboard props, this is very nice!

Because Ye Qing could see the specific attributes of the magic blackboard props.

Magic blackboard props include, which can be shrunk and made smaller by one blackboard, one blackboard wipe, and a box of wireless endurance chalk.

Teacher three-piece.

The key is that you can see the magic blackboard yourself, there are no visual obstacles.

This makes it easier to teach on the blackboard in the future.

Then Ye Qing looked at the Matchless Ghost Electric Iron Halberd.

This is a pair of halberds tattooed with ghost electric patterns, very heavy and sharp.

The attribute shows that if the speed of the swing is fast enough, there is a certain chance that there will be a ghost crying wolf howl, which makes people shudder, and can retreat thousands of troops.

"Blowing the true God, what use do you want it to have in these peaceful years?"

Ye Qing directly proposed it, and then threw it on the stone case: "Dian San, I can see that your kid kills pigs, don't you like iron halberds?" Send you a pair. "

Norizo is responsible for taking care of his own living, and he will definitely delay making money.

This pair of matchless ghost electric halberds should be the compensation given to him.

Iron halberd!

Dian Wei's eyes widened suddenly.

I didn't see where Ye Qing took it out at all.

Of course, this problem was quickly covered by the matchless ghost electric halberd that seemed to have flashed with electric light.

Dian Wei's gaze was fixed on him.

Uncontrolled pick-up with both hands.

It was very heavy, and the weight was more than three or five times heavier than his own pair of ordinary iron halberds.

But Dian Wei was a big joy.

I used to be poor and had no money to build good weapons.

That pair of iron halberds is a grandson in front of this pair of matchless ghost electric iron halberds.

"This weight is just right for me!"

Dian Wei saw that the hunter was happy, and then luck lifted up, and then turned around and danced.

Between a few splits and dances, there was a ghost crying wolf howl from the unparalleled ghost electric iron halberd, and there was also a burst of thunder and lightning.

Dian Wei was stunned.

"This, this, this... Artifacts! "

"Thank you sir, Mr. for the gift of treasure, never hope, in this life and this life, only to be the gentleman's court guard."

Even if Cao Cao came, he would not be acting as a bodyguard for him.

From now on, Mr. Ye's life will be Mr. Ye's.


Ye Qing's hand had an extra suit, and if he heard it correctly just now, there was a ghost crying wolf howl.

Don't...... Impossible, how could a butcher like Dian San inspire the hidden attributes of the Matchless Ghost Electric Iron Halberd.

I must have misheard.

Now is the age of civilization, the twenty-first century.

"Sir, I like the treasure you gave me so much, I will guard Mr. in this life and this life!" Dian Wei Shi hammered one, and has always been faithful.

Ye Qing just frowned when he heard this, and then said angrily: "A broken halberd, look at you happy, like a beautiful lady!" "

"Guard me all your life, want to beat the old bachelor, wait for my eyes to be good, you should earn your money to earn your money, you should marry a wife and have children, marry a wife and have children!"

'Hehe, sir, this is much better than the ladies!' Dian Wei only giggled, although he was humble, he was not stupid.

Even Cao Cao was polite to Ye Qingke, it can be imagined that Ye Qing is definitely not a mortal, his identity must be very noble, and even if he is not rich and noble with Ye Qing, at least he will not be hungry.

The Wushuang Ghost Electric Iron Halberd is just a broken weapon in Sir's opinion, maybe Sir has something better.


Really take the matchless ghost electric iron halberd as a wife.

Thinking of something, Ye Qing couldn't help but shiver.

But he soon forgot about it.

With the fire boiler set, who still eats cooked dishes.

Hurry up.

So Ye Qing immediately instructed Dian Wei to get the whole meat slices, fresh fish and shrimp, and green vegetables.

In the past month, I have almost vomited.

Boss Cao is not only backward and poor in feudalism, but the most excessive thing is that he does not even have stir-frying, let alone other cooking techniques.

Every day is either boiled or stewed, occasionally grilled, that is also no salt, no spices and no oil, it is really called an 'original taste'!

People can't eat it!


Besides, after the four of Cao Cao came out, Cao Cao directly called Cao Ang and Cao Anmin to himself.

He specially instructed: "I will teach you to know that Mr. Ye is an extraordinary person, but he is an immortal, and you must not offend him in the future, let alone pass on his affairs and his words."

Especially today, Mr. Ye mentioned the matter of the Three Treasures of Mazhong, which is related to the future of my Cao family, and even more related to the safety of Mr. Ye, you three can remember! "

Cao Ang said: "Father rest assured, I will understand this matter, Mr. Ye has an extraordinary temperament, he can speak fairy words, and he can know the truth of all things in heaven and earth, I have already seen it, he is not me and other ordinary people." "

"Yes, those things that Mr. Ye talked about, Xuanzhi and Xuanzhi, unheard of, unseen, simply only in the sky." Cao Anmin was also impressed by the profound knowledge displayed by Ye Qing.

Cao Xiu said, "Can we do that Ma Zhong Sanbao?" "

Cao Cao looked at Cao Xiu: "Don't worry, I will order someone to make it secretly, and personally test it after it is done, and then customize a set for all three of you!" "

The three were overjoyed and left.

"Liu Dai is dead, and the Qingzhou Yellow Turban is also about to abuse Yanzhou, I must get these things out as soon as possible, so that I can defeat the Yellow Turban more quickly, control Yanzhou, stabilize the people, and take the first step to dominate the world!" Looking at the departing figure of Cao Ang's three, Cao Cao muttered:

"Zixiu, Anmin, this time the father will definitely not let you die unjustly, and the world will not be divided again.

Ye Shengxian, I will definitely make you willing to take a look at this world, at that time I have already ruled the world, you should not feel that this world is not worth your glance. "

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