A new seat was agreed, and Cao Cao immediately led a group of men to Zhencheng.

Immediately, he set aside a large area for himself as a prefecture pastoral mansion, and found a spacious place for Ye Qing to transform into a new residence.

In short, it can't be shabby.

After getting this, Cao Cao immediately sent someone to inform Cao Ang and the others to bring Ye Qing to Zhencheng.

On the other hand, Cao Cao summoned Chen Gong and the others to discuss a major matter!

"Guys, Yanzhou we have fought down, but it is still extremely difficult to sit firmly and completely control it!" Cao Cao scanned the crowd:

"The first priority is to seek meritocracy, and the great Yanzhou needs virtuous people to govern! Otherwise, with the hands of me and a few others, how can I handle the affairs of a huge state! "

Chen Gong said, "If the Lord does not give up, I am willing to recommend a few!" "

Cao Cao nodded: "Okay, Gongtai is recommended!" "

Cao Cao turned his gaze to the others.

Everyone also said that they had friends and recommended friends, and those who did not also said that there were any virtuous people in their respective counties.

Cao Hong said: "Lord, since you are thirsty for talent, why don't you issue a recruitment order, and only then will the meritocracy come automatically, as long as you promise to benefit high-ranking officials, someone will respond." "

When Cao Cao heard this, he said with a thigh: "Yes, how can I forget about this!" "

Everyone was also surprised.

Cao Hong, a simple-minded martial artist, was able to come up with such a good strategy.

They didn't know that in fact, where Cao Hong thought of this at the beginning, it was actually Cao Hong who followed Cao Cao to hear the story of the Three Kingdoms told by Ye Qing, so he learned it.

However, Cao Cao did not break it, and Cao Hong was also happy to be smug, enjoying the adoring or surprised eyes of everyone.

So Cao Cao immediately cursively wrote a recruitment order.

Historically, Cao Cao issued recruitment orders more than once, always thinking of attracting talents for his own use.

So far, he left the famous "Short Song Line".

The moon star is rare, and the black magpie flies south.

Three turns around the tree, what branches to follow?

The mountains are not tired of heights, and the sea is not tired of depth.

Zhou Gong vomited, and the world returned to his heart.

This is what Cao Cao really feels, which shows his desire for talent.



Yuan Shao received a letter from Han Meng and others, Bao Xin died in battle, Cao Cao monopolized Yanzhou, and also defeated the Qingzhou Yellow Turban and captured the Yellow Turban Thief.

I was so angry that I didn't turn my back on it at that time.

With a rather bad face, he summoned his subordinates over and asked, "Now, Cao Cao has obtained Yanzhou, and the Qingzhou yellow turban that he has also accepted, what do you think I should do?" "

"Do you withdraw the soldiers and horses or continue to stay in Yanzhou?"

Yuan Shao never expected that Cao Cao would pick up such a big bargain.

Liu Dai died in battle.

Even Bao Xin died in battle, and after winning Yanzhou, he took Bao Xin's soldiers and horses, and did not submit to the Yellow Turban Thief.

Why did Cao Cao go such a big shit luck?

Yuan Shao's gaze turned towards Guo Tu and Xu Yu.

The two of you said last time that Cao Cao would die, and Yanzhou was also mine.

Now how?

Nine thousand soldiers and horses pounced.

Cao Cao lived very moisturized.

Tian Feng said: "Lord, when you transfer the nine thousand soldiers and horses back, in response to Gongsun Zhan, first solve the north, and enter the Central Plains, it is the right way." "

The great enemy has not been destroyed, always thinking about the little brother's territory, and your Yuan Shao's vision is too low.

Facing Tian Feng's education, Yuan Shao was very unhappy, but Shuang couldn't show it obviously, and he had to be humble, and only said: "Yuanhao's words are quite reasonable, what about the others!" "

This is what to say, Xu Yu thought of a way to remedy it, so he said: "Lord, although Cao Cao has Yanzhou, but there is not much money and grain, and he has collected the yellow turban, I am afraid that he will not be able to make ends meet, and if he can think of it, he will borrow grain from the lord at that time!"

And Tao Qian and Yuan Shu were watching from the sidelines, but now they just don't know the truth of Cao Cao, so they didn't attack immediately, it is estimated that they will send troops in half a year in the shortest, and they will send troops in half a year! Therefore, we can't withdraw Han Meng, Zhu Ling and other soldiers and horses, but wait for some time! "

Guo Tu also said: "Lord, once Han Meng and the others are withdrawn, it will be difficult to find an excuse to send troops into Yanzhou in the future!" "

It's easy to quit, but it's not so simple to meddle in Yanzhou's affairs, and Cao Cao won't give a chance next time.

This remark immediately moved Yuan Shao.

Yuan Shao immediately clapped his hands and said, "Gong Ze's words are reasonable, the nine thousand army cannot retreat, anyway, Cao Cao will help us raise it, and we don't need to pay food." "

"Once Yanzhou is changing, I Jizhou can also intervene and lose ground in the south!"

"Besides, Cao Cao is short of grain and wants to borrow grain from me, just in time to discuss the matter of Yanzhou with Cao Cao!"

Yuan Shao's heart was so beautiful that it was about to float.

Cao Cao was pinched to death by himself, and it was useless to get Yanzhou, and he didn't want to make me a wedding dress, which was similar to Han Belly.

Cao Cao Na Cao Cao, you will be my little brother for the rest of your life and be my entourage.

It's the same when you are a child, and it's the same when you grow up.

Just when Yuan Shao's side was deliberating, someone suddenly broke in and said: "Master, the big thing is not good, Xun Yu took his family to the south!" "

"What?" Yuan Shao suddenly stood up when he heard this.

Xun Yu is leaving?

Why is that?

Yuan Shao then set his sights on Xun Yu's fourth brother, Xun Chen.

Xun Chen said, "Master, my brother has not consulted me on this matter, I don't know. "

"However, it should be related to Cao Cao, who sent a meritocratic order to Yecheng..."

Xun Chen didn't say much else.

Let Yuan Shao comprehend it himself.

It's Cao Cao again!

You actually poached my people!


Yuan Shao was so angry that he didn't come up in one breath and blocked his throat for a long time.

In the end, a pale old face was forced to blush in half.

"That's it, everyone has their own aspirations! Since Yuruo likes to go to the south, let him go! Yuan Shao also pretended to be generous and generous

"You will send a hundred gold to him for my travel!"

Xun Chen breathed a sigh of relief, he really dared Yuan Shao to be angry and want to punish Xun Yu, fortunately, the reputation of the Xun family was enough, even after the fourth and third princes, he did not dare to embarrass himself!

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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