When Xi Zhicai heard this, he immediately put down the manuscript in his hand.

Then Sima Yi wants to add nine tin!

Cao Cao shook his head: "Mr. hasn't talked about the rest of the story yet, it's Kawen here!"


Sure enough, he deserves to be a gentleman.

Routine operations.

"Lord, but you want to test the Sima family?" asked Xi Zhicai.

Since Cao Cao asked himself and Guo Jia to come over, he must have discussed how to deal with the Sima family.

Cao Cao's face collapsed: "Sima Yi is not going to enter the expedition and is hiding in Liyang, do you two have a countermeasure?"

If Sima Yi doesn't come, this will be difficult.

The Sima family wanted to hide and survive everyone.

Xi Zhicai: "Whether it is Sima Yi or Sima Lang, they are both the sons of Sima Fang, if they can get Sima Fang to Xu County, none of the Sima family will be able to escape!"

"However, the Sima family is good at hiding the ability to avoid disasters, but it is difficult for the Sima family to find a way to punish the crime?"

"Sima Fang, this old thief, I thought, let him..."Guo Jia paused before saying:

"It's good to be lost in the crowd. "

Kill Sima Fang.

Cao Cao's face was expressionless, and he had no good impression of the Sima family who usurped Cao Wei, and the Sima family who harmed Gong Teng and caused chaos.

It is true that 537 Sima Yi is a rare talent, but the more such a person, the more dangerous it is.

The more useless it is in Longteng Huaxia.

"Is there a specific way to be filial piety?" Cao Cao asked after a long time.

It seems to have made a big decision.

Although it is a troubled time now, it is very risky to destroy a great family for no reason, and the criticism is very deep.

"Liyang is located at the southern foot of Taiping Mountain, which is the sphere of influence of the Hanoi and Montenegrin armies. "

"Borrowing a knife can kill people, and it is not difficult for bandits to go out of the mountains and destroy a city!"

郭嘉yoyo says:

"In the era of military trouble, it is normal for Hanoi to dispatch great turmoil, and it is an unusual thing, using unnecessary means!"

As the helmsman of the school government, Guo Jia is the master of killing, so he will naturally not be polite.

It is common sense to eradicate evil.

Xi Zhicai Nunu mouthed, wanted to say something, and finally held back.

The five indiscriminate Huahua is terrible.

What's even more terrifying is that Sima Yi is too capable of living, this guy has been cultivating since he was born.

survived Cao Cao, survived Cao Pi, boiled Zhuge Liang and Cao Rui, and became a veteran of the Four Dynasties.

dominates the dynasty and collapses all the talents in the world.

This is a turtle, and it will be a disaster to keep it sooner or later.

"This matter, don't be in a hurry for the time being, when Mr. finishes telling the follow-up story, we can deal with it calmly!" Cao Cao thought about it, and finally decided to slow down.

In case someone is killed by mistake, the loss is still the strength of Longteng Huaxia.



"Report, Governor, the big thing is not good, Xu Huang attacked Wuguan, Cao Cao controlled Wuguan and captured the upper reaches of Danshui!"

Outside the hall, there was a sudden sound of urgent reporting.

Cai Mao, who had just returned from the inspection with the generals, stumbled and almost didn't fall.

"What's that?"

"Wuguan is lost?"

Everyone was shocked.

looked at the soldier who came to report with unkind eyes.

"Back to the governor, last night the Cao army raided Wuguan, Wuguan didn't know that it was the enemy, and it was taken advantage of by the enemy army and lost!"


Cai Mao's whole face turned green.

Wuguan, that's Wuguan.

The main road to Guanzhong.

Once lost, Jingzhou and Guanzhong lost contact.

"Check, check, check for me!" Cai Mao gritted her teeth and gave the final order, and then fainted.

Wait for him to wake up.

And he saw that the people would gather around him.

"Did you find out?"

His brother Cai Zhong said: "Dudu, Wuguan has been lost, this news is confirmed!" (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"Last night, Cao Jun didn't know what method he used, and the soldiers were easily transported to Guancheng, and then there were people in Guancheng to respond, so Wuguan was easily owned by Cao Cao!"

"Can Cao Cao take advantage of the situation to attack south from the upper reaches of Danshui and threaten the rear of my Wancheng?" Cai Mao asked again.

The generals shook their heads.

Cai Mao secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Cao Cao is not wise, he didn't take the opportunity to go south, seize Shunyang and Yin County, and attack my Fancheng!" (abaj)

Wen Ping said: "Governor, although the Cao army has not yet entered the army, it must be guarded against, and it must be sent to Shunyang, Yin County and others, otherwise I am afraid that it will be lost!"

Cai Mao said: "I am worried about this. "

"Zhongye, you lead 10,000 horses to Shunyang and other places to set up defenses, don't let Cao Cao sneak attack my Jingzhou city checkpoint!"

Wen Ping was tempted to refuse.

went to Nanxiang, Shunyang and other places, that is, sent to a remote corner.

Merit is rare, and there is blame.

That's it.

Whoever let Jingzhou have no generals who can take on great responsibilities, since Wancheng has nothing to do, he can also be a guard of this partial division.

"Wen Hiring!"




"Report, lord, Liu Bei saw my army coming, and led the army to flee to the north!"

All the way from Youbeiping, Gongsun Zhan was still extremely careful.

Although he didn't take Liu Bei seriously, he didn't dare to be too careless.

As a result, when Yuyang was killed, Liu Bei, who was originally besieging Zou Dan, ran away directly.

This is so angry that Gongsun Chan is not light.

I didn't expect Liu Bei to be so courageless.

"Chase, even if Liu Bei escapes to the ends of the earth, he must be caught!"

Liu Bei did not run to Jicheng, but fled to the north, and Gongsun Zan was secretly happy in the center.

I went to Jixian County, and it was hard to chase after me.

As a result, Liu Bei ran to the north of Yuyang, there was really no way to go to the sky, there was no way to enter the ground, and he was purely looking for death!

Therefore, Gongsun Zhan came to Yuyang City in a hurry to listen to Zou Dan's report.

So he took 20,000 horsemen and chased them north.

The further north you go, the higher the terrain and the more hills and ravines there are.

The majestic Yanshan Mountain Range, verdant and majestic, has given birth to countless mountains and valleys.

The plains have disappeared here, replaced by north-south river valleys and numerous forested ridges.

"Lord, you can't chase anymore, the cavalry chasing us will be affected by the terrain and will not be able to exert their combat effectiveness!"

"And there are a lot of paths in the mountains, not wide, easy to ambush!"

Persuasion alone.

After chasing for so long, I haven't seen Liu Bei.

It's just so weird.

The other party is obviously mostly infanciers, but he can outrun the cavalry?

"Ambush, hehe, what I'm waiting for is Liu Bei's ambush, I'm afraid that he won't ambush, but will want to run!" Gongsun Chan looked up at the big mountain road in front of him:

"I'm afraid Liu Bei is inside, but I don't know how many Liu Yu's soldiers and horses are hidden in this mountain?"

"What the lord means is that Liu Bei deliberately led us here, and there is Liu Yu's army lurking nearby!" Shan Jing's face showed surprise, and a chill surged up.

Gongsun Chan smiled a little hideously on his face, and the spear in his hand tightened:

"Of course, if there was no ambush for Liu Yu, how would he chase Liu Bei over, Liu Bei thought we were in a scheme, but in fact... I came here on purpose, the so-called don't enter the tiger's den, you can get the tiger!"


It's crazy!

Shan Jing felt that Gongsun Chan was going crazy.

What kind of thing can be done by people?

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