Guangling City!

"Newspaper! Military division, Sun Ce's soldiers, have crossed the river again!"

Outside the hall of the county guard's mansion, there was a report from the sentry ahead.

After a moment, Xiahou stood up violently.

"What, Sun Ce, this kid is here again, see if I don't kill him!"

Xiahoudun was hot-tempered, and when he heard that Sun Ce was here again, he was immediately furious.

Liu Ye raised his eyebrows slightly, but he appeased Xiahou and said:

"Yuan, don't be angry, and see where Sun Ce has gone!"

After speaking, Liu Ye looked at the outpost.

"Back to the military division, Sun Ce led 5,000 men and horses to cross the river, 2,000 stayed at the ferry, and 3,000 went to Yuguo!"

Last time, Sun Ce robbed Hailing and Jiangdu, and this time he went deep to the north to move the country!

Liu Ye immediately understood Sun Ce's intentions.

This is a step-by-step temptation, and the next time it may be to attack Guangling City.

"Ziyang, since Sun Ce dared to leave the ferry so far and go to explore the country, I immediately led troops to intercept him, you sent troops to collect the ferry, and destroyed these 2,000 soldiers and horses, when Sun Ce has no way to retreat, don't think about returning to the south of the river!"

However, Liu Ye shook his head: "Yuan Rang thinks that Sun Ce will be so simple?"

"Sun Ce now has four counties, Huiji, Wujun, Danyang, and Yuzhang, at least thirty or forty thousand mercenaries, and there are a large number of sailors. "

"As long as the north of the river is on fire to release wolf smoke, its elite sailors will inevitably rush to the aid of the river, and even its ambush troops will land from Hailing and attack my Guangling City from the east, at that time, you and I are all outside, the city is empty, and it is easy to be taken by it!"


Xiahoudun suddenly sweated on his forehead.

As Liu Ye said, then Sun Ce wants to eat my Guangling army in one go and take Guangling County?

It's too dangerous.

Fortunately, with Liu Ye, he is calmer.

"But, in this case, we will ignore him and let him do evil.?" Xiahoudun said unwillingly.

Liu Ye smiled and said: "Of course it's impossible, you and I are both coming to Guangling, how can you let Sun Ce Hu come again!"

"He is still here to try, the country is close to my Guangling, far from the ferry, he only has three thousand soldiers, and he can't break through the country in a short time, but only to scare and scare the defenders in the city and plunder the people outside the city!"

"Yuan asked you to also take 3,000 soldiers and horses out of the city, go to the country first, let Sun Ce think that you are going to kill him, he will be ready to fight me, or ambush you, and wait until halfway, you turn south, run to the ferry, and so on!"

After listening to this, Xiahoudun was immediately full of energy.

"It's still Ziyang, I'll go now, this time I want Sun Ce to know that Jiang is not so good!"

After speaking, Xiahoudun was full of confidence and left with high fighting spirit.


Under the city!

Sun Ce really didn't have siege equipment.

Three thousand soldiers and horses can't bring these weights at all.

If you want to capture the city, there are only two ways, one is to scare the defenders in the city and make them surrender.

The second is to lure the enemy out of the city, destroy his army and take the city.

As a result, the defenders in the city did not eat his set, and they could not defend it.

didn't reply to the words, as soon as the Jiangdong soldiers and horses approached, arrows rained down on the city.

Sun Ce's soldiers were shot and wounded.

"Damn, the little Yuguo City, dare to resist me!" Sun Ce is known as the little overlord of Jiangdong, and in the land south of the big river, he has always been invincible.

Even if he crossed the river and attacked Hailing and Jiangdu, he immediately conquered the city, plundered tens of thousands of people, and robbed a bunch of property.

It can be said that Sun Ce has enjoyed the pleasure of this success.

"Report, lord, Guangling City has sent troops!"

When Sun Ce heard this, he immediately came to his senses.

"Who led the troops, and how many came?"

Someone came to report: "The leader is holding the banner of Xiahou, and there are about 3,000 people, all of whom are elite Danyang soldiers!"

Danyang soldiers, from Danyang County, south of the river, Tao Qian recruited soldiers here in the past. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Because the Danyang soldiers are loyal and brave and good at fighting, they became famous.

Even Sun Ce recruited 500 strong men in Danyang, and formed his own hammer army, each with a 30-pound hammer, attacking the city and pulling out the village, invincible.

Fight all over the Jiangnan invincible.

It's just that this time, Sun Ce didn't bring it, because he didn't plan to really capture the city.

I just want to test the strength and bottom line of Xiahoudun and Liu Ye.

Of course, the scouts who are also from Danyang, it is easy to see where the soldiers led by Xiahoudun come from, after all, they are all from Danyang, and their faces and skin colors are almost the same.

"Danyang soldiers, three thousand?" Sun Ce's gaze became even hotter.

He defeated the four counties in the south of the Yangtze River, but he only recruited hundreds of Danyang elites, and as a result, Xiahoudun had 3,000 Danyang elite soldiers in his hands.

Although it is not as elite as his own training, his foundation is good, and if he can be captured, he can greatly increase his strength.

"Guangling City, are there any other troops coming out?" Sun Ce asked again.

The scout shook his head, "No other army has left the city. "

"Strange thing, could it be that Liu Ye wants Xiahoudun to have a hard fight with us?" As Sun Ce's main strategist, Qin Song looked puzzled.

Sun Ce said with a smile: "This is exactly what I want, I will personally meet Xiahoudun to see what his strength is, if he can kill it, collect his three thousand Danyang soldiers, and within three days, Guangling City will be broken!"

"Come, act according to the plan, ambush me in the reeds of Baishui Lake twenty miles away, just waiting for Xiahoudun to come. "

As Liu Ye expected, Sun Ce had already had a countermeasure.

just waited for Sun Ce and others to ambush for a long time, but they didn't see the soldiers and horses from the east to kill Xiahoudun.

"Strange, according to the marching speed of the Cao army, it should have arrived a long time ago, why hasn't there been any movement ahead?" Qin Song turned to Sun Ce and said:

"Lord, the situation is not right!"

Sun Ce immediately instructed the two of them: "Go (Wang Haohao), go and find out, what is going on with Cao Jun, why hasn't he come yet!"

The two scouts immediately left, and one of them ran back after half a pillar of incense.

"Lord, Xiahoudun led the troops halfway there, and suddenly turned south!"

Did Xiahoudun go to the south?

What is the operation.

Didn't you come to fight me?

How to go halfway around the corner.

Qin Song's face changed suddenly, and he exclaimed: "It's a shame, Xiahoudun's target is not us, but the two thousand soldiers at the ferry!"

"Liu Ye wants to destroy the boats at our river crossing first, so that we have no way back, and he doesn't want to protect the city at all. "

"If the ferry ship is destroyed, Liu Ye will pour out his army and attack us from the north and south with Xiahoudun!"

When Sun Ce heard this, his face changed slightly.

Murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

Liu Ye, who is so ruthless, actually made a false move, and the real goal is to draw a salary string at the bottom of the kettle.

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