
Liu Yu and Xian Yuyin were stunned.

"Lord, Yuan Shao has sent troops, all the way from the river, storming Zhuo County, Zhuo County has been lost, and his cavalry is led by Yan Liang to kill Ji County!"

"One entered from the Bohai Sea, led by Lu Yi, attacked Quanzhou and Yongnu, and captured the southern part of Yuyang, wanting to cut off the return route of our army. "

The person who came was haggard and frightened and explained.

This, this, this!

Liu Yu fell backwards suddenly.

Xian Yuyin immediately protected it and shouted: "Lord! Lord!"

"It's over!"

Although Liu Yu was not injured, his eyes were blank and fearful~.

Yuan Shao sent troops at this time, which simply wanted his old life, and he would also ask for the old life of Youzhou.

"Lord, don't worry, Jixian is still there, and send a large army back to help!"

At this time, Don't drive Zhao Cai walked in.

Liu Yu seemed to grasp a life-saving straw.

"Yes, yes, yes, right, transfer troops, transfer troops!"

Xian Yuyin said to Zhao Gai: "Mr. Zhao, the army of Lu Yi is obviously going towards my eldest brother, if my eldest brother returns at this time, won't he be attacked from both sides, the east is chased by Gongsun Zhan's department, and the west is intercepted by Lu Yi?"

Zhao Gaidao:

"The transfer of troops I am talking about, not the transfer is the transfer of fresh to the auxiliary general, this is far water, and it can't quench the thirst of the near!

Yan Rou of the adjustable Juyong Pass, the soldiers and horses of the entire two counties will not lose their way south to protect Ji County!"

It turned out to be Yan Rou, so there was no problem.

"At the same time, the lord and we should stop fighting with Gongsun Zhan, no matter whether General Xian Yufu is in ambush or fighting now, we should release our suspicions with Gongsun Zhan, stop the attack, and deal with Yuan Shao together!"

How about taking a break with Gongsun Zhan?

Liu Yu's face was a little embarrassed.

It's all fought, and this can be stopped?

"My Jixian truce, I'm afraid, Gongsun Chan may not be willing!" Liu Yu still knows Gongsun Zhan's heart.

Bared teeth will be avenged, good face, jealousy and hatred.

That's a kindness to repay the favor, and a revenge to the winner.

"No, the people Gongsun Zhan hates are Liu Bei and Yuan Shao, what is the matter with the lord?" Zhao said:

"Liu Bei, it is Yuan Shao Nei Yingye, deliberately leading us to war with Gongsun Zhan, causing turmoil in Youzhou, Yuan Shao can take the opportunity to go north!"

"As long as the lord supports Gongsun Chan to kill Liu Bei and deal with Yuan Shao, Gongsun Chan will inevitably release his previous suspicions and reconcile with the lord, so that he can unanimously fight the enemy!"

Gongsun Zhan and Liu Yu only had political disagreements, and they did not have a grudge against their relatives and land.

It can be resolved.

And with Yuan Shao, it is irreconcilable.

Liu Yu is not stupid, after listening to Zhao Gai's words, he instantly understood.

"Hey, I regret not being at the beginning!"

"It's me who has lost my grandson. "

"Contact Gongsun Zan immediately, and say that I am willing to stop the war and will support him in fighting with Yuan Shao!"

Now, Liu Yu can't think of any other way to protect Youzhou.

Zhao Cai just left, and then someone came to report.

"Lord, Juyongguan is here to report!"

Juyong Pass!

Liu Yu had a bad feeling.

As soon as Yan Rou's order to transfer was out of the city, Yan Rou sent someone to deliver an urgent letter.

This doesn't taste right.

He took the letter sent by Yan Rou and opened it to take a look.

Liu Yu suddenly sat down on the ground.

"It's over, it's really over this time!"

"Yuan Benchu, you are so ruthless, you even sent all the soldiers and horses into Daijun and Shanggu!"

If the two counties are lost, the mediocrity will not be guaranteed.

Yan Rou can't support Jixian at all!

This time, Liu Yu can't think of anyone else who can save Jixian County (read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


Zhuo County, Fucheng, Taishou Mansion!

"Hahaha, I finally entered Youzhou!"

easily captured Zhuo County, Yuan Shaoxi was overjoyed.

Zhuo County, the capital of Zhuo County, is less than 200 miles away from Ji County, and the cavalry can kill it in half a day!

Foot soldiers, rapid marches, can be arrived in a day.

So Jixian is close at hand.

It's not hard to take it.

"Congratulations to the lord, this turn into Youzhou, my army divided several roads, continuous onslaught, most of the surrounding cities surrendered, did not dare to fight, it can be seen that the lord has won the hearts of the people of Youzhou!"

The judges and others praised one after another.

Yuan Shao stroked his beard and said: "To be able to enter Youzhou, it is your strategy and strategy, and my Jizhou soldiers are brave enough to kill the enemy!"

"By the way, how is the battle between Gongsun Chan and Liu Yu's army?"

Xun Kan replied: "The information sent before, after Gongsun Zhan defeated the 100,000 army of Wuhuan, he has begun to return to the aid of Youbeiping, and General Liu Yu's Xian Yufu has already gone to ambush, no matter what the victory or defeat is, when the strength of the two sides is damaged, neither side is enough to resist our army!"

0 begging for flowers

"Okay! When we take Jixian County and capture the old man Liu Yu, we will wave our army to the east, join forces with Luyi, attack Youbeiping, and collect the entire territory of Yuyang and Liaoxi and other places. Yuan Shao was in a good mood, but soon his face became solemn again:

"What about Liu Bei?"

I almost forgot, Liu Bei, this guy.

This time it was really thanks to Liu Bei who stirred up trouble in Youzhou, otherwise, it would be really difficult to enter Youzhou, at least to fight with Gongsun Chan on the border between the rivers for a year or two.

"Liu Bei... I don't know, there is no news about it!" Xun Kan shook his head:

"Liu Bei has an army of 20,000 in his hands, and he has not been able to fight Gongsun Zhan substantially, and his strength has not been lost, and he still doesn't know where he goes!"

"Conservative estimates, it should be to go south to Youbeiping to chase and kill Gongsun Zhan!"

Damn, Liu Bei is only 20,000 people, and he can fight for so long.

This guy is here to pick the door.

"Lord, don't pay attention to Liu Bei for the time being!"

"If we have the momentum of a big victory, after capturing Jixian County, Liu Bei will be interested in surrendering, and there will be no more trouble!"

Yes, Liu Bei, this guy is smart.

Originally, he was his own general, but he sent him to Youzhou to provoke Gongsun Zan and Liu Yu.

Youzhou Dading, Liu Bei can't make waves, and he has to come back to vote for himself.

But when the time comes, you can find a reason to smack him!

"Very good, the whole army will rest for a day, and tomorrow we will kill Jixian, break Liu Yu first, and take the state capital. Yuan Shao scolded Fang Xuan and gave an order to everyone.

Everyone clenched their fists and took their own orders.


And Yuan Shao and the people of Youzhou don't know.

At this time, there was a fine horseman, leaving Qingzhou and entering Bohai County!

Day and night, hundreds of miles a day.

After nightfall, on the wilderness, like ten thousand horses galloping, thunder rolling.

The people of Jizhou who lived in the wild all woke up from their sleep, and then they were so frightened that they fought to the death and did not dare to make a sound.

After dawn, the brave people walked out of the houses with dark circles under their eyes.

When I came to the avenue, I looked at the deep horse's hoof marks on the ground, and after comparing the measurements, my face showed horror and fear.

"Go back, go back, I'm going to die again, don't go out of the house these days... with".

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