"That's not right! What did I come to Mr. for today? "

As Cao Cao walked, he found that he didn't seem to have anything serious

Look at the white cloth in my hand.

"Forget it, come back to Mr. another day, and go back to get this distilled wine!"

Cao Cao muttered, knowing what was important and what was not.

Back in the mansion, Cao Cao immediately ordered people to find the relevant personnel.

Began secretly building distillation equipment and building workshops for sake brewing.

Wine is also a relatively rich business in this era.

Especially with the beginning of the war, the lack of food pushed up the price of alcohol.

The method Ye Qing said can use other non-grain as winemaking, and after purification and processing, you can also get stronger wine.

In this way, how could Cao Cao not be moved.

Heart is not as good as action, but Cao Cao is a fierce person, and he will do what he says.

And to do a lot of work.


"Master, the three treasures in the horse that you ordered me to supervise have all been set into a hundred pairs, and now we can conduct experiments!"

With a happy face, Cao Ren walked in and reported directly to Cao Cao.

Cao Cao was overjoyed when he heard this, and immediately said, "Go, go to the experiment and see."

If it works, we can build an elite pawn! "

Inspired by Ye Qing.

Whether it is sitting on Yanzhou Mu or submitting to the Qingzhou Yellow Turban.

Or pursue Yuan Shu for six hundred miles.

Cavalry will play a vital role.

So Cao Cao prepared to raise a larger cavalry.

The matter of money, now he has eyebrows, and he does not worry.

Therefore, as soon as the three treasures in the horse succeeded, he immediately started to form a cavalry brigade.

Arrived at the school grounds.

Everything was carried by Cao Ren and his people.

A hundred war horses were nailed a few days earlier.

The saddle is now being placed.

The sides of the saddle were also tied with horse pedals, and the rope pulled the stirrup, which fell slightly lower in the horse's belly.

Cao Ang, Cao Anmin, and Cao Xiu also arrived quickly, which Cao Cao specially ordered people to inform them.

If there weren't three little guys, Ma Zhong Sanbao might not be able to leak out of Ye Qing's mouth.

So Ai Wu and Wu, Cao Cao did not forget the three.




The three of them followed the salute, Cao Cao was in a good mood, and said with his beard: "The things are made, the three of you each choose a war horse, but don't mess around, take it easy!" "

There are three little guys who experience, which must be able to give more feedback on the situation of the three treasures in the horse.

Not to mention, Cao Cao thief.

Even his own son and nephew are counted in it.

"No!" The three of them clasped their fists excitedly.

Then each chose a war horse.

Then step on the horse pedals and turn over on the horse.

In one go, there was no mud and water.

And there are no failures.

It's just god.

Not only them, but also Cao Cao's eyes shone.

It really works.

He was the one who led the war.

Whether things are good or not, you can tell at a glance.

Don't think about it at all.

Sure enough, after the three of them got on the horse, Cao Ren and the others also turned over one after another.

At the same time, exclaimed.

"It's much smoother to get on the horse, and I'm not so tired!"

"The main thing is that it is very stable to sit up!"

"With the strength of the stirrups, the body is much easier, and I feel like I can hit two!"

"My hands can be freed, I can shoot the enemy with a bow right away, and my accuracy must have improved a lot!"

"Say a hammer, ride and run, and gallop to test whether it is practical!"

Cao Ren shouted loudly and urged the horse to run.

Then he whipped it to speed up the horse.

The more I ran, the more joyful my face became, and the more excited I became.

Others are similar.

It's easy to use, easy and comfortable to ride, and you can do all kinds of difficult moves that you didn't dare to do before.

The main thing is that people like Cao Xiu, who have not yet learned to ride a horse, have also mastered basic riding techniques at once, and galloping on horseback, so unhappy!

Soon everyone came back after a few circles.

They all exchanged praises.

"Master, this is a good thing, with this thing, it will be easier for us to ride a horse in the future, and it will be more convenient to catch and kill immediately."

"I feel that with this thing, the force has skyrocketed."

"It's easy to get on the horse, it's convenient to get off the horse, I'm not afraid of being dropped when riding, and I don't grind my thighs, and the soreness will be much less after riding for a long time."

Cao Cao stroked his beard and listened to everyone's speech.

He understood that the three treasures in Ma Zhong were real treasures and really succeeded.

Ye Xianren sincerely does not deceive Wuye.

"And let me wipe it down!"

Everyone else rides, how can they be less.

Cao Cao then ordered someone to bring a war horse and personally sat down to wipe it.


Naturally, a very good effect was felt.

"Good, great, it's a fetish!" Cao Cao laughed and jumped off his horse.

Throw the reins to Cao Ren!

"This is a sharp weapon of our army, everyone must not leak it, and Zixiao will order people to supervise the construction as soon as possible."

"At the same time, a large number of cavalry soldiers have begun to be recruited, and priority can be given to selecting from the old pawns."

"By the way, there is also the matter of war horses, vigorously purchase, no matter the cost!"

Cao Ren was overjoyed when he heard this.

Busy: "It's the master, I'll do it?" "


The Lord wants to form a big cavalry, and this time we really have to fight.

"Patriarch, I also want to join the cavalry team, please ask Patriarch to agree!" Cao Xiu hurriedly came over and asked.

If it was before, Cao Cao would naturally say yes.

But now, he is a little reluctant.

After taking Cao Ang and Cao Anmin away, he said, "If you want to enter the cavalry team, you have to ask Mr. Ye first!" "

"The same is true for the two of you, now all three of you are Mr. Ye's disciples, and you need to go to Mr. Ye to learn.

So you are under his control for the time being, unless you really succeed in your studies and Mr. Ye lets you go, then I can let you enter any army you want to enter!" "

One mentioned Ye Qing.

Cao Xiu suddenly looked like a frosted eggplant.

Mr. Ye's skills, when will we learn?


Cao Ang said, "It's my father, I will definitely learn the skills taught by Mr. Ye as soon as possible, and join the army as soon as possible to reduce the pressure on my father!" "

Cao Ang is very smart and knows that it is useless to fight with Cao Cao here.

I want to join the army, I want to lead the army to fight, it is simple, I passed Ye Qing's pass.

And Ye Qing is notoriously kind and very good at talking.

As long as you reason and reason, you will succeed.

"Of course, there is one thing you can't tell your husband, let alone tell him about my Cao family, if I find that you deliberately deceive your husband and guide him around this matter, then you will spend your whole life wanting to lead troops to war, and let me go back to my hometown to farm!" Cao Cao's face turned sudden.

Loud warning.

Zhizi Moruo's father.

What idea did the three imps fight, he was clear.

This, this, this!

Cao Ang suddenly felt a sense of frustration.


Sure enough, it's all small means

However, I am still confident that Mr. Ye can let us go out.

We will definitely succeed in our studies and lead the way.

Welcome to the National Day 7-day long holiday and read books and enjoy reading! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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