"Jiang Wei surrounded Sima Zhao in the mountains, but was captured by the Wei general Guo Huai because of the Qiang King's plan, Guo Huai used the Qiang King as a cover to attack Jiang Wei, the Shu soldiers were defeated, Jiang Wei fled alone, no weapons, only a longbow without arrows, the result was to use this bow to catch the long arrow shot by Guo Huai, and shoot Guo Huai with his backhand..."

Jiang Wei folded many horses, couldn't hold them all the way, and returned to Hanzhong. Although the army was defeated, he shot Guo Huai to death, killed Xu Zhen, frustrated the prestige of Wei, and made up for his crimes."

"But it was said that Sima Zhao rewarded the Qiang soldiers and sent them back to China, and the class teacher returned to Luoyang, and his brother Sima Shi dictated the power, and the ministers did not dare to disobey, Emperor Cao Fang of Wei was afraid, and wrote a blood edict to get rid of the two, but the result was found by Sima Shi... Sima Shi then abolished the emperor and set up Cao Chao as the emperor!"

"The governor of Yangzhou, the general of Zhendong, and the leader of the Huainan army, Ma Wuqiu, heard that Sima Shi was good at abolishing the establishment, so he raised troops to fight against Sima Shi... Wen Qin's son Wen Yang rode out of the Wei camp alone, and repeatedly killed and rushed at Lejia Bridge, more than 100 of which were not killed or wounded, and did not dare to compete with it, so he was known as Zhao Yun of the Later Three Kingdoms... Although Sima Shi pacified the rebellion of Wuqiu Jian and Wenqin, he also died of illness on the way back to the army..."Ye Qing paused here when he spoke, and then said:

"Sima Shi died, and the power of Cao Wei was inherited by Sima Zhao, and Xishu knew about it and reported it to Chengdu. Jiang Weijuan Liu Chan: Sima Shi is newly dead, Sima Zhaochu holds great power, and he will not dare to leave Luoyang without permission. Please take the intervening of Wei to restore the Central Plains..."

Ye Qing told the story of Jiang Wei's Northern Expedition in detail and listened to Chen Gong and Dian Wei.

Jiang Wei, as Zhuge Liang's apprentice, happened to be an opponent with Sima Yi's apprentice Deng Aiqi.

Jiang Wei sent troops unfavorably this time, defeated by Deng Ai, Zhang Wei and other generals were all killed in battle, Jiang Wei then according to the old practice of Zhuge Liang Street Pavilion, but the above table degraded himself to a general, a general military.

"It was a wave of just peace, a wave of rise, the failure of the Northern Expedition of Shu Han, and the general Zhuge Dan of the eastern part of this border town united with Eastern Wu to raise troops against Sima Zhao... In the end, it was broken by Sima Zhao, Zhong Hui and others, and most of the soldiers and horses of Eastern Wu surrendered to Wei... As soon as the fighting stopped here, Jiang Wei in the west went north out of the mountains and attacked Changcheng Town, which was blocked by Deng Ai, and finally retreated back to Hanzhong with no gain. "

Speaking of this, Ye Qing stopped and didn't say more.

Drinking tea, moistening your throat.

Enjoy the cool breeze of the autumn night.

"Mr. won't talk about it today?" Chen Gong knew Ye Qing's temperament, so when he stopped and tasted tea, he really rested.

Ye Qing nodded slightly:

"The story of the Three Kingdoms of Han and Wei, there are only eight chapters left, leave some surplus food, otherwise you can finish it in one time, how boring!"

There are still eight chapters to go back, and the three kingdoms will be unified and attributed to the Jin Dynasty of the Sima family.

I can't tell whether I should be happy or worried.

"Hey, sir is about to finish telling the story of the Three Kingdoms of Han and Wei so soon! It's not that I won't have to listen to it in the future!" Dian Wei sighed.


In the future, I won't have a story to solve my cravings, so you can't help it!

Ye Qing waited for the two of them to ask this, only to see him smile slightly and say:

"The story will finally end one day, and the 100-year expedition of the Three Kingdoms of Han and Wei will always come to an end!"

"But after the Han and Wei Kingdoms are finished, you can talk about other dynasties in the future!

Other dynasties!

Well, Chen Gong's eyes flashed with essence, and Dian Wei also came to the spirit in an instant.

"Sir, is there another story as exciting as the Three Kingdoms of Han and Wei?"

"It's not exciting, it's not hot-blooded, if you don't fight and kill, we won't listen!"

Ye Qing didn't get stunned.

This guy knows how to fight, kill, kill!

"Don't worry, there are stories that are more exciting than the Three Kingdoms of Han and Wei!"

For example, "The Legend of Heroes of the Sui and Tang Dynasties", "Yang Jiajiang", and "The Biography of Yue Quan", each of which has countless heroes, bloody stories, and loyalty, righteousness, benevolence and filial piety. "

"Of course, "Yang Jiajiang" and "The Complete Biography of Yue" will be a little aggrieved, it is not very cool to listen to, and you will want to scold your mother after listening to it!

Dian Wei's eyes lit up:

"Sir, when I talk about "The Legend of Heroes of the Sui and Tang Dynasties", I will talk about this. "

The Legend of Heroes, just by listening to the name, you know that there are countless heroes in it, and it must be enjoyable to fight and kill.

Ye Qing smiled slightly, what Dian Wei said didn't count. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Seeing Ye Qing facing him, Chen Gong asked in a deep voice: "Sir, how is the dynasty after the Three Kingdoms of Han and Wei, can you elaborate on it, when was the Sui and Tang dynasties?"

Compared with the story, the historical development context is more worthy of Chen Gong's attention.

The Three Kingdoms of Han and Wei were the Jin Dynasty, so what about after the Jin Dynasty?

How many dynasties are there behind, and what have they experienced?

How did they govern the country, and whether they could reach the heyday of the Han Dynasty.

Politicians, always concerned with politics.

"Accountant Chen's question is quite level!" Ye Qingdao:

"There is still time today, so I will tell you about these dynasties and generations in detail!"

"First of all, the Three Kingdoms were unified in the Jin Dynasty, the Western Jin Dynasty was destroyed by the Hu people, and the Jin Yuan Emperor Sima Rui established the country in Jiankang, called the Eastern Jin Dynasty. "

"At the same time, the Eastern Jin Dynasty formed an opposition to the north that had fallen into the land of the Five Hus, and the Hu people in the north established dozens of regimes, sixteen of which were called sixteen in history because of their long existence!"

In 386 A.D., Daowu Emperor Tuoba Tao established the Northern Wei Dynasty, and then Taiwu Emperor Tuoba Tao unified the north, so that the north was unified. In 420 AD, Liu Yu overthrew the Eastern Jin Dynasty and established the Liu Song Empire, and history entered the Northern and Southern Dynasties. "

"The Northern Dynasties experienced the Northern Wei, Eastern Wei, Beiping, Western Wei, and Northern Zhou respectively, while the Southern Dynasties experienced Liu Song, Southern Qi Qi, Southern Liang, and Southern Chen. "

"The Sui was followed by Li Tang, who reached its peak territory during the reign of Emperor Gaozong of the Tang Dynasty in the east, the Aral Sea and the Khorasan region in the west (the Tang had the state of Anxi in Central Asia), the area from Lake Baikal in the north to the lower reaches of the Yenisei River (Tang had the Xuanque Prefecture in the far north), and in the south to Hue, Vietnam.

Li Tang through four generations, for the female emperor Wu Zetian on behalf of the establishment of the short-lived Wu Zhou Empire, after Li Xian's restoration, the regime returned to Li Tang, and then through Li Longji and others coup d'état, so that Li Dan was restored and called the emperor, the Tang Dynasty entered the era of Tang Xuanzong Li Longji's reign, and the national strength of Tang reached its peak.

In the thirteenth year of Tianbao, there were 321 counties, 1,538 counties, 16,829 townships, 9,069,154 households, and 52,880,488 people. "


What a Li Tang!

Hearing this, Chen Gong's breathing became short, his eyes were bloodshot, and he was so envious that he didn't want it! .

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