Cao Cao was a traitor, and naturally he also had to teach Cao Ang how to do things to those in power.

As a person in power, you don't need to understand everything, and you don't need to do everything yourself.

As long as you find the right person and teach the other person to do the right things, you will not go wrong.

Cao Ang may have some relevant methods and knowledge, but it is certainly not as good as Ye Qing.

"It's father, I'll go back to school!" Cao Ang understood what Cao Cao meant and wanted to go back.

Refining new salt, this is very important.

It is not only about the future of Zhencheng, but also closely related to everyone in Dahan.

If new salt can be produced, it may be goodbye to coarse salt in the future.

The people no longer have to eat that bitter and yellowing thing.

You don't even have to suck the vinegar cloth.

In the homes of people who cannot afford coarse salt, many people use vinegar instead of salt to supplement the needs of the human body.

Back to Ye Qing, take advantage of the fact that there is no afternoon class yet.

Cao Ang asked Ye Qing: "Sir, you said if we can do an experiment to purify salt mines!" "

"Well, purify the salt mine, why do you suddenly want to do this experiment!" Ye Qing asked curiously.

Cao Ang explained: "The village went into the mountains to dig holes and dug out salt mines, so some people wanted to refine the salt inside, so they didn't have to go out of the mountains to buy it!" "

Ye Qing couldn't laugh or cry when he heard it.

When I dig into a salt mine, I want to refine table salt.

If you dig up the gold mine, will you still illegally mine 990 gold?

"I don't recommend doing this because illegal mining is illegal!" Ye Qing refused:

"Secondly, digging holes and destroying the environment.

The leader said well, green mountains and green water are golden mountains and silver mountains, once this environment is damaged, no amount of money can make up for it in the future, and it will also destroy the natural resources of Caocun, thus affecting eco-tourism and the future sales of agricultural products! "


Cao Ang didn't expect Ye Qing to refuse so crisply.

How can this be good.

If this is not done, it will affect the future development of the entire Han.

Cao Ang thought for a while and said: "Sir, we will carefully consider the excavation of the salt mine, and even report to the state, the state said that it can mine, and issued us a license We are doing it according to the guidance of the state!" "

"Now we just want to experiment and see if the salt mines here are worth extracting."

And we want to use this experiment to store more knowledge of physical chemistry and test what Mr. Taught! "

Hearing this, Ye Qing smiled.

Cao Angxue is smart.

Caojiacun also learned to be smart, and also knew to report to the country, and even thought about the rest of the matter.

In this way, Ye (AGCJ) Qing is not worrying too much about them.

"Okay, then I'll teach you several refining methods, as well as various sources of salt and purification methods from various sources!"

"Even add some other elements needed by the human body to the salt!"

When sending Buddha to the West, since you intend to teach, you must teach comprehensively and concretely.

Cao Ang was pleasantly surprised.

Unexpectedly, there was also an unexpected joy, and Ye Qingshun also had to teach the methods of sea salt and well salt.

So much so that I saved myself from asking.

This afternoon, Ye Qing was teaching theoretical knowledge.

Cao Ang and everyone took notes carefully.

After returning, Cao Ang reported the incident to Cao Cao.

Cao Cao ordered Zhicai to fully support Cao Ang.

Let Cao Ang do the experiment to his heart's content.

All efforts were used to obtain salt ore, salt lake water, mine brine, and sea salt water.

After about ten days of experimentation.

First of all, the sea salt water experiment can be completed.

Finally, the snow-white and delicate fine salt was refined.


Look at the small half bowl of fine salt.

Cao Cao agitated his throat, already a little impatient.

Cao Ang reached out to dip his hand in salt to lick it, but was interrupted by Cao and ordered a salt worker to try. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

In case of poison, their own heirs will not be finished.

"Salty, very salty, bitterly salty!"

The craftsman's face showed a bitter color, but between the words, he was excited and happy.

Saltier means success.

In the past, since the coarse salt was eaten with a claw, it could not feel much saltiness.

And this lightly dipped in a finger, covering a claw of coarse salt.

You can imagine the benefits.

Cao Cao did not believe it, and ordered the guards to try.

After the guards paid off, they also tasted Cao Ang one after the other.

Salty to the throat, salty to the heart of the eyes, salty to want to cry.

"Good, good, hahaha, this sea salt is successful!" Cao Cao looked up to the sky and laughed, as if he was crazy:

"White, salty and fine, this is the real refined salt."

"My Zhencheng has finally produced the refined salt of the Great Han, and this world belongs to my Zhencheng and my Cao Clan!"

With this refined salt, why worry about the world's injustice!

"Father, we have initially succeeded!" Cao Ang also said excitedly:

"People can go to Qingzhou, first circle a salt field, make coarse salt first, and purify it in processing."

"This is natural, sea salt is successful, when it is immediately put into production and refining, as for mineral salt, well salt, lake salt, do not worry, slowly wait for the slow experiment, to be positive into half we will not be able to obtain these salt stone sources!" Cao Cao couldn't help but say:

"Sir is getting married, don't go to the academy during this time, make some time for Mr. to come out."

My husband is getting married.

How fast!


After Cao Cao obtained the fine white salt, he immediately called a meeting.

Present the white salt.

The crowd was flabbergasted.

So quickly, Cao Cao got out this white salt that existed in his imagination.

At this time, Chen Deng and Chen Qun had nothing to say.

With this white salt, it is strange that Xuzhou's salt industry does not decline.

The Xuzhou families who controlled the Yantian all had to come to Zhencheng to woo Cao Cao.

They all had to surrender and bow their heads and completely become Cao Cao's lackeys.

Chen Deng wanted to become the leader of Xuzhou and become the spokesperson of Xuzhou, and this vision was directly shattered.

"Well, the matter of white salt is over for the time being, the prosperity of the Qingzhou salt industry is imperative, no one must obstruct, no interference, no destruction, otherwise there will be no amnesty!" Cao Cao swept towards everyone with murderous eyes.

Chen Deng chuckled in his heart and was silent.

His heart was also thinking about the Chen family's plans.

Perhaps, the Chen family's concepts and goals should change.

"I have another big event to announce today!" Cao Cao withdrew his gaze, and then said:

"Xinxu County has been built, and I want to start tomorrow to gradually relocate the Zhencheng official office and transfer the heavy troops in Zhencheng!"

"Wait for you, you will also go to Xu County one after another!"

It's time to move to a new house!

Although everyone had expected such a day, it still came too quickly, making people a little overwhelmed and unable to adapt.

"Master, do you really want to be so urgent?" Man Chong asked, as an official of Yanzhou, he still wanted to be placed in Yanzhou and went to Yingchuan, which is the home of the Xun clan and other clans.

Not to mention the advisers of other prefectures and counties, even Cao Cao will also be greatly restrained.

After all, there are gains and losses!

In the adult world, everything is exchanged equivalently.

Người mua: sabmado

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