"Sir, is there really no way for us to refine oil?" Chen Gongdao:

"What if we also produce oil in the mountains and refine and sell our own products?"


Ye Qing was almost choked.

Mountains produce oil?

How naïve you are.

The distribution of oil is also regular.

Well, maybe there is shale oil in this mountain, but that thing is more difficult to exploit, not to mention local small villages, that is, the state, the current cost of mining is too large, it belongs to the loss ~ cost trading.

The technology required is even more advanced than you can match.

"Well, you guys have a good idea, but you won't be allowed to have it in the future!" Ye Qing said with a smile.

Cao Cao said, "Sir, if you are a group wearer, can't you extract oil and refine usable oil?" "

Hey, or else, Cao Cao chicken thief, rape is rape male, change the way to come back.

When Ye Qing heard this, his right hand was propped up on his lower cheek.

The crosser, it seems, is feasible.

"If it's a novel, it's not impossible!" Ye Qing pondered the language for a moment before saying:

"If there are Dong Zhihua talents in the group wear, and there is a certain amount of knowledge reserves, they can still make the original version of the pumping well, build an oil refinery, and carry out oil refining."

"Of course, one thing you need to figure out is the necessity of refining oil?"

"With the scientific and technological level of the three countries of Hanwei, industrialized equipment has not been developed, and the gasoline, diesel, and kerosene you refine have no use value at all."

"If it is used in military aspects, there is no need for an oil refinery at all, just a recipe and other debris added to make a fierce oil bomb."

If you understand geography, you can extract oil and refine oil.

Cao Cao was overjoyed when he heard this.

"Fierce fire oil! What is this thing sir? Guo Jia asked, as if this thing was dangerous.

Ye Qing explained: "This is a kind of super combustion substance made by using oil as raw material and adding some specific things, because it burns extremely fiercely, does not go out when exposed to water, and can burn bricks and stones, so it is called fierce fire oil."

It is a kind of offensive and defensive weapon, probably used after the five generations and ten countries in history. "

Fierce fire oil, when really fierce.

When everyone heard this explanation, they also gasped.

Such a domineering oil is really dangerous.

Using it to attack cities and seize land, I am afraid it will be quite sharp and fast!

After hearing this, Cao Cao was even more excited, so excited that he almost broke Cao Hong's arm on the side.

"Big brother! Big brother, take your time, if you want to be wasted, you will be wasted! Cao Hongdu was about to cry, and quickly pulled Cao Cao's mind back.

"Okay, don't mention this! Let's continue to talk about the barbarians around Youzhou! Ye Qing ended the topic in time, and then continued:

"Talking about this Goguryeo!"

"Goguryeo is a branch of Buyeo, and the prince Jumon (Zou Mou), the prince of Buyeo, failed to fight for power, went south to Buyeo, and established Buyeo, and in 14 AD, Buyeo occupied Goguryeo County, Xuanjiang County, the new dynasty, and was renamed Goguryeo."

"After the restoration of the Han Dynasty, Goguryeo continued to annex the surrounding frontier powers, gradually became stronger, and began to invade Xuanji County... In the fifth year (244), Cao Wei counterattacked and destroyed the city of Maru. King Dongcheon of Goguryeo fled to Woji for refuge!

After Cao Wei destroyed the capital of Maru, he thought that Goguryeo had perished, so he quickly evacuated. However, in just 70 years, Goguryeo rebuilt the capital of Maru, and began to attack Liaodong, Lelang, and Xuanjiao. "

"In the third year of Yuanxing (404), Goguryeo opened the earth mirror, and King Heian of Goguryeo captured the land of Liaodong and began to enter the heyday of Goguryeo..."

"Later, he fought with the Great Sui of the Central Plains Dynasty..."

"Later, he fought with Li Tang of the Central Plains Dynasty... On September 12, the first year of Zongzhang (668), the Goguryeo monk Xincheng opened the city gates, and the Tang army rushed into the city, captured the man, and all Goguryeo was pacified.

From now on in Goguryeo! "

This, this, this...

Little Goguryeo has survived for such a long time, and the inheritance of the country has been passed down for seven hundred years! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

It's really Xiaoqiang who can't be killed.

Once strong enough to control the Sea of Japan in the east, Asan Bay/Zhuling in the south, the Liao River in the west, and the land of Rulou in the northeast.

"This Great Sui is also too uncompetitive, to attack Goguryeo like this, Yang Guang is playing?"

"Although Li Tang destroyed Goguryeo, he also paid a great price, the war was long, the loss of soldiers and horses was also large, and the little Goguryeo was so difficult to destroy?"

"In fact, Goguryeo came to the back, the population grew a lot, and in addition to the geographical advantage, according to the Liaodong Peninsula and other places, it belongs to the subduction of the Youji Plain, so it will not be easy for the Tang Dynasty to break through Goguryeo!"

The crowd was extremely surprised and surprised.

Just such a small barbarian country, the Central Plains Dynasty took so many years to eliminate him.

This shows the importance and complexity of the Liaodong Peninsula and the Goryeo Peninsula.

I don't know if it's okay, since I know, I can't let Goguryeo grow up in this life.

After attacking its royal capital, he could not relax, and he had to cut down the grass and remove the roots, so as not to leave future troubles.

The reason why Goguryeo was able to regain the kingdom and develop to its peak later was largely because when Cao Wei attacked the domestic city, he did not handle things beautifully and did not destroy Goguryeo.

Ye Qing deeply agreed with everyone's comments: "You are right, the Liaodong Peninsula, the Goryeo Peninsula, and the northeast land, there are too many mountains and forests, too complicated.

Therefore, the threat of the Central Plains Dynasty in the future came from here.

The barbarians who came out of here attacked the Central Plains dynasties one after another, such as the Later Jin, Northern Song and Ming dynasties. "

The northeast is a strategic highland.

Dive south, the advantage is obvious.

There are too many uncivilized barbarian tribes hidden here, and the combat power is so strong that it makes people headache.

"After talking about Goguryeo, let's talk directly about Buyeo, which is originally the same origin as Goguryeo, but since the beginning of the split and the establishment of the country, both sides are mortal enemies, and each wants to destroy the other, and the fact is also because of the destruction of one side, and the grudge is ended!" Ye Qing took a sip of tea and continued:

"After the Western Jin Dynasty, the state of Buyeo declined. In 285 AD, the western Xianbei invaded, the king of Buyeo committed suicide, and the Buyeo state was destroyed for the first time. "

The following year, Emperor Wu of Jin sent troops to help restore the country. In 346, the royal city of Buyeo was moved from Xidu to Nong'an. In 470, the southern Goguryeo invaded, King Buyeo fled, and his kingdom perished. "

"Although Buyeo is destroyed, its land is above the Songnen Plain, where there is a vast northeast plain, it is a black land, there is plenty of snow and water, the land is fertile, it is a land of large granaries, and it is also a large and small Xing'an Ridge, with vast and rich wood, as well as mountains and forests, it is a rich land that can become a foundation, and then it has successively become the great rear and cornerstone place of the Bohai Kingdom, the Liao Dynasty, the Jin Dynasty, and the Qing Dynasty."

Người mua: sabmado

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