"Whew... Big Brother Ye's food here is also too good, these dishes are really delicious!"

"This soup is so delicious!"

"This fish is delicious..."

"The little cicada is not only beautiful, but also so delicious to cook, it is simply a beautiful chef, I heard that the little cicada can also dance..."

Ye Qing's meal here suddenly conquered Cai Yan again.

She dared to say that she had never eaten such delicious food in her life.

A small house with the world's greatest treasures hidden inside.

Coming from the other side of the classroom, Ye Qing basically couldn't speak.

Cai Yan and Sable Cicada are like sisters who have not seen each other for many years, chatting ~ hot, and the topic is constant.

Yingying swallow, while cooking, communicating.

Until the end of speaking, the two were still talking and laughing, and getting along harmoniously.

Ye Qing showed a relaxed expression.

"It seems that I thought too much, Little Cicada and Cai Yan didn't have a festival, and they didn't know each other much before!"

"It's okay, the two get along, so I don't have to worry much." "


Returning from Ye Qing, the smile on Cai Yan's face never dissipated, and he kept Ye Qing in his mind, thinking about the topics he had talked about during the day.

Even when he walked to the door of the mansion, he didn't notice that his old father, Cai Yong, was standing at the door and waiting.

"It seems that this Mr. Ye has fascinated my family Zhaoji!"

"In the evening, you can live over there today!"

There is a curfew at night, so you are generally not allowed to walk on the street without a public order.

Cai Yan came back to his senses and was immediately shy.

"Daddy, how can you make fun of Akihime too!"

After that, Cai Yan quickly walked into the mansion again, his cheeks were red to the root of his ears, and he couldn't find a place to get into.

Cai Yong laughed and brushed his beard to follow.

As an old father, he naturally hopes that his daughter will find her own happiness.

After the incident with the Wei family, Cai Yan became synonymous with the living widow.

Although he did not lose his temper, few dared to step into the Cai family's mansion again and mention the matter of marriage.

Now I'm in my early twenties, and I'm going to become an old girl.

Cai Yong was also anxious.

Otherwise, he would not have agreed to Cao Cao's insurance media and asked Cai Yan to meet that young talent with eye disease for a while.

"Sister, sister, how's it going?"

When Little Cai Zhenji saw Cai Yan come back, she immediately pounced on it, pulled Cai Yan's dress and asked:

"How does that Mr. Ye look, is he really as talented as Cao Gong said?"

Cai Yan reached out and gently scratched the nose of her sister Cai Zhenji:

"Little clever ghost, this matter is not your concern, hurry back to study, otherwise daddy will punish you again!"

Talk about Ma, how is this Mr. Ye?" Cai Zhenji was a big ghost and very clever, and said to Cai Yong who was walking:

"It's not that I want to know, it's my daddy who wants to know, you can't punish daddy for copying books!"

Cai Yong laughed again when he heard this.

Cai Yan really glanced at Little Cai Zhenji.

"Zhaoji, your sister is curious, just tell me, what is Cao Gong's vision?" asked Cai Yong tactfully.

Since Cao Cao is a media, I think this Ye Qing is not a general, after all, Cao Cao values reality and profit, does not retreat, and the person he values is not an official and eunuch who talks empty and misleads the country, and does not learn and have no skills.

Cai Yan replied, "Does my father know what Yanzhou's bumper grain harvest depends on?"

Cai Yong was stunned, and replied with a smile: "I heard that it is potatoes that yield more than forty stones per acre and corn that produce ten stones, and we have paid for these two things, delicious and hungry, and they are auspicious divine things!"

"My father only knew one and didn't know the other. Cai Yan explained:

"These kinds of divine objects were first from the hands of Big Brother Ye, and Cao Gong was stained with Big Brother Ye's light, and the people of Yanzhou can live because of Big Brother Ye. "

Cai Yong's eyes widened. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Good fellow, this kind of fetish is from Ye Qing's hand.

No wonder Cao Cao attached so much importance to Ye Qing.

Such figures, which side of the princes is not good to co-opt.

"Sister, the big brother Ye in your mouth, can you play the piano and write songs?" Cai Zhenji doesn't care whether the grain is abundant or not, anyway, a family like theirs will never be hungry, she has been influenced by countless classics in the family since she was a child, and she is even more concerned about it.

Cai Yong half-narrowed his eyes: "Zhenji is so stupid, your sister calls him Big Brother Ye, this Mr. Ye can still be worse, I think this marriage is done!"

People are old and demon, Cai Yong only from the expression and words of his daughter's return, he has already determined Cai Yan's heart, and at the same time he is happy for her.

After so many years, I have become an old girl, and I can finally find a Ruyi Langjun, and I Cai Yong will also have a good son-in-law.


Cai Yan was poked in his mind, put his hands into his sleeves, and gently pinched the corners of his sleeves, lying even more.

"Ah, so soon, sister, you won't be deceived!" Cai Zhenji was a childlike child, who knew what love and affection between men and women, fluttered her big eyelashes:

"What will this Mr. Ye do? It can make your sister fall in love with you at a glance." "

Cai Yong also looked curious.

It is not enough to have a fetish and relieve the world.

Cai Yan said: "Dad, Brother Ye is proficient in musical rhythm, he is stronger than his father in terms of piano and Dao, he is knowledgeable, and he is also proficient in poetry and song, his achievements should not be under his father, I am afraid that no one in this world can match!"

"Brother Ye not only understands the Confucian classics, but also the Legalists, Moists, farmers, Yin-Yang families, miscellaneous families, and Taoists, all of which are as rare as several families, and have unique characteristics, profound insights, and complete masks. "

"The new plows, water wheels, and thirsty wu under Duke Cao are all from the hands of Big Brother Ye, and the eldest prince and others are also talented and worried under the teaching of Big Brother Ye, and they are better than the young talents in the world!"

Cai Yong was stunned.

There is no possibility of her own daughter lying!

Moreover, Cai Yan's insight and knowledge are not allowed to be deceived by others.

Therefore, Ye Qing's talent should be true.

It's just that a young junior can have such a profound and extensive talent.

Poetry and song, proficient in music, and masterful of piano!

All the sons and daughters, all of them are fine, is this still a person?

Could it be that the world has only learned a hundred dou, and he Ye Qing alone occupies ninety-nine dou?

What a horrible young man.

Cai Zhenji's mouth turned into an O shape, and her face was shocked: "Sister, is this Mr. Ye still human?"

"He's the devil, and he can have so many things in his head?"

Cai Yan smiled and stroked her sister's head, and her eyes became deep and hot:

"Big Brother Ye's talent is unparalleled in the world, perhaps it is precisely because of this that his eyes will suffer this calamity, otherwise, no one in the world will be able to compete with him. "

"Next time I take you over there to play, you'll understand!"

"Okay, okay, I'm going to play over there, you guys have a tryst, I'll steal the master's art, steal all his skills..." Cai Zhenji clapped her hands and said good.

Cai Yong and Cai Yan were both amused, but Cai Yan still grabbed Cai Zhenji's small face and glared at her.

Người mua: sabmado

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