"That's a good deal!"

Wu Dun agreed.

"Well, this method is not impossible!" Gan Ning thought for a moment and said:

"In this way, our navy division can obtain a batch of warships in advance, and without waiting for the warships built in the Qingzhou Dock, we can arm more soldiers and horses and cross the sea to attack Gongsun Du!"

Yu Ban said, "Since you all think it's feasible, then follow this proposal for the time being!" "

"I have already sent someone to report to the lord, and this time it may take longer, because the lord has already moved his seat to Xu County!"

"Before the Lord Lord's order arrives, both counties must be prepared, and once Gongsun Du's army attacks, I will be able to deal with it properly and prevent Qingzhou from being affected!"

Now Qingzhou is vigorously developing the salt industry, and it is still refined salt.

Along the coast, new salt pans were developed, and many purification and refining workshops were built.

These can't let Gongsun Du's soldiers and horses be harmed.

Otherwise, the development of Qingzhou will lag behind, and the plan of General Zhendong's Mansion to sell refined salt to accumulate the world's wealth will be delayed.

"Wen Ze rest assured, I will understand that Qingzhou is the pastoral place I wait, and I will not let Gongsun Du Xiaoer give trouble!" Wu Dun, Sun Guan, and Gan Ning replied at the same time.

............ 06


"Lord, according to the information provided by Jizhou, we traveled to the Bohai Bay area, and really ran into Cao Cao's transport ship to Gongsun Zan and snatched a ship of grain!" Gongsun Du's subordinate Han Qi returned to report to Gongsun Zhanyu:

"The ships that went to Qingzhou to spy on the news also reported that Cao Cao moved a group of people to Qingzhou and is vigorously developing and revitalizing Qingzhou.

A large amount of grain is transported to Qingzhou, so as not to rebel in the Yellow Turban! "

"Cao Cao has built several docks in Qingzhou and is building ships vigorously, presumably to develop navy and fisheries.

If we let it be done, it will be impossible for us to attack Qingzhou in the future! "

Qingzhou was a springboard for Gongsun Du to bypass Youzhou and march into the Central Plains.

Even if you can't enter the Central Plains, you can establish contacts and trade with major princes.

Form a conjunction and horizontal.

Just like now, in order to restrain Gongsun Du and destroy the alliance between Cao Cao and Gongsun Zhan, Yuan Shao sent envoys to Liaodong to form an alliance with Gongsun Du.

Gongsun Du couldn't ask for it, at this time he ruled the Liaodong Peninsula, took Lelang County, and subdued Goguryeo, Buyeo also submitted, and Sanhan shouted for his father.

Even the Xianbei people of the grassland did not dare to march east to plunder the border of eastern Liaoning, and Gongsun Du's prestige and power reached its peak in this part of Liaodong.

With an army of 100,000 people, the soldiers are mighty!

"Come, go and invite Xu Ziyuan over!"

After listening to the report of his subordinates, Gongsun Du made up his mind in his heart, so he ordered people to call Xu Yu, the envoy from Jizhou.

Soon, Xu Yu walked in with Gongsun Du's Changshi Liuyuan.


"General Gongsun!"

Gongsun Du said, "Sit!" "

Xu Yu and Liu Yuan both sat down.

Xu Yu said, "General Gongsun summoned me over, presumably he has already verified the matter of Qingzhou!" "

Xu Yu has always been extremely confident and conceited.

It feels like everything is within your expectations.

Gongsun Du said: "Mr. Ziyuan's reminder is very timely, Cao Cao has already made a big move in Qingzhou, not only immigrating to consolidate the soil, but also vigorously building docks, building warships, wanting to dominate the waters of the Bohai Sea, control the good road, and endanger the safety of my Liaodong!" "

"In that case, then General Gongsun must also have his own ideas, and he will definitely not let Cao Cao's treacherous plan succeed and turn Qingzhou into a strong fortress!" Xu Yudao:

"My Lord said that as long as General Gongsun can attack Qingzhou, then the trade between you and me will be smooth, and the soldiers and horses of both sides can unite to deal with Gongsun Zan and Cao Cao."

"Gongsun Zan is gone, and the east of Guangyang County is returned to the general!"

"The east of the Jinan Kingdom of Qingzhou will also belong to the general, and then you and I can also join forces to go south, our lord will get Yanzhou, the general will get Xuzhou, divide the Central Plains, and conspire together."

Xu Yu said it enthusiastically, and Liu Yuan, who listened to it, was also very excited and fascinated.

Even the overlord Gongsun Du had hot eyes, and a trace of greed flashed in his eyes.

If you can break through the confinement of Youzhou and capture half of Qingzhou, so as to jump into the hinterland of the Central Plains, why not.

Of course, he knew very well that Yuan Shao's pie was a little big.

Yuan Shao will not really share the Central Plains with himself. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

When Gongsun Zan and Liu Yu are finished, Yuan Shao should also break up with himself.

De Xuzhou, that is, an empty phrase.

However, half of Qingzhou can not be won.

Gongsun Du was also not afraid of Yuan Shao's cunning and painted cakes for himself.

Anyway, who doesn't take advantage of the other.

Temporary cooperation is as long as it can be profitable.

The two are not husband and wife, and they want something for a long time.

"Then what action can Jizhou make to facilitate our army to attack Qingzhou!" Gongsun Du was naturally moved, Qingzhou he had long wanted to fight, but unfortunately, he had been busy developing this piece of Liaodong.

As a result, Cao Cao found an opportunity first and intervened to take it.

Xu Yu said, "As long as the general attacks Qingzhou, then our Jizhou will send 100,000 soldiers to the border of Pingyuan County to attract the attention of the general's army and Qingzhou." "

"At that time, Qingzhou will be empty, and Cao Cao will not be able to go east to support, and the general can easily take the two counties of Jiaodong and Donglai."

This solution is feasible.

Yuan Shao is just Chen Bing, and if he does not fight Cao Cao, Yuan Shao will not pay a big price.

This is worthy of the result of 997's plot.

"Ben was so kind, then what should I give back to him!" Gongsun Du is not a fool, trading transactions, mutual benefits.

Yuan Shao will not help Liaodong in vain.

So what Yuan Shao wants to do, Gongsun Du must figure it out, as a hegemon of one side, he does not want to start a war in vain.

After all, Cao Cao was the largest prince in the Central Plains, with four states and strong strength.

It is not good for oneself to offend such a giant in plain terms.

Xu Yu deliberately hesitated and delayed for a while, and then replied: "I heard that the general has only one daughter, and my lord wants to propose marriage for the second son, and the two sides will marry each other, which is unbreakable." "

"At the same time, in the future, trade with Liaodong can only be with Jizhou, not with Yangzhou and other princes."

"These two things require the marriage document and the signing of the covenant, without any of them, I think the cooperation between the two sides will become..."

Speaking of this, Xu Yu stopped talking.

Meaning, he believed Gongsun Du understood.

Gongsun Du has many sons, but only one daughter.

If Gongsun Du is willing, then it is a true alliance, and if he is not willing, then the alliance will be suspended.

After all, the Yuan clan is the third duke of the fourth dynasty, and the secretary of the world.

And the Sun Gong clan is just a small clan in Youzhou, if Gongsun Du does not dominate Liaodong and other places, the Gongsun family will not even be able to get on the table of the big Han, at most it will be a third-rate trend.

Người mua: sabmado

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