Don't look at Lu Qian and the others, there are few soldiers.

And still a pawn.

But none of the soldiers panicked, but one by one revealed excitement.

After being disguised for so long, it can finally be freed.

Of course, Cao Song's real family members were all frightened and scared at this time, and their hair was soft and trembling.

The hand holding the knife was shaking in panic.

One by one, they are praying to God, hoping to avoid this calamity.

"Drop the arrow!"

Lü Qian did not dare to put the enemy horse too close.

He gulped and waved his hand.

Suddenly, the archers loosened the string first, and countless sharp arrows flew out.

Accurately pierced the body of the Xuzhou cavalry.

These are all elites selected from hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses, and the arrow technique is naturally superb.


Zhang Min was also taken aback when he saw that his men were shot and fell off their horses, but he didn't expect Cao Song's family to be so powerful.

No wonder the soldiers trained by his son Cao Cao were also so brave.

However, he did not have the slightest intention of giving up, but instead smoked his horse and drank: "Kill!" "


Countless Xuzhou cavalry fell one after another, and now it was nightfall, and in addition to the terrain trees, the cavalry did not dare to rush too fast, so the closer they got to the convoy, the slower the speed.

Zhang Min and others did not know that Lü Qian203 had already ordered people to dig horse pits around.

Buried spikes and sprinkled three nails.

The seemingly irregular carriage was placed on the periphery in the form of a battle array, forming a defensive circle, and it was not easy for Zhang Min and the others' war horses to break through this layer of obstacles.

After the archer finished shooting the arrows, the crossbowman immediately replenished the arrows and killed the Xuzhou cavalry who were caught in the net and rushed closer.

After a while, Zhang Min and the others folded a third of the centaurs.

The magnitude of the losses was simply unexpected.

"Damn, why is the Cao Song family so powerful."

"Boss, the other party's crossbow is too sharp, the brothers can't stand it!"

Zhang Min's men were a little scared.

Where this is attacking and looting, this is sending death.

"Don't howl, give me a continuous charge, as long as you break through their defenses, we win."

Zhang Min's eyes were red at this time, and his lust was lost in his mind.

He only had one thought now, that is, to kill in it, kill Cao Song and the others, and then take all the treasures away.

The Xuzhou cavalry also killed the red eye, rushed even more fiercely, and no longer cared about the obstacles of trees.

"Continue to shoot, the crossbowmen retreat five steps, and the soldiers step forward."

Lu Qian was also afraid that Zhang Min and the others would turn around and run away.

So deliberately weaken the defense, lure the enemy into the attack.

"I said Lu Zike, when did you let me go hiding!"

Dianwei, who had a fierce face, held the matchless ghost electric iron halberd in his hand, and said with some dissatisfaction.

After the consumption, the Xuzhou cavalry was killed, and he came to Xuzhou to play.

"There is no hurry, it's time for you to play later, and you have to come to capture Zhang Min." Lu Qian picked up Dian Wei's telescope and said:

"Isn't I looking for Zhang Min, see where this guy is, run away, but no one will confront Tao Qian in person."

Dian Wei only retracted his temper when he heard this, but he still hurriedly urged: "Then you hurry up!" "

Just when Dian Wei urged, Lu Qian suddenly said to the right of his hand: "Look for it, right over there, riding a big brown horse, holding a big knife in his hand, and there is a scar on his face, dressed..."

Thanks to telescopes, people in the distance can be seen so clearly.

Lu Qian can describe it so specifically.

And this is still black and white, it is simply an artifact.

Lu Qian was secretly envious, and he didn't know where Dian Wei got this humble product from.


When Dian Wei heard this, he noted down Zhang Min's characteristics and ran in that direction.

At this time, Zhang Min and a group of men and horses finally broke through the obstruction of layers of crossbows, waded through all the traps, rushed to the round formation formed by the carriage, and was overjoyed, ready to jump into the horse.

The next moment, a halberd flew out, frightening Zhang Min, and instinctively shrunk his neck, only to see several subordinates behind him being shot by several halberds.

Then a fierce man jumped into the carriage.

Staring at Zhang Min and smiling: "(AGBB) I've been waiting for you for a long time!" "

These words made Zhang Min tremble, as if the bride on the wedding night was robbed by the king of the mountain.

Then Dian Wei swung his halberd and jumped up and slashed.

Zhang Min swung his knife to block. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

After using the strength to breastfeed, he suddenly felt unprecedented pain in his arms, and then planted off the horse.

Zhang Min was horrified in his heart, he never expected that there was such a fierce general hidden in Cao Song's convoy.

Zhang Min was so frightened that he quickly rolled over and hidden, then stood up and ran towards the forest, which did not dare to turn his head at all.

"Oh, you're pretty smart, you know to run!"

Dian Wei had long blocked Zhang Min's way.

Zhang Min hit him headlong and hurriedly retreated in fright.

Swinging his knife in a defensive posture.

"You... You...... Who is it, exactly? Zhang Min stirred his throat, screamed inwardly, and kept retreating.

Dian Wei approached step by step.

The banter written on the face.

"Why tell you, if you surrender obediently, I can tell you."

Zhang Min just wanted to delay time, and when he heard this, he quickly fled to the other side, and Dian Wei took three steps and formed a step, jumping over and swinging a halberd.

Zhang Min swung his knife to block.

The shock caused him to fall to the rear.

Dian Wei didn't give him a chance, and with two more swings, he directly knocked Zhang Min's knife off.

Then kicked Zhang Min, and finally grabbed Zhang Min like a chicken.

Then it was brought to Lü Qian, and the other Xuzhou cavalry were also defeated by the Yanzhou elite pawns who rushed to kill them.

Escape to escape, descend to descend, death to death.

"Zike, I have captured the person you want." Dian Wei threw Zhang Min to the ground.

Smashed Zhang Min, and his whole body was about to fracture.

"Cao Gong spare your life!"

"Cao Gong spare your life, the person who wants to kill you is Tao Qian, this old man sent me, I can't help myself, I also act on orders!"

Lu Qian smiled when he heard this.

It seems that there is no need to bother with it.

When Cao De heard this, he stepped forward and kicked a few feet.

"Eight King Egg, he actually wanted to murder my father!"

"Tao Qian, this old immortal, my eldest brother let him go last time, he actually wanted to take revenge and want to harm my father and take away my Cao family property, he is dead!"

Early the next morning, Lü Qian and others took Zhang Min to enter Taishan County and return to Zhencheng.

At the same time, he also ordered people to take two prisoners and send them to Kaiyang Zangba.

Zang Ba learned of Tao Qian's intentions, and was so angry that he also slammed his fist on the desk.

"Okay, very good, Tao Qian, you really know how to calculate."

"I, Zang Ba, don't think I have done anything to be sorry for you, you actually want to murder me so deliberately, you want to force me to the opposite side of General Zhendong, you are very good!"

"Come, send a message to General Zhendong, if the general sends troops, I Zang Ba will be the first to lead the army to capture Langxie and solve Tao Qian's henchman Xiao Jian!"

Người mua: sabmado

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