"Uncle, what are you doing?" Cai Mao was furious when she saw it.

He is finalizing the civil appointment, you Chen Zhi is doing this, is it embarrassing for me, or embarrassing me.

"Chen Dao, the general of the defeated army, came to ask the governor for his guilt!" Chen Zhi did not have a special smell in it, so he still insisted on his own set.

Although the reason for the failure cannot be found, he should also be held responsible.

Wen Ping is also one of the four major families in Jingzhou, and there will be no punishment for taking responsibility.

is different, a white-clothed commoner, if he is convicted of a major crime, it is estimated that he will have no chance at all.

It's better to strike first.

"You, nonsense!" Cai Mao shouted, pointing outside:

"Go back, don't mess around here!"

"This matter is not a crime, and it seems that you are very capable, or it seems that I am incompetent!"


Chen Zhi didn't expect Cai Mao to be so angry.

Wen Ping on the side, his face was also black and turned into the bottom of the pot.

Obviously, Cai Mao wants to blame this big crime on his own name 01.

That's why I think Chen is coming to Hulai.

"Governor, I didn't think about this matter well, I didn't expect Xu Huang to see through our plan to lure the enemy, please punish the governor!"

In the end, Wenpin still stood up and took the blame.

Losing 10,000 soldiers, this thing can't be good!

Hearing this, Cai Mao's face became a little better.

As long as the sin is not his own, it doesn't matter whether he is hired or Chen, someone is responsible.

"At this time, it is the time to employ people, and the matter of punishment can be discussed later!" Cai Mao then said:

"But this matter, I will write a report to the lord, Cao Jun is surging, don't be careless in underestimating the enemy!"

Wen Ping and Chen Zhi glanced at each other, and both said: "It's all up to the governor!"

For this result, Cai Mao is very satisfied.

Whether it's a clerk or a Chen Zhi, it's all in his own hands.

The posture of the superior, controlling life and death, holding people free, and having endless fun!


Yingchuan Kunyang!

"Report, lord, General Xu Huang sent someone to send a military report!"

As soon as he reached the southern border, Cao Cao received a return from the marching troops.

I couldn't help but smile and said, "Everyone, it seems that Komeito has sent us good news!"

Everyone's spirits were shocked, there was good news so soon, Xu Huang was enough.

Could it be that Wancheng was knocked open directly?

After Cao Cao opened the letter and read it, his expression became heavy.

"My lord, could it be... Isn't that good news?"

Everyone's mood followed Cao Cao's expression.

Cao Cao shook his head: "Definitely!"

"Gongming met the interception of Jingzhou general Wen Ping in Bowang, Wen Ping and Chen Zhi set up a fire attack and ambush plan, leading Gongming into Bowang, but was recognized by Gongming, burned Bowang, Wen Ping escaped alone, Chen Zhi led the remnants of the army to escape from the mountains and forests, and 10,000 Jingzhou troops died in the sea of fire!"


It's fierce!

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but gasp.

A good writer and Chen Dao actually wanted to burn Xu Huang and destroy my army of 20,000.

But soon the crowd showed ridicule again.

Fortunately, Xu Huang saw through the enemy's plan, counter-burned the fire attack, and sent the opponent's ambush into the sea of fire.

"Congratulations to the lord, the vanguard army won the first battle, and our army is like a rainbow!"

"General Xu Huang will destroy the Jingzhou army by 10,000 first, and the Jingzhou army will definitely be frightened, which will greatly benefit our army!"

Everyone immediately praised again.

Cao Cao waved his hand and said: "Although this battle is won, it is also a dangerous victory, if Gongming fails to find out, the loser is us!"

"So everyone, the battle of Nanyang is not a child's play, don't be careless, Jingzhou is not all incompetent, you need to be more careful!"

Everyone replied one after another: "The lord is wise, we will remember!"

When everyone left, Cao Cao left Xi Zhicai and Guo Jia. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Xi Zhicai said: "Is the lord worried that Zhuge Liang is out of the mountain?"

Bowang fire attack, this is Zhuge Liang's battle out of the mountain, the battle of the small knife.

If Xu Huang hadn't heard the story of the Three Kingdoms of Han and Wei, he would probably have been recruited earlier.

Xi Zhicai and Guo Jia naturally understood Cao Cao's intention of leaving the two.

Cao Cao nodded slightly: "I'm worried about this." "

"Although Zhuge Liang is still young at this time, he has not yet grown up, and he has not yet reached the age of a weak crown, but his intelligence is like a demon, but this matter is true!"

Guo Jia said: "Don't worry, the lord, we don't fight Xiangyang, even if Zhuge Liang is impatient to think of a soldier, he won't go down the mountain!"

Cao Cao said: "Why is this?"

"My lord, Nanyang is Nanyang, although it is the gateway of Jingzhou, it is not the foundation of Jingzhou!" Guo Jia explained:

"If Xiangyang is moved, it will destroy the foundation of Zhuge Liang and others to learn and cultivate incognito, and their people will inevitably go out of the mountains to help Jingzhou and become our enemies!"

"Now that we have righteousness in hand, we are tackling key problems by taking advantage of Nanyang, even Mr. Shuijing and Pang Degong dare not be our enemies!"

So that's it!

It's really too much to worry about.

"By the way, Fengxiao, where is Xu Shu?" Cao Cao suddenly asked.

Xu Shu had already left Jingzhou and entered Yingchuan, but he didn't come to Cao Cao.

Guo Jiadao: "Xu Shu went to Xu County and visited the Changshe and others, probably to learn more about the situation in the four states. "

"I believe that it won't be long before I come to Nanyang to meet the lord!"

"Keep an eye on it, don't let him run away!" Cao Cao was always a little uneasy, although he hadn't seen him yet, he was somewhat alert to Xu Shu.

Thinking of what he had done in history, Cao Cao was still a little apprehensive.

Xi Zhicai and Guo Jia glanced at each other and didn't say anything?


In 657, Cao Cao's army marched to Wancheng!

Cao Cao summoned Xu Huang and asked:

"How is Wancheng?

Xu Huang replied: "Back to the lord, Wancheng has been repaired several times, the city is high and strong, the city is well guarded, the grain and grass are sufficient, and there are many soldiers and horses!"

"Cai Mao, this person, is extremely sorry for his life, I have been invited to fight several times, but he has not sent troops or generals, but he has only stubbornly not been able to defend it!"

"To the south of Wancheng, along the south of the water, the Jingzhou Navy Division will be deployed along the way until Xinye, it is difficult to have a chance to break through from the east, and it is difficult to divide and surround it, and chaos its rear!"

"Cai Mao is a person who has no way to go into battle, but he is also full of success, he is not really mediocre!"

can get a sentence from Xu Huang, not a mediocre talent.

It can be seen that Cai Mao is not simple.

Cao Cao said: "If Cai Mao is really mediocre, Liu Biao, the old fox, would not dare to appoint him as the governor of Jingzhou!"

No matter how strong nepotism is, without hard power, it is just waste after all.

There are many generals in Cao Cao's army, Xiahoudun, Xiahou Yuan, Cao Ren, Cao Hong and others, all of whom abound.

But they are all talented and martial, otherwise Cao Cao would not have magnified the power to them.

Putting his heart in his heart, Liu Biao is not like this, otherwise how could Liu Biao enter Jingzhou single-handedly, get the support of Jingzhou, sit firmly on one side, and become a prince.

"Gongming arrives first, but you can think of a good plan to defeat the enemy!" Cao Cao suddenly asked.

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