Speaking of this, Cao Cao stopped again, and looked directly at Jia Xu with a pair of sharp eyes, as if he could penetrate people's hearts, and Jia Xu was a little hairy.

Cao Cao's suspicion won't be committed again, and he killed me with this dream.

Jia Xu regretted coming to Chang'an a little.

Cao Cao is a pit goods.

"Cao Gong, this dream..."Jia Xu trembled at the moment and wanted to bow down.

Cao Cao continued: "Later, Wen He persuaded Zhang Xiu on the grounds that I was the master of the Ming Dynasty, and Wen He said that defeating me was to vote for me, so that I could know the power of Wen He and Zhang Xiu, and they would be reused in the future!"

"I have Wenhe and Zhang Xiu, I attach great importance to it in every way, Wenhe's talent, unparalleled in the world, Wenhe's plan, also unparalleled in the world, I support Wenhe, and finally set the world, sweep away all the princes, so that the Han Dynasty is finally unified!" "Three-eighty-seven" After speaking, Cao Cao stood up, walked over with an excited face, and helped Jia Xu: "Wenhe, in my dream, it should be you and me, and now the sages are here, why bother twists and turns, Wenhe is willing to help me dominate the world and reorganize the mountains and rivers!"

I'm special.

Only then did Jia Xu know that he had fallen for Cao Cao's ghost.

Hell, that's a story.

Cao Cao is really treacherous and treacherous.

and I have been deceived.

But why is this story so true, as if it really happened?

Jia Xu muttered in his heart, but his face wrinkled with a kind smile.

"The lord's mind is unparalleled in the world, and the lord's official document Taowu strategy is also unparalleled in the world, and it is also the wish of the lord to be able to assist the lord to dominate the world!"

This is too fake, but both of them like to act, so they tacitly agreed.

"Hahaha, I have Wenhe, why worry about the injustice of the world!" Cao Cao pulled Jia Xu and walked to the main seat.

"Wenhe, let's talk about how this Ma Teng should be arranged!"

Fuck, your face changes too fast, it's worthy of Cao Cao!

Jia Xu didn't dare to pretend, and said directly: "Does the lord know who Ma Teng's ancestor is?"

Cao Cao said: "I heard that General Fubo Ma Yuan is his ancestor?"

Anyway, Cao Cao knew about it from listening to Ye Qing's Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and as for whether it was true, he really hadn't sent anyone to check it.

"Does the lord know why Ma Yuan is called General Fubo?" Jia Xu then asked.

Cao Cao recalled, and then said: "The Jiaolu women conquered the side, recruited two and raised troops to rebel, occupied Jiaolu County, Jiuzhen, Rinan, Hepu and other counties, and established themselves as kings.

Emperor Guangwu worshiped Ma Yuan as General Fubo, led the army to the south to conquer, and finally succeeded in quelling the rebellion, and named him the new Marquis!"

The world only knows General Fubo, but they don't know that Xinxihou is because of the horse aid to go to Jiaolu County and other places to quell the rebellion and maintain the territory of the Han Dynasty.

"What does Wen He mean by asking this?" Cao Cao asked puzzled.

Jia Xu smiled and said: "Lord, you can also learn Guangwuye!"

Cao Cao instantly understood when he heard this.

Transferred Ma Teng to the south to attack Jiaozhou and other places.

"Lord, after Ma Teng claimed to be Ma Yuan, he dreamed of restoring the glory of his ancestors, why not fulfill his wish, so why not transfer him out of Liangzhou, and at the same time attack Jiaozhou in the south. Jia Xu said:

"I heard that under the rule of the lord, there are high-yield agricultural grains, two crops a year, dozens of stones per acre, the government and the people are not short of food, the people are solid and rich, the people are safe and the soldiers are sufficient, and there is no shortage of food. "

"But has the lord ever thought about a question, what do people like to do after they are full?"

What do people like to do when they are full?

Cao Cao said: "What does Wen He mean by this?"

Drink and eat to be full of lust and lust, and hunger and cold are forced to steal hearts!

People like to toss when they are full.

Let's look at the aristocracy, eat well, dress warmly, live well, and lie idle, so falcons fight dogs and bully men and women.

It's nothing to be whimsical, and I still want to stand on my own as the emperor of the soil.

"My lord, you know what the children of noble families are doing. Jia Xu said: (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"When these common people are full, they will only do one thing, and that is to rebel, seize power, and overthrow the original system and power framework, just like when they have no food to eat. Therefore, one cannot eat too much, nor can one go without eating!"

"As soon as the lord rules too many states and counties, there will be more people who are well fed and drunk, and they will not live a good life for a few years, and then there will be more crooked thoughts.

Has the lord ever thought about how to control them?"


Jia Xu's words really thundered Cao Cao.

Another window was opened for him.

There is no evil or good in human nature, it all depends on the environment0 .

It's not okay to eat too much, and it's not okay to eat too much!

Now the war is still there, the people are hungry and cold, and they have survived the hard days, so they naturally cherish the current stable situation, but as the good days last, the desire will be infinitely magnified, and there will eventually be an unsatisfied day.

Especially when you are full, your brain loves to ponder.

"Wen He said this, there must be other novel strategies!" Cao Cao looked at Jia Xu directly, and directly asked Jia Xu to say, better.

Jia Xu said: "My lord, in the past, I only lived on the north and south banks of the Yellow River, as well as some areas of the Central Plains.

After overcoming obstacles and thorns in successive dynasties, continuous reclamation and expansion, there are now the thirteen states of the Han Dynasty. "

"Could it be that after dominating the world, the lord will be satisfied with this and stop there?"

"War is the best tool to mobilize the wealth and strength of the people, and it is also the best way to transfer contradictions. "

"There are always people who are suitable to fight for the generals, and there are people who are suitable to be soldiers and kill on the front line. "

"Why don't you use this way, control the people, drive the people, and turn that barren barbarian land into a place of ointment for my dragon and China!"

After listening, Cao Cao completely understood.

In one word, the war cannot be stopped, and these ordinary people cannot be allowed to eat too much while idle.

The generals think about the merits of the war, and the soldiers think about the knights.

As long as there is enough money and food, you can start a war without stopping4.6.

If it was before, Cao Cao would have felt that Jia Xu's words were a little too instigating, and he would lead himself into the abyss.

But Cao Cao had read the world map given by Ye Qing, and heard the world geography that Cao Ang and others had learned in class.

I know that Dahan is only a very small piece of this world, and the outside world is very wide.

There are a lot of barbarians outside, enough for Longteng Huaxia to slowly travel.

Foreign wars are also a way to resolve internal contradictions.

Combining it with the transfer of Ma Teng to the south, Cao Cao knew what to do.

I'm not afraid that I can't convince Ma Teng, and I'm not afraid that I can't control Ma Teng.

"Wen He's words are very good, listening to your words is better than ten years of sage books!" Cao Cao praised, and then continued to discuss other issues with Jia Xu.

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