"Well, lord, why don't you speak!"

Guo Jia muttered and found that Cao Cao did not echo it.

Look up, good guy, Cao Cao was looking at the manuscript and was fascinated, and he didn't pay attention to Guo Jia at all.

Only then did Guo Jia know that he had been fooled~.

"Lord, are we discussing something important?" Guo Jia craned his neck, and also wanted to read the manuscript.

Cao Cao waved his hand and pushed Guo Jia's head to the side: "Something to say-something, I'll listen!"

Dual-minded, you are very dominant!

"Lord, the public platform said in the back that the Three Kingdoms of Han and Wei are basically over, and then Mr. will have the stories of later dynasties, ask us what we want to hear?" Guo Jia said directly:

Among them, there are "The Legend of Heroes of the Sui and Tang Dynasties", "Yang Jiajiang", "Shuo Yue Quanshu", "Water Margin", among which "The Legend of Sui and Tang Heroes" is the main general of the Sui and Tang Dynasties and the early Tang Dynasty of the Sui and Tang dynasties, "Yang Jiajiang", "Shuo Yue Quanshu", and "Water Margin" all talk about the Song Dynasty.

In addition, there are "Romance of the Remnant Tang Dynasty" and "Those Things in the Ming Dynasty". "

"Which one does Feng Xiao think he wants to listen to?" Cao Cao didn't raise his head, and asked directly.

Apparently he was reading the manuscript and listening at the same time.

Dual-purpose is also a wonder.

Guo Jiadao: "Just from the title of the book, "The Legend of Heroes of the Sui and Tang Dynasties" is more straightforward, and you can know the heroes of the Sui and Tang Dynasties. And the main lecture on Song Zhi's "Yang Family General" is to talk about a family, and it should be a loyal and brave family.

Its content may be worth listening to, but there should be nothing worth learning from! It is far inferior to the later "Romance of the Remnant Tang Dynasty" and "Those Things in the Ming Dynasty". "

Those things in the Ming Dynasty are obviously about the events that happened in a dynasty, which is more like history and is worth studying.

The practicality is much stronger than other scripts.

After all, it's better to entertain people with stories, and as a strategist, as an important local master of the empire, it's better to read history.

Cao Cao put down the manuscript when he heard this, thought for a while, and said: "Then listen to "The Legend of the Heroes of the Sui and Tang Dynasties", this book entered the Sui and Tang dynasties, and it should be very familiar with my Han and Wei Kingdoms. "

A dynasty ends, a dynasty is founded.

There's so much to learn from.

Guo Jia said: "That's exactly what I mean, the lord is really a hero!"

Guo Jia approached step by step, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, Cao Cao showed a wicked smile: "Feng Xiao thinks, I haven't finished reading this manuscript yet, do you have a chance to take it?"

"Huh!" Guo Jia smiled in Shanshan:

"What does the lord say, am I the one who covets the manuscript of the lord? "

"Lord, look, I'll give it to me after reading it, why should I worry. "

Just as Guo Jia retreated, Fa Zheng's voice sounded outside the tent.

"Lord, filial piety asks to see!"

Fa Zheng!

Cao Cao closed the manuscript and said, "Come in!"

Fa Zheng was leaving, and when he saw that Guo Jia was also there, he gave a glance, and then said:

"Lord, the water level is dropping, and it is convenient to the naked eye, so we have to prepare for the attack in advance!"


Cao Cao Wenfang suddenly lost interest in reading the manuscript, and hurriedly said: "Let's go, follow me to the river to check!"

The law gave up his position and followed Cao Cao out.

Guo Jia deliberately lagged behind, and when he reached the tent, he stopped again, and when Cao Cao got on his horse, Guo Jia turned around and picked up the manuscript.

He doesn't have to worry about checking the water level.

It's better to leave it to Xi Zhicai and Fa Zheng, these capable ministers.

Isn't it fragrant to be a beautiful man quietly?

Cao Cao was anxious and did not find that Guo Jia was left behind.

Because Xi Zhicai and others heard the news, they also rushed to the camp gate in various tents, and happened to meet Cao Cao, who was about to go out.

So they went to the river together.

When they came to the river, Cao Cao and the others saw that the river had dropped a lot.

I can't help but be overjoyed.

"This water level has dropped by at least a third. "

"At this rate, tomorrow's level will drop by half, and Jingzhou's sailors will not be able to operate normally, and the day after tomorrow, even the ship will have to run aground on the shore!"

Cao Cao said: "Send someone to measure, how much water level has fallen, and how much water level is left?"


Soon soldiers descended into the river.

The water level of the general and the water level in the river were measured.

After Cao Cao and the others listened to the data, Cao Cao said: "Let's go, go back to discuss matters, you can arrange a surprise attack by the army!" (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu novel network!)

The crowd was agitated and immediately returned to the main tent in the camp.

At this time, Guo Jia had finished reading the manuscript and locked it in a wooden box.

Cao Cao found out that Guo Jia had not followed out.

But I'm also in a good mood, and I'm too lazy to worry about Guo Jia.

"Come up with a plan!"

Cao Cao sat on the throne and spoke directly.

Everyone began to make arrangements for the attacking army.

Who came to see the enemy of Wancheng, who went to attack and attack Wenpin.

0 begging for flowers

Who attacked the army of Jingzhou Naval Division, and who was responsible for interspersing and attacking Xinye and other cities, cutting off the connection between Cai Mao and others and Xiangyang in Jingzhou.

The discussion lasted until dark, and finally all matters were negotiated.

Cao Cao left everyone to eat together.

When everyone returned, they prepared to each other.

The next day, the water level dropped again.

And it fell to the point where the Jingzhou Naval Division's warships could not move normally.

Cai Zhong finally became anxious, seeing that the water was still falling, and hurriedly rode a fast horse to Wancheng.

"Brother, the big thing is not good, the water level of the water has dropped sharply, and at present, my Jingzhou Navy Division warship is no longer able to operate normally!"

"The grain and grass needed by the whole army cannot be transported to Wancheng by water, so you need to beware of Cao Cao. "

What the?

Cai Mao was shocked.

The water level has dropped sharply, how is this possible.

It is now past the peak of agricultural water use.

And the dry air is not too hot.

It is normal for rivers to be replenished.

"Why did it suddenly go down, and so much?" Cai Mao asked.

Cai Zhong shook his head: "We don't know, it may be Cao Cao who is making trouble!"

"Nine times out of ten!" Cai Mao said with some regret:

"Chen Zhi told Wen Ping to pay attention to the water level and be careful of Cao Cao's fuss here, but he didn't expect that Cao Cao would succeed. "

Cai Zhong said: "Brother, what should I do now, if the water level continues to drop, I'm afraid there will be problems on the part of the water division and there will be trouble." "

Cai Mao thought for a while and said: "Wancheng is strong, there is food and water, which is enough to last more than half a year. "

"The only thing to worry about now is that the sailors who are connected with my Wancheng will be attacked by Cao Cao. "

"You retreat to Yuyang and Xinye with the sailors and other foot soldiers, believing that the water level there is still at a certain level, which can make the warship run freely. "

Cai Zhong said: "But now our sailor's warship is no longer able to operate normally, except for the boat, nothing else can move."

Do these immovable warships need to be burned?"

Cai Mao shook her head:

"No need, you abandon the ship and go by land, there are still ships in Xinye, and there are still ships in Jingzhou, I will write a letter and ask the lord to transfer some warships from Xiangyang to the north, there is no need to care about those dead things. "

People are alive, ships are mutual, and if they can't move, they won't open.

Keeping the army of sailors alive is a big deal.

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