Soon after Hao Meng left, the store immediately began to summon his subordinates.

After nightfall, he shot an arrow of fire at the unguarded wall.

After shooting, the fire falls to the ground and extinguishes.

In the dark, there was a response immediately rushed to the cat's waist, under the cover of the night, groped for the arrow's guard, after a period of search, finally got the arrow, a touch of the interruption, there was a foreign object, so he liked to leave quickly with the arrow.

At night, the letter was sent to Yongnu City.

When the Yongnu guard learned of this, he immediately sent the news to the soldiers and horses of Jizhou in the east, west and north.

Those who went north were soon captured by Gongsun Zhan.

After searching for the letter, after a torture, Gongsun Zhan learned that Cao Cao had sent the general Lu Bu to support.

couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "In the world, only Cao Cao and I are a true alliance, and we are willing to send troops to help!" "

"This time, I will solve Yuan Shao in Youzhou, and by the way, I will oust Liu Yu's "923" and become a veritable lord of Jiyou! "

Gongsun Zhan did not dare to delay, and immediately sent troops to Yongnu.

At noon the next day, Gongsun Chan rushed to Yongnu, and at this time, the city gate king flag had been replaced with other colors and patterns.

"Lord, it seems that Yongnu has been broken by others."

Gongsun Zhan stared at the city and said, "It should be Lu Bu!" "

Lu Bu, this guy didn't just send troops this morning, and he shouldn't have arrived in Yongnu City at this time.

Gongsun Zhan rode to the land of a stone's throw and asked loudly, "The city is the soldiers and horses of Lu Wenhou!" "

Lu Bu had already looked at the city and began to think that it was Yuan Shao's cavalry.

When I got closer, I found out that it was the White Horse Righteous Servant.

Before Lu Bu fought against Liu Bei's three brothers in Tiger Prison Pass, he fought against Gongsun Zhan, so he knew Bai Ma Yi to join the army.

"Sun Gong Bogui, I haven't seen you for a long time, can you still fight?"

When Gongsun Zan heard the echo of the city, he immediately understood that the city was indeed taken by Lu Bu.

It's just that I don't know what method he used to easily take Yongnu City!

"Lu Wenhou still despises the heroes of the world so much in the past?" Gongsun Chan and Lu Bu already have a feud.

Although Lu Bu is here to help him, Gongsun Zhan cares more about his face.

So he didn't give Lu Bu a good face.

Lu Bu sneered: "Don't dare to be contemptuous, a certain Lu Bu has the ability to dominate the world, and he doesn't dare to mention the first, but the second is true." "

That's a bit shameless.

Gongsun Zan also snorted coldly in response, and was about to turn around.

At this time, Lu Bu shouted: "Where is Liu Bei?" "

Liu Bei!

Gongsun Zan was stunned for a moment, and his brows furrowed slightly: "If you want to find Liu Bei, you should go to Jixian County to find Liu Yu and ask!" "

Lu Budao: "Who is Liu Bei, I don't need to say much, do you think that at this time, Liu Bei has the courage to go to Jixian County?" "

"Where did Liu Bei go when you went south?"

Facing Lu Bu's questioning, Gongsun Chan knew that Lu Bu was probably here to take revenge.

Help yourself by the way.

After all, the enmity between Liu Bei's three brothers and Lu Bu is really big.

The three of them bullied one of the others, and they also spoke ill of each other, scolding Lu Bu for being a slave with three surnames, and completely discredited Kanto.

With Lu Bu's reckless husband, it would be strange not to kill Liu Bei and the others.

"When I went south, Liu Bei was still in the Yumai Forest of Yanshan, and now it is estimated that he has already gone south, either to attack me in Wuzhong City, or to seize Yuyang Mansion City!"

While the two were talking, suddenly, five horsemen rushed behind Gongsun Zhan's department, which was the herald.

Five people walked together, and they swore to die to convey the news.

"Lord, Yuyang City asks for help."

"Liu Bei is attacking Yuyang and wants to seize my mansion city, please hurry up and rescue my family Taishou!"

It turned out to be a soldier sent by Zou Dan to ask for help.

When Gongsun Zhan heard this, his face changed greatly.

I didn't expect Liu Bei to die, and my heart is not dead.

Liu Yu talked about not attacking together, and unanimously fought against the enemy.

As a result, Liu Bei was still doing something.

Gongsun Zan was furious and immediately said: "Liu Bei is in Yuyang City, go north with me, and destroy Liu Bei's thief!" "

After speaking, Gongsun Chan led his generals to the north.

When Lu Bu heard this, anger also suddenly rose on his face, and his eyes were bloodshot. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

"Come on, gather the soldiers and horses, follow me to the north, and kill Liu Bei!"

Lu Bu also led the cavalry to Yuyang City!

Liu Bei, who was attacking Yuyang, was determined to defeat Yuyang and take the city as a base.


Zhang Fei was brave, led his subordinates, and braved the rain of arrows to attack the city.

After a while, he climbed and jumped on the top of the city, and between the spears and stabs, the defenders of Yuyang City were all killed.

Zou Dan was angry and raised his sword to kill, wanting to drive Zhang Fei down.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Fei was too fierce, there was no fierce general in the city who could suppress it, how many ordinary soldiers rushed up, how many were killed0 .

And Liu Bei's soldiers continued to climb up the ladder, and gradually occupied a section of the city head of about ten zhang.

More and more soldiers rushed up, and the possibility that the Yuyang defenders wanted to drive Zhang Fei and the others down is getting lower and lower.

"Zhang Fei'er, suffer death!" Zou Dan rushed with his sword, and the soldiers around him got out of the way.

Zhang Fei snorted coldly: "It's just in time!" "

Zhang Fei stepped forward, the spear came first, and the spear slanted the long sword in Zou Dan's hand, and then turned the rod and slapped it.

Zou Dan stabilized his body and hurriedly blocked.

The whole person couldn't stand it and fell straight to the side.

rushed directly to the soldiers of his own side.

Zhang Fei was the unforgiving master, rushed forward, killed several guards who were protecting Zou Dan, and then stabbed hard, knocked off the long sword in Zou Dan's hand, and then slashed backhand.

Zou Dan was cut by the sharp spear blade in his neck artery, blood rushed out, and Zou Dan fell straight down.

As soon as Zou Dan died, the defenders of Yuyang were so frightened that they retreated and fled to the city.

Zhang Fei led his subordinates and kept chasing and killing.

Soon the city gate opened, Guan Yu led the army to enter first, and Liu Bei was last.

Then Yuyang City was declared to be obtained by Liu Bei.

Liu Bei occupied the city, ordered Guan Yu to count the materials and spoils, and ordered Zhang Fei to arrange the city defense, preparing to defend the city for a long time.

It's just that the joy of capturing Yuyang didn't last long, and the subordinates who were sent to the south to inquire about the news reported:

"Lord, I waited for 2.5 to go south to Luxian, and learned that Gongsun Zan attacked Yuan Shao's general Lu Yi, killed Lu Yi in one fell swoop, and defeated Jizhou soldiers and horses, saving Xian Yufu and Youzhou's main force!"

What the?

Is Gongsun Chan still alive?

Liu Bei was shocked and stunned.

What's going on, didn't Xian Yufu ambush Gongsun Chan with the main force?

didn't kill Gongsun Zhan, but let Gongsun Chan save Xian Yufu himself.

What is the operation.

Liu Bei was also a little confused for a while.

"Where did Gongsun Chan go?" Liu Bei asked.

Zou Dan should have sent someone to find Gongsun Zan for help.

So Liu Bei was a little worried that Gongsun Zhan would kill him.

The city is new and not stable, so Liu Bei is somewhat unconfident and worried.

At this time, he didn't want to confront Gongsun Chan and start a war, so he had to find out where Gongsun Chan would go if he killed Lu Yi? .

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