"I already know what Tao Qian means!" Cao Cao waved his hand, a little impatient.

Motioned for his subordinates to take Elk Fang down.

Elk Fang walked out in a hurry.

As soon as the front foot left, Cao Cao glanced at Guo Jia with a kick.

Guo Jia immediately walked out with a smile.

"Slow and slow!"

Guo Jia called out to Elk Fang, and Elk Fangton was terrified, thinking that Cao Cao had changed his mind and wanted to kill himself to sacrifice the flag, and suddenly he was very scared.

"Sir is..."

Guo Jia said with a smile: "Don't worry about Xu Envoy, my lord is only angry, and he will only make a strong appearance today, usually he is amiable." "


Describe Cao Cao, is this appropriate?

Although Elk Fang slandered ten thousand times in her heart, she did not dare to say a word.

Instead, he said with a smile: "Sir's words, Elk Fang wrote it down, I don't know Sir's name, can I go to the wine shop for a drink!"

When Guo Jia heard the word wine, his eyes suddenly bloomed and he was a little afraid, as if the sheep were targeted by evil wolves.

"Hahaha, Zifang Zhen is a man of temperament, if you have this heart, why go to the liquor store and go directly to my home to drink!"

"Oh... Well, everything is arranged by Mr.!"

Although I don't know what Guo Jia's official position is here in Cao Cao, this is the only chance for Elk Fang, and he doesn't know the Wen Wu on Cao Cao's side.

So take the chance.

Guo Jia put his arm around Elk Fang, and then walked to the house while chatting.

"Zifang, I tell you, the wine in my house is all fine wine, my lord watches closely, stares at me and does not allow drinking, if you don't come, I can't find an excuse for drinking, haha, now it's okay, I can finally drink a lot." Back at home, Guo Jia took out the wine and put it on it, and the two exchanged a visit, and then raised his head to drink a glass.

"Gee, it's delicious, I miss it so much. "

Elk Fang asked in amazement, "Mr. Guo, why does Cao Gong restrict your drinking?"

Could it be that Cao Cao's control here is so strong that he even has to manage eating, drinking, and Lasa.

It's terrifying to think about!

Guo Jia knew that Elk Fang had misunderstood, so he explained: "Because Cao Cao wants me to live healthy.!"

"My health is not good, and in order for my condition not to worsen, the Lord forbade me to drink alcohol and asked me to cooperate with the healer. "

This, this, this...

Elk Fang a little regretted drinking that glass of wine just now, but he didn't expect that Cao Cao banned Guo Jia's wine, and Guo Jia was sick.

He followed Guo Jia to make an exception, in case Guo Jia fell ill and died here, he would not also be unlucky.

It's really unreasonable.

"Sir, how about we stop drinking it first, how about replacing wine with tea?" Elk Fang had a smiling face, uglier than crying:

"Sir, I heard that the new tea in Zhencheng is very delicious, fragrant and delicious, the taste is endless, and there is sweetness, so let's drink tea." "

Guo Jia waved his hand indifferently, continued to pour himself a cup, then raised his head and drank half a cup of stomach, then grabbed a handful of fried soybeans, threw them into his mouth, and rattled to eat.

"New tea is a thing to drink after meals, that thing is indeed good, can cultivate the body, prolong life." Guo Jiadao:

"Come and drink this cup with your son today, and pay tribute to those days when we did not meet!"

What a name is this.

Elk Fang was crying and laughing, holding the wine glass, it was not to put it down, nor was it to drink it in her throat.

"Drink quickly, Zifang Xiu wants to be a daughter!" Guo Jia advised:

"Don't let me look down on you, your elk family is a generation of merchants, this amount of wine should be Haihan, how can it be underestimated." "

Being so excited by Guo Jia, Elk Fang did not hesitate, and immediately raised a glass and replied: "Mr. Guo sacrificed his life to accompany him, Elk Fang did not dare to be disrespectful, Fu today fought to be killed by Cao Gong, but also to satisfy Mr. Guo!"

As soon as Elk Fang raised her head and drank a cup happily, suddenly the spicy and strong aroma of wine filled the throat between her mouth, and the stamina surged up, making Elk Fang surprised, surprised and delighted.

"Sir, this wine... Tasteful!" Elk Fang couldn't help but praise.

You must know that the elk family also buys wine from Zhencheng to sell to Xuzhou for profit, and the spirits in Zhencheng have naturally been drunk, but Guo Jia's kind here has not been drunk.

Guo Jia said with a smile: "Of course, this wine has taste, this is a good medicinal wine, ordinary people can't drink it." "

"Come and come, Zifang is tasting, drink more, this wine can consolidate the essence and cultivate the yuan, strengthen the body, and benefit men... Hehe, Zifang should understand!"

"Understand, understand!" Elk Fang was not a serious person, she couldn't help nodding at the moment, her face turned red, and her eyes bloomed with essence. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

As a son of Xuzhou's merchant family, there is no shortage of beautiful women, so men's happiness is only in time.

This is a big problem that many children of the family are most troubled by.

Elk Fang was no exception, so without Guo Jia's persuasion, he began to pour wine into the glass.

Then drink it in one gulp.

After a while, he became confused, and finally drank unconsciously, and talked to Guo Jia, he didn't know anymore.


Cao Cao's side had already begun to set out in full gear, and the army had already been in position, waiting at the borders of the counties, only waiting for the elite and generals to take place with this division, and immediately could attack Xuzhou.

At the city gate.

Cao Cao deliberately stood at the east city gate and looked at the Zhuangjia land outside the city.

A piece of greenery, a festive scene.

"'Master, Guo Jia's carriage has arrived!'

When Cao Cao heard this, he closed his gaze and walked to the inner city wall, only under the inner city gate, Guo Jia walked out of the carriage, his legs a little floating.

I was a little drunk.

A guard helped Guo Jia up.

Guo Jia gently waved his hands as a salute.

"Fengxiao, the bottom of Elk Fang can be explored!"

Guo Jia replied: "Don't worry, Master Gong, a few cups of yellow urine will be cleared!"

"Elk Fang came here for two purposes, one is to send an envoy for Tao Qian, but if it is not successful, he will not return hope, and he will not do his best for Tao Qian!"

Cao Cao smiled and said, "Let's talk about the second purpose!"

Tao (De Zhao Hao) Qian is dying, who will be a lobbyist, Xuzhou will not be able to run.

Guo Jia continued: "The second purpose is that Elk Zhu asked him to come and explore my city to see if the Lord Duke is a prince worthy of the Elk family's service. "

"If the Lord really has the foundation to dominate the world and is a hero, the Elk family will serve the Lord and is willing to use the business connections of the Elk family to help the Lord Gong dominate the world. "

The economy is inseparable from businessmen, which the world regards as such, but it cannot be used.

And the economy, in turn, is one of the foundations of the war, there is no money and food, and there is a fart battle.

The land laid down needs to attract investment and let the businessman go to revitalize the place, so the status of the businessman is very important.

Yuan Shao had a Zhen family, so he had abundant wealth, an active economy, and a rich land.

And if Cao Cao wants to compete with him, or even dominate the world, one of the four major merchant families must also support Cao Cao.

This is the main purpose of Cao Cao asking Guo Jia to accompany Li Fang to drink.

Người mua: sabmado

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