"You, you, are all here to take out my dry goods!" Ye Qing thought about it and did not refuse.

To make wine for your own wedding, this dish still has to be made better, and try to satisfy the people of Caojia Village.

So Ye Qing said to Chen Gong:

"Accountant Chen, write it down!"

Chen Gong said, "Yes sir." "

Taking pen, ink and paper, Chen Gong spread it out on the table, waiting for Ye Qing to speak.

"This first dish: fried peanut rice!"

Fried peanut rice!

This thing can also be fried!

It's still a dish.

Everyone looked at each other.

"Don't make a fuss, doing a banquet in a hotel outside, fried peanuts and rice is really a dish, this is a good thing to drink, much stronger than that fried beans!"

Chen Gong wrote down three words and said, "Sir, what about the method of frying peanut rice?" "

You can't just have the name of the dish, you have to have the recipe for cooking.

This is what Cao Cao and others want.

With this recipe, in the future, Cao 06 will entertain everyone in the culture and martial arts, and when the banquet is set, you will have to eat.

Ye Qing also did not hide his selfishness, and said the practice of frying peanut rice, and focused on the points that need to be paid attention to when frying.

Not everyone who fried peanuts and rice is delicious and crispy.

"Second course for the whole family!"

Family food, what's the thing?

Everyone in Cao Cao was stunned.

"Sir, what is family clothing?" Guo Jia asked.

But it should be delicious to hear the name.

Ye Qing said with a smile: "The whole family is five kinds of pigs, take their blood, liver, small intestine, lean meat, and meatless bones and cook them into a clear soup, no seasoning, delicious food, appetizing and spleen." "

Blood, flesh, bones, intestines, liver, all neat, hence the name of the whole family.

This is a very affordable, economical and popular must-have dish for township banquets.

So it was.

Only then did everyone understand the meaning of family affection.

"Sir, this name is really appropriate!"

"I also think that the whole family is the big and small male and female under the pot together!"

"Hahaha, I also thought so, a family is more like a family!"

Everyone, you say a word to me, and you can't be happy.

Chen Gong wrote it down.

Ye Qing then said: "The third course: steamed chicken or white chopped chicken, hand-pulled chicken, spicy fried chicken, called flower chicken, popular crispy chicken, gold medal noble concubine chicken..."

Hey, chickens alone have so many practices, it's all alive.

Listening to everyone's drooling, some of these chicken practices have been eaten here in Ye Qing, and some have not even heard of the name.

It looks delicious.

"The fourth course: drooling duck, stir-fried live duck, spicy roast duck, crispy duck..."

Duck also has so many ways to eat, it's really a long time to see.

"The fifth course: steamed sea bass, steamed grouper, braised whole fish, sweet and sour boiled fish, steamed deep-sea grouper with soy sauce, beer fish, Su-style popcorn..."

Fish also have so much to do, it's just dazzling.

It turns out that the fish is also so delicious, we all ate it wrong before.

"Next are the white-seared swimming shrimp, stir-fried beef, braised pork trotters, taro button, dumplings, stuffed tofu, sour and spicy large intestines, teppanyaki squid, vermicelli castle, corn rib soup... In terms of dim sum, there are steamed steamed buns, walnut buns, fried durian rolls, spring rolls, mung bean cake..."

After listening to what Ye Qing said, Cao Cao and the others only felt that their stomachs were already rumbling and they were about to rebel.

Chen Gong also wrote dozens of pages of blank paper in a row, writing down various dishes, many of which also had recipes and special notes.

"Sir, it's okay, don't talk about it!" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Sir, please stay some, don't shake it out, I'm afraid I'll bite my tongue!"

"Sir, please stop, collect the magical power!"

At first, everyone thought that the dishes were not enough, but now they can't afford to hurt, how can there be so many delicious things in the world.

We used to live in vain.

If you don't listen to Mr. Ye Qing's voice, you don't know that the world is so beautiful and wonderful.

"Well, that's okay?" Ye Qing smiled bitterly:

"I just talked about Hunan cuisine, mentioned the Su style and Cantonese style, and did not focus on Sichuan, Lu, Fujian, Zhejiang, and Hui cuisine!"

Are there also factions in the cuisine?

Break your fingers and calculate, eight major cuisines.

God, there are countless good ones.

I can't stand it, I can't stand it, I have come to the world for nothing in this life.

"Sir, we are making a banquet, not a restaurant, almost." Chen Gong directly sealed the pen and said that he would not remember anything.

These alone, really have to be made, and I don't know how much food will be wasted in the future.

It's better not to be too extravagant.

Lest Cao Cao float up in the future, come to a table of eight major cuisines.

Cao Cao also said: "Sir, it's okay, to make a banquet, there are up to eighteen dishes, in the many... The table can't fit anymore! "

Hearing Cao Cao say this, Ye Qing stopped talking, saying so much, his mouth was thirsty.

Moistening his throat, Ye Qing said: "Since we don't talk about food, let's discuss the specific wedding process, what old traditions are there in the village, I also have to prepare early, it's really not possible, you can practice it in advance." "

Chinese weddings must have a lot of regulations, which Ye Qing has never touched.

You have to start from scratch.

Cao Cao, Chen Gong and others briefly explained the specific matters and the process ceremony of the day.

After hearing this, Ye Qing said: "In this way, then there is no problem, it is not complicated, and it is acceptable." "

Chatting and talking, it was dark.

The delicious dishes were served, and they were quickly swept by the crowd953.

"It's delicious, Mr. Ye's food here is... Belch! Hiccup..."

"Let's say two words less, let Mr. Ye speak!"

Ye Qing drank a cup of tea after the meal, and then said: "Eat and eat, what should be said is also said, before getting married, I was telling the story of the Three Kingdoms of Han, please listen, we will take the next time Shu Fang opened a new sun and moon, and Eastern Wu asked for the old mountains and rivers... Zhang Zhao made a plan to let Sun Quan capture Zhuge Jin's family and ordered Zhuge Jin to go to Yizhou to ask for Jingzhou, and then Zhuge Liang and Liu Bei Guan Yu sang a red, white and black face, and finally made Zhuge Jin return in vain! "

"After Lu Su came up with a plan, Guan Yu went to the meeting single-handedly... The four attendants, Wang Yu, Du Zhen, Wei Kai, and Heqia, discussed that they wanted to honor Cao Cao as the king of Wei, and the emperor and Fuhou wanted to murder Cao Cao... Known to Cao Cao, Cao Sui killed Empress Fu and the three tribes. "

Speaking of this, the courtyard was silent.

Cao Cao killed the empress.

Amazing, amazing!

Everyone was looking at Cao Cao's gaze a little strangely.

The lord is really bold, and the queen dares to kill.

It's almost a killing!

Cao Cao also did not expect that he had done such a thing in history.

Seems a bit excessive.

However, it is reasonable to murder himself first, and it is reasonable to destroy the three tribes.

"Sir, what happened then?" Cao Cao saw that no one asked, so he had to come by himself.

Người mua: sabmado

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