"This kid turned out to be the emperor of the Tang Dynasty!"

"Sir, doesn't this mean that the Li family rebelled in the end and overthrew Yang Sui?"

Ye Qing nodded slightly: "Yes!" "

One day Li Yuan was playing in the temple, and saw a pair on the screen, which wrote: Pagoda Lingyun, one day of rivers and mountains, boundless and pure; The golden lantern represents the moon, the world of the ten directions, how leisurely!

So he met Chai Shao, appreciated his talent, and promised his daughter to him, and since then Chai Shao has become Li Yuan's son-in-law! "

Next, Ye Qing continued to tell the following story, Qin Qiongguo was in Fan Hu because of the money, and the two escorted the prisoners separately, Qin Qiong arrived in Luzhou, only then did he find that he was not entangled, so he suffered a lot.

was not only beaten by the assassin, but also ridiculed and treated coldly by the shopkeeper, and finally ended up pawning weapons and selling horses.

So Qin Qiong was guided by the old man and went to Erxian Village.

After selling the horse, Shan Xiongxin heard that Qin Qiong was from Jinan Mansion, so he said that he admired Qin Qiong and wrote a letter asking Qin Qiong to give it to Qin Qiong.

took the silver and went back to the inn, turned around and bumped into Wang Bodang again.

After Wang Bodang asked carefully, Qin Qiong told the matter, Wang Bodang went to Erxian Village to find Shan Xiongxin, Shan Xiongxin knew that he missed Qin Qiong, so he and Wang Bodang and others came to find Qin Qiong, but he missed it again, and heard that the eldest brother was killed, so he lost the intention of looking for Qin Qiong.

Besides, Uncle Bao was afraid of Xiongxin coming, walked for a 1993 night, felt dizzy, walked more than ten miles with a hard body, and finally fainted in Dongyue Temple.

Rescued by Wei Zheng, the master of this place!

Later, Shan Xiongxin came to Guan Zhong to do the ritual, and happened to meet Qin Qiong, so he carried Qin Qiong back to Erxian Village to recuperate.

Later, Qin Qiong did not return to Jinan for a long time.

The old lady found Fan Hu, worried that Qin Qiong was sick, so she asked Fan Hu to find Qin Qiong.

Fan Hu went to Luzhou Mansion in Shanxi, because he came to Guanzhong to avoid the rain, and from Wei Zheng's mouth, it was known that Qin Qiong went to Erxianzhuang, so he went to Erxianzhuang.

Qin Qiong recuperated in Erxian Village until the second year, and then said goodbye to Shan Xiongxin and returned to Jinan Mansion!

As a result, because of staying in the inn, he was suspicious by the shopkeeper and misunderstood it for Xiangma, and the shopkeeper Wu Guang reported to the official and wanted to take Qin Qiong, but was killed by Qin Qiong.

Qin Qiong also tripped over the rope, let the group of catchers take it quickly, and then threw herself into the Luzhou Mansion and was convicted.

Later, Shan Xiongxin learned of the situation, sacrificed his wealth to save him, sentenced him to be confiscated, and sent to Youzhou Luo Yi Army.

Speaking of this, Ye Qing was speechless.

"Hey, how can this Qin Qiong be so unlucky, and encounter bad luck one after another."

"Yes, this illness is just right, and he hasn't left Luzhou Mansion yet, because Shan Xiongxin secretly stuffed silver nuggets, and was mistaken by the store for Xiangma, so he was imprisoned and sentenced!"

"It's a curse or a blessing, but it's unpredictable!" Chen Gong stroked his beard and said:

"If I'm not mistaken, this Luo Yi is Qin Qiong's uncle, maybe he went to Youzhou, and his relatives recognized each other, and since then he has embarked on the road of his father, becoming a fierce general, and commanding thousands of troops!"

Article 16 Qin Qiong, a good man, and a generalissimo of soldiers and horses.

This is not necessarily a bad thing! Without this suffering, where would the generalissimo of soldiers and horses come to be in high position?

Hearing Chen Gong say this, Huang Zhong and Dian Wei both had a glance in their eyes.

There is a feeling of a bright village with willows and flowers.

I can't help but look forward to it.

It's just that this kind of expectation is exactly what Ye Qing wants.

I saw him pick up the teacup and savor it slowly.

This is going to be out of context.

Chen Gong and the others, who were familiar with Ye Qing's routines, could only smile helplessly.

They all got up and said, "Sir, it's not early, thank you for your hospitality today, let's go back first!" "

"Farewell, sir!" Huang Zhong stood up and thanked him as well.

Ye Qing nodded slightly.

The two then left.

"Sir, when will you talk about the first good man Li Yuanba."

Ye Qing smiled slightly: "When it's time to speak, I will naturally speak, just listen patiently!" "

After sending Dian Wei away, Ye Qing quietly waited for the sound of the system.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Ye Qing to hear a familiar and cold voice.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for letting the students know what the eighteen heroes of the Sui and Tang dynasties are; Fighting Jinan Qin Yi Tuogu, breaking Chen Guo and Li Yuan killing the United States; Seek bribes from the king of Jin in the East Palace, and oppose Yanshan Luo Yi Xingbing; (ABCD) made rumors that Li Yuan avoided trouble, and when Ma Kuai Shubao listened to the errand; Qin Qiong of Lintong Mountain rescued, and Tang Gong of Chengfu Temple gave birth to a child; Qin Shubao sold horses in desperation, and Shan Xiongxin lost his voice; Fan Jianwei braved the snow to visit good friends, and Shan Xiongxin squandered money to make righteous friends. "

Seven drop points.

Seven rewards. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

Ye Qing was a little looking forward to it, and he didn't know what benefits he could give by talking about Sui Tang!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the eighteen martial arts mastery, a commission card, a pair of drum urn golden hammers, an injury-free and disaster-avoiding card, a must-give birth boy card, a fortune card, and a Sui and Tang fragments. "


All are nice bonuses.

Ye Qing immediately entered the system space and looked at the past one by one.

Eighteen kinds of martial arts are proficient, and I can't be a master if I don't want to be a master this time.

Eighteen kinds of martial arts are proficient.

Click to use, and in an instant, eighteen kinds of martial arts hit the body, and the martial arts of each family are like a few treasures.

Delegate Cards!

"As long as you use this card, entrust someone with one thing, and it will be done!"

"Good boy, this is a good pen, is it that if I want to be the prime minister, it can also be realized?"

However, the focus of this card should be commissioned, and it all depends on the identity and ability of the person who is entrusted!

Keep it, maybe you can use it in the future, after all, human society is a complex place of survival, and there is always a time to ask someone to do something.

Drum urn golden hammer, isn't this Li Yuanba's weapon

Rewarded with this thing.

I don't know if it really weighs three hundred and twenty pounds.

Ye Qing immediately clicked to extract.

In an instant, two drum urns weighing three hundred and twenty pounds and golden hammers smashed on the ground in front of them.

The ground caved deeply.

"Sir, what happened?"

Dian Wei poked his head out to check the movement in the courtyard, and then his eyes suddenly froze.

When did Ye Qing have two more in front of him... Sledgehammer.

Such a big hammer weighs at least a hundred pounds.

Dian Wei twitched his throat, and then walked in with his legs very honestly.

Ye Qing reached out and touched the handle of the golden hammer of the drum urn.

Start with a slight cool.

Hold and lift gently.

Not to mention, it's heavy.

But for Ye Qing, it was like taking a toy.

I saw him gently lifted, up and down.

Then it shook again.

The buzzing was endless.

The wind around is loud, and it is a little scary.

Dian Wei didn't dare to approach, for fear of being stoned to death.

"Mr. is so powerful, such a big hammer, easily raised, between the dances, relaxed freehand, as if holding a kitchen knife, ready to chop vegetables and shoot garlic!" Dian Wei's eyes showed supreme worship, this was probably the immortal Mr. Ye who he would never be able to catch up with.

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