"What does Mr. mean to let Lu Bu lead the army to Youzhou?"

Chen Gong was a little worried: "If Lu Bu goes to Youzhou, will he defect and become a big trouble!"

Ye Qing smiled when he heard this:

"What are you afraid of, didn't you say that you have already subdued Lu Bu and let him cultivate his self-cultivation for more than half a year?

"As for Lu Bu's defection, if this really happened, it may not be a good thing. "

"One proves that the original method of submission is not feasible, don't think about subduing Lu Bu in the future, kill it when you see it!"

"Second, he will only become a big problem for Yuan Shao and others, not you, after all, Youzhou is related to Yuan Shao's denial of Dingbei, with Lu Bu there, Yuan Shao has a headache, you can free up your hands and time, and directly clean up Liu Biao, Yuan Shao and Sun Ce. "One-Four-Seven"

At that time, I will turn back and go north, and destroy Yuan Shao and Lu Bu together!"

After listening to Ye Qing's words, Chen Gong had a sense of sudden enlightenment.

Letting Lu Bu out is not necessarily a good thing.

Whether you have received Lu Bu's heart or not, you can only know if you verify it once.

locked up in Juancheng, it will never be possible to really find out.

"What the gentleman said is reasonable, but we are thinking too much. Chen Gong had an idea at the moment.

Ye Qing patted Chen Gong on the shoulder and said, "It's just a novel, why are you so serious?"

"To write a novel is to be bold, to diverge in thinking, to write whatever comes to mind, a word, if you are not convinced, you are doing, recklessly, it's a big deal... Reopen a copy!"


It's not that easy.

Mr. Ye, we're playing for real, not drawing a story.

It's a pity that Chen Gong didn't dare to disclose it to Ye Xian.

I can only taste and read it myself.

"Do you still listen to the story today?" Ye Qing suddenly changed his words and asked.

When Chen Gong heard this, his whole body and mind were relieved.


You don't have to do the right thing, you don't listen, and your body is not honest.

"Sir... Now that you're here, let's listen to it!"

"Hahaha, you accountant Chen, you are not honest, you can listen to hemp if you want to listen, and you won't be charged!"

Ye Qing heard Chen Gong say such awkward words, and he almost leaned forward and backwards with laughter.

Follow Ye Qing to the backyard.

Chen Gong deliberately slowed down a few steps, and waited for Ye Qing and the others to go in, and then said to Lu Bu:

"Mr. agrees to let you go to Youzhou, I hope you will not live up to his expectations of you, and do not live up to the heavy delay I and my lord have placed on you, this trip... Be careful, you will face cunning and powerful enemies like Yuan Shao and Liu Bei. "

Suddenly, Chen Gong was a little worried about Lu Bu.

After getting along for so long, he can be regarded as understanding Lu Bu's personality.

This is a child who will never grow up.

Sometimes it's too naïve, sometimes it's naïve.

As told in Ye Qing's story.

"Mr. Xie Gongtai, I will live up to Mr. Ye!" Lu Bu couldn't help but be moved when he heard that Chen Gong had persuaded Ye Qing.

No matter what, Ye Qing and Chen Gong still value supporting and recognizing themselves.

This trust and recognition made Lu Bu very useful.

"Let's listen to the story today, and when we go back, we'll add it up. Chen Gong pointed to the backyard, and Lu Bu restrained his mood and walked in.

This time, Ye Qing didn't talk nonsense, and directly talked about Wuhou's plan to pre-ambush and Lord Wei's dismantling of the Chenglu plate.

On the side of Shu Han, Wei Yan wanted to lead a large army to attack Wei for personal gain, but he was unwilling to return, so he burned the plank road and wanted to seize military power. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

As a result, he was beheaded by Ma Dai, who was arranged by Zhuge Liang earlier.

The civil strife in Shu Han was quelled.

On Cao Wei's side, because of Zhuge Liang's death, Cao Wei had no foreign enemies, and Cao Rui named Sima Yi as a lieutenant, the governor of the army and horses, and the sides of Anzhen.

Since then, the three countries have not made their own conquests for a short time, and peace has emerged.

Cao Rui did not want to forge ahead, and began to build palaces, Guangxing buildings, and enjoyed the luxury.

"Suddenly, Youzhou Assassin Shi Wuqiu Jian came to the table, reported that Gongsun Yuan of Liaodong rebelled, called himself King Yan, raised troops into the Kou, shook the north, Cao Rui broke out in a cold sweat, and then broke free from the enjoyment!" Ye Qing's face was cold, and he continued:

"Sima Yi decided to level Liao and led 40,000 troops to the expedition... In the end, the first battle will solve Gongsun Yuan and pacify Liaodong!"

"However, Cao Rui was seriously ill and died before he lasted long, so he set up his son Cao Fang as the emperor, Sima Yi and Cao Shuang assisted the government, and then Cao Shuang supported the power alone, arrogant, reckless, and unpopular, and Sima Yi secretly said that he was sick and could not retire, waiting for a good opportunity..."

Speaking of this, the corners of Ye Qing's mouth slightly appeared with a cold color.

The show is going to be Cairo0 .

Sima Yi survived everyone, and his life was not ordinarily long.

"On that day, Cao Shuang took the emperor out of the palace to hunt and worship Cao Rui, not wanting Sima Yi to think that the time had come, so he led the old department to take Cao Shuang's army camp first, and then invaded the palace, held the Empress Dowager Guo hostage, and then... When the news came out of the palace, Cao Shuang and others were shocked, did not move Xu Du, transferred troops to protect them, and attacked Sima Yi, but tried in vain to surrender in exchange for Sima Yi's forgiveness... As a result, Sima Yi wiped out the three clans of Cao Shuang with his backhand, and annihilated his henchmen He Yan, Deng Yang, Li Sheng, Bi Rail, Ding Mi and other five families together. "

Speaking of this, Ye Qing deliberately stopped.

Chen Gong roared in his head.

What a cunning Sima Yi.

It was so easy to get Cao Shuang and the others.

brought the power of Cao Wei into his own hands.

The auxiliary political power is all in the hands of Sima Yi alone.

Sima Yi's merits are high, and his military achievements are impressive, and there is no one who can match Cao Wei at all.

Even if you look at the world, at this time, it is estimated that there is only one Lu Xun to fight.

None of the others are opponents!

Cao Zhen's three sons are too stupid, a bunch of straw bales.

The Cao family, there is no one who can take the lead, the ministers are strong and the lords are weak, and the ministers are dark, and this is to the point where the empire is about to decline and die.

"Could it be that this Jin Dynasty was opened by Sima Yi, Sima Yi usurped Cao Wei and became the lord of the Central Plains, and then 1.4 ruled the world, briefly ending the chaos in Longteng China, and then Sima Yi died, the rebellion of the eight kings of Jin opened, the world was dark, and the Central Plains became a purgatory on earth!"

Chen Gong didn't dare to think about it anymore.

The breathing was short, the blood seemed to be about to coagulate and frozen, and the whole person became more and more uncomfortable.

"Why don't you talk about it, sir?"

Lu Bu was puzzled, this was listening to it.

Unexpectedly, Cao Wei actually became infighting, similar to the Shu Han at that time, as soon as Zhuge Liang died, Wei Yan had selfish intentions.

Now Sima Yi is also working with Cao Shuang.

There is only the Sun clan of Dongwu, and there seems to be no movement.

Ye Qing smiled slightly, and then said:

"But it was said that Sima Yi killed Cao Shuang and others and monopolized the power, and Cao Fang, the lord of Wei, then named Sima Yi as the prime minister and added Jiuxi!"

"Guess what, Sima Yi did he suffer or not?"

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