"Another important thing that made Chen Gong decide to rebel against Cao Yinglü was the things that Cao Cao did when he was angry and raised troops to attack Xuzhou, slaughtering 100,000 people and digging people's ancestral graves, which was really cruel and absurd."

"Tao Qian killed his father, you seek revenge on Tao Qian, it is natural and righteous, but to inflict its anger on ordinary people, it is even more so that the dead cannot live in peace, this law is more than human ethics, and the immortals cannot be forgiven!"

Speaking of this, Ye Qing also shook his head!

Although the spirit of the Cao thief is immortal.

But there are some things that Cao Cao really did as a bastard.


Dian Wei heard that the potato chips in his hand fell to the ground.

Mr. Ye, you really dare to choreograph.

Such a plot also dares to make up.

Cao Cao won't harm you, right?

Immediately, Dian Wei looked at Cao Cao vigilantly, if Cao Cao dared to harm Ye Qing, he would immediately throw Cao Cao to the ground.

Chen Gong instantly felt relieved.

When Ye Qing began to mention that he had betrayed Cao Yinglu and ruined his plan to attack Xuzhou, Chen Gong was nervous and secretly pinched a handful of sweat.

Although this is the story told by Mr. Ye, the sense of substitution is too strong.

He couldn't help but devote himself wholeheartedly to it, and when he faced Cao Cao's gaze, he was somewhat afraid.

Now, he is not afraid.

Cao Cao, no, it was Cao Cao in Mr. Ye's story who committed too much evil.

It is also tenable to betray him yourself.

Cao Cao was completely autistic now.

How could I be!

I have lost my great future.

Forced Chen Gongtai to Lübnas.

Cao Cao's heart became heavy.

Picked up the wine bowl and jerked himself a bowl.

A bowl of belly, a line into the throat, this is a little more comfortable.

Cao Cao raised his eyes and looked at Ye Qing: "Mr. Ye, if Cao Cao doesn't kill Bian Rang, doesn't rob his wife, doesn't slaughter the people of Xuzhou, and doesn't dig graves, Chen Gong shouldn't betray him!" "

With these words, Cao Cao became a little unconfident.

Ye Qing said with a smile: "You ask me about this, I ask who to go!" "

"You said yes, Chen Gong! Accountant Chen! "


Chen Gong almost didn't turn his back, and Cao Cao looked at him like a beast, as if he saw his prey.

"This... This one probably not. Chen Gongdao:

"If Cao Jun doesn't do what these gods are angry about, with Chen Gong's loyalty and character, he won't betray him no matter what!"

This thing is very embarrassing.

Cao Cao's mood instantly improved when he heard this.

Changing his face was faster than changing a play, he immediately poured himself a bowl of wine and raised a glass towards Chen Gong: "Come, Accountant Chen, old Cao, I will toast you with a bowl, and in the future, things in the village will depend on you more!" "

"I don't fail you, and I hope you don't fail me!" Old Cao, I can do some stupid things, but I can change it! "

After speaking, Cao Cao opened his mouth and was suffocated.

Chen Gong could hear Cao Cao's voice.

He also held the wine bowl in both hands: "With Boss Cao's words, Chen Gong does not dare to do anything sorry for the village!" "

"You two, what are you doing so fleshy?" Ye Qing said with a smile

"I don't know, I don't think you want to worship the CP!"

Cao Cao and Chen Gong looked at each other and smiled, and the haze just now was swept away.

Dian Wei said, "Sir, continue to talk about Yanzhou, did Lü Bu's guy take Yanzhou, did Cao Cao win Lü Bu?" "

Ye Qing said, "Want to know? "

The three said in unison: "Think!" "

"Hey, don't talk about it today, it's early next time!" Ye Qing stood up and ate fried potato chips, a little hot, and his throat was dry.

The four of them are still unfinished, and the story is not heard to the wonderful part.

Cao Cao and Chen Gong stood up, patted the dust on their bodies and said, "Mr. Ye, the two of us go first, what is missing, I will let Cao Da send them!" "

Ye Qing nodded in response and asked Dian Wei to see off the guests.

Cao Cao and Chen Gong came out.

Cao Cao took Chen Gong's hand and walked to a corner.

Under Chen Gong's surprised gaze, Cao Cao said, "Gongtai, do you think that Mr. Ye is just telling a story!" "


Isn't it a story?

Cao Cao said: "Actually, Mr. Ye is not a person, he came down from above, do you remember what I said before I brought you here?" "

Chen Gong nodded.

Cao Cao said: "I'm just afraid of showing the stuffing of the public platform, in fact, Mr. Ye is an immortal, in the past, I chased Dong Zhuo and encountered an ambush, it was Mr. Ye who fell from the sky and smashed Dong Zhuo's general Xu Rong, and I only picked up my life!" "

"After that, Mr. Ye taught me the method of immortal brewing, so that our army had military funds to buy war horses, and it was also Mr. Ye who taught his children to repair them to make coal stoves and make honeycomb coal, so that my Dongxian is rich today!"

"The story of the Three Kingdoms told by Mr. Ye is actually true, it is something that will happen to us in the future, this has been fulfilled, Xu Huang and Dian Wei are the martial wizards who were discovered by Mr. Ye!"


Chen Gong stared at Cao Cao's face and found that Cao Cao did not have the slightest slightest fake.

Whenever Mr. Ye is mentioned, there is always a touch of admiration and awe.

I think of the potatoes that can yield 34 stone.

Chen Gong only found out at this moment that he was really stupid.

It's really an afterthought.

"So the lord is afraid that I will welcome Lü Bu and betray Yanzhou?" Chen Gong's body collapsed.

If what Mr. Ye said is true, all things that will happen in the future, then with Cao Cao's personality, I will definitely die.

You must know that Cao Cao has always taught me to be responsible for the people of the world, not to teach the people of the world to be responsible for me!

Cao Cao shook his head: "I was a little afraid at first, but now I'm not afraid, because there is Mr. Ye, I know that this matter is not to blame!" "

"It was me Cao Cao who got carried away, got carried away by anger, and made some big mistakes!"

"Do it again, I will not be creating such sins, I hope that the public platform can also continue to support this chaotic world with me, rectify the chaos, reunify the world, give the people of the world a stable home, and let them live a truly beautiful life!"

"I have a dream, I hope that when Mr. Ye opens his eyes again, we have ended this chaotic era, and the land of the Central Plains has ushered in a prosperous era."

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