"Cao Cao obtained his father's family capital, and his strength soared, expanding his troops and increasing his generals!" Cao Cao said.

Ye Qing turned his face to Chen Gong again.

Chen Gong had already had a confused and surprised expression.

What is this?

How did Mr. Ye talk about Cao Cao's father?

Who knows?

When did Cao Cao hit Yuan Shu!

When did Cao Cao become a Yanzhou assassin?

How is this like making up a story, it's really ... Unreasonable!

Cao Cao looked at Chen Gong vigorously: "Chen Gong, Mr. Zhong is waiting for you to express your opinion!" "

Seeing Cao Cao urging himself, Chen Gong had to say against his will: "The arrival of Cao Gong will definitely make Yanzhou more prosperous, so that Cao ... , the strength goes further! "

Ye Qing smiled: "Wrong!" Miss by a mile! "

"Not only can Cao Chong not bring any benefits to Cao Cao, but on the contrary, he also loses the opportunity to expand his strength and energy!"

Cao Cao and Chen Gong looked at each other.

Both of them are one pair, it can't be!

Cao Song is so rich, with Cao Cao's ability, if he gets this family capital, he will definitely use it properly.

"The wealth is touching, so rich, how can no one make an idea, Tao Qian heard the news, and immediately sent a light horse to attack Cao Song's convoy at night, not only killing Cao Song, but also robbing Cao Song's family assets.

If it weren't for Cao Song's young son Cao De who took advantage of the chaos to flee to Yanzhou, no one would probably know about this matter. Ye Qing could hear that the two did not believe this, so he told what happened next.


When Cao Cao heard this, his head rushed to blood, and he clenched his fist and hammered the stone table heavily, and his eyes were glowing with red silk.

"Tao Qian deceives people too much!"

"This Si, shameless!"

His own father would die at the hands of Tao Qian, which Cao Cao never expected.

And in this way will be completely separated from oneself yin and yang.

"Yes, Tao Qian did not do this kindly, and it was not a disaster for his family, and he was worried about this little money of Old Lady Cao, and he really lost the identity of a state pastor!" Ye Qing also criticized this:

"Therefore, when Cao Cao heard about this, he raised troops in anger and attacked Xuzhou."

"Frightened, Tao Qian was all over the place, he couldn't afford to get sick, and he died of illness not long after!"

Tao Qian died because of this, and Cao Cao's anger when he heard this was reduced by half.

Tao Qian deserved his sin, and he could be counted as having an explanation when he died.

Chen Gong said, "Mr. Ye, this story of the Three Kingdoms you said... Tao Qian seems to be very incompetent, as far as I know, Tao Qian is a ruthless character! "

"Before he took office in Xuzhou, the Xuzhou family sat up, but he relied on the Danyang soldiers and killed a Xuzhou family fiercely, which calmed down the scene and sat firmly in Xuzhou!"

"After that, he worked hard to eliminate the yellow turbans in Xuzhou, making Xuzhou rich and prosperous!"

Such a character would be frightened by Cao Cao, and Chen Gong felt that this was unlikely.

Although he did not know why Ye Xian's story of the Three Kingdoms was like this, let alone Cao Cao was convinced of it, he Chen Gong felt that there was something unreasonable in it.

Listening to Chen Gong's analysis, Cao Cao turned his gaze to Ye Qing again.

It seems that Chen Gong has a good point.

Ye Qing smiled and said, "You only know one, but you don't know the second!" "

"I want to hear about it!" Chen Gong humbly asked.

Ye Qing explained: "Because Cao Cao raised troops in anger and attacked Xuzhou, he was like a broken bamboo all the way, capturing Lu Guo, Pengcheng, and finally hitting Donghai County, directly under the city of Tanxian County!" "

"Where they passed, the killing was so heavy that 100,000 people were slaughtered, and their bodies were piled up, and Surabaya did not flow.

Cao Cao's army also dug up the graves near the city along the way, exposing the white bodies of countless innocent people to the scorching sun! "

"You think, such a crime, can't it all be attributed to Tao Qian, Tao Qian can sleep in peace, not sick and not worried!"

This, this, this!

Cao Cao and Chen Gong were dumbfounded.

Cao Cao was angry and raised troops.

Slaughter 100,000.

There are no chickens and dogs, and Surabaya does not flow.

This...... Is it still a human thing?

Chen Gong's eyes became a little strange when he looked at Cao Cao.

Even Cao Cao was numb when he heard it!

I have...... Is it so bad?

It's definitely not me!

How could I have allowed soldiers to do such evil deeds.

Both Cao Cao and Chen Gong were silent.

Chen Gong is okay, just as this is a story.

It's relatively rare, so I didn't think much about it.

Cao Cao began to take a serious look at himself.

"If my father is really killed by Tao Qian, will I lose my mind, will I really faint next time?"

"If you do this, how can you win the hearts and minds of the people, even if you capture Xuzhou, I am afraid that it will be difficult to be safe for a long time, and you will not be able to gain the support of the people of Xuzhou!"

"I used to be a dragon slaying boy, but I turned around and became an evil dragon that killed the people!"

Dian Wei, who was on the side, saw that the three of them did not speak, and were listening to the delicious food, so while chewing potato chips, he asked: "Sir, that Cao... Did you beat Xuzhou? What's the story like after that? "

Don't say, Mr. Cao Cao arranged the story, the compilation is really wonderful, it sounds enjoyable.

Ye Qing then said: "This is the second reason why Tao Qian's death was sick! "

"Tao Qian's heirs are all mediocre people who are not perfect, and it is difficult to deal with Cao Cao by themselves, if Xuzhou is handed over to his son, Xuzhou will be taken by Cao Cao sooner or later, so Cao Cao asked Kong Rong for help, and it happened that Liu Bei was in Kong Rong at this time!"

Kong Rong then asked Liu Bei to save Tao Qian."

Liu Bei saves Xuzhou!

Cao Cao came back to his senses, his brows frowning slightly.

Liu Bei doesn't have many soldiers and horses!

Does he dare to come to save Tao Qian, it's not a mantis as a car, hitting a stone with a pebble!

However, his two brothers, Zhang Fei and Guan Yu, were both famous generals who were invincible.

Strength should not be underestimated.

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