Although Liangzhou is bitterly cold, it is strategically located.

There are also Qiang people who believe in his horse family, and there is a steady stream of soldiers and horses.

The east is both rich and prosperous.

The strategic highland can also gather money and grain, and Jiaozhou is nothing compared to it.

Besides, the Ma family army is all cavalry, and Jiaozhou is mountainous, so the Ma family army can't adapt to it at all.

"The Liangzhou Rebellion, how long does Shou Cheng think it will be peaceful?" Cao Cao suddenly asked.

Since you said Liangzhou, let's talk about Liangzhou.

I'm going to teach you a good lesson today.

Ma Teng said: "If it is someone else, it will take three years and five years for Pingliang, and if it is for me to come, it will take three months at most!"

Ma Teng said with great confidence.

With the prestige of the Ma family, it is basically not difficult to pacify Liangzhou, especially when Han Sui died, and other Qiang people can only choose Ma Teng.

Hearing this extremely confident answer, Cao Cao shook his head slightly: "It's been too long!"

"And I dare to say that even if Brother Shoucheng pacifies Liangzhou, I'm afraid he will need heavy troops to guard it so that Liangzhou will not be chaotic!"

"Well, it's true, Liangzhou is easy to flat, but it's hard to determine, without 100,000 heavy soldiers, it can't guarantee that the Qiang tribes will loot and survive!" Ma Teng said along with Cao Cao's words.

This was a signal from Ma Teng that his troops should be at least 100,000.

"Brother Shoucheng, then you are calm but not cold, which is also very inappropriate!" Cao Cao said:

"I have a way to cool down with just one meal!"

One meal can calm Liangzhou and stabilize Liangzhou.

Joke, what a joke.

Ma Teng shook his head in disbelief.

Cao Cao fooled the ghost, it will take months for my Ma family, you can do it with one meal, who are you fooling?

"Why don't you believe it, so how about we gamble?" Cao Cao said with a smile.

Reason told Ma Teng that there was a trap in this, but if he didn't gamble, he would be easily laughed at by the heroes of the world.

Cao Cao This is obviously impossible to do, and he doesn't dare to bet nine times out of ten, and others will definitely say that he is cowardly.

After thinking about it, Ma Teng said, "What does Meng De want to bet on?"

"If I can calm Liangzhou and stabilize Liangzhou with one meal, Brother Shoucheng will listen to me in the future; if I lose, I will listen to Brother Shoucheng's dispatch. Cao Cao emphasized:

"If Brother Shoucheng doesn't believe in the contract, he can set up a written note, and everyone here can use it as evidence, how about it?"

The stakes are not ordinary.

Directly gambled on his life.

The quiet pin drop in the hall could be heard, and although everyone was slightly drunk, they were all looking at the two of them intently at the moment.

To bet or not to bet, it's just in Ma Teng's thoughts.

Ma Teng hesitated for a moment, and finally gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I bet with Meng De!"

"Please Meng De tell me about the method of making this meal cool and cool!"

Ma Teng wanted to see what wonderful method Cao Cao had.

Cao Cao clapped his hands, and suddenly an attendant carried three or two baskets of grain from outside the hall.

A basket of corn!

A basket of potatoes!

"This is—" Ma Teng's eyes lit up as he looked at the novelty brought in.

At the banquet just now, I seem to have eaten those two things.

They are all steamed and eaten.

The former is delicious and sweet, and the latter is fragrant and glutinous, and the taste is endless.

It's all delicious.

"Shoucheng, these two baskets are filled with high-yield grain in my Xu County, one is called corn, with a yield of more than 10 stones per mu; Cao Cao said:

"You said that I now have five states, and if all these things are planted, how much grain will there be. "

"Can you afford to raise a Liangzhou?"

This and this!

Ma Teng was taken aback.

The yield of corn per mu is ten stones, which is four or five times higher than the highest grain crop in Dahan in the past.

Not to mention potatoes, which are dozens of stones, can be grown for two seasons a year.


Ma Teng was so shocked that he couldn't speak. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

With such a high yield, it is no wonder that Cao Cao is not short of food.

No wonder he has soldiers and generals, and he can gather so many talents in the world, and the soldiers are brave in battle, the soldiers are high, and the elite is incomparable.

It's really rich.

"The Liangzhou Rebellion has been going on for a long time, and the imperial court has calmed it countless times, but it is only a symptom but not a root cause.

In the final analysis, it is because Liangzhou is poor, there is no good land, there is no good soil, bitter cold, not to mention the Qiang people, that is, my Han people are not full of food and clothing, hunger and cold, you say that a few will not rebel, and a few will eat without looting!" Cao Cao stood up, walked to the potato basket, picked up a potato and said:

"Two of these can make an adult serve a meal, you say, how many people are there in Liangzhou plus the Qiang people, not to mention my five states, even if you take the grain produced in a few counties, it is enough for them to eat every day. "

"They can eat enough, can I Cao Cao be cool and cool?"

In troubled times, when there is food, there are soldiers, and Ma Teng's soldiers are also recruited with food.

You said that those Qiang people are really afraid of the prestige of the Ma family, and they believe in the Ma family like gods.

Wrong, just because Ma Teng grabbed food in his early years, gathered soldiers and horses, and used these soldiers and horses to develop and grab more food.

That's why some Qiang people voted for him, just for a bite to eat.

If Cao Cao can give them a full meal now, these Qiang people are mothers with milk, will they still follow Ma Teng?

will inevitably flock to Cao Cao, and Liangzhou can be peaceful.

Ma Teng's face turned pale when he thought of this.

With one meal, Cao Cao could destroy his foundation in Liangzhou.

Open to eat, who can withstand it.

The power of food is far better than that of swordsmen!

The total population of the Han people in the whole Liangzhou is only two or four hundred thousand, and although it is difficult to count the Qiang people, it will not exceed one million.

Cao Cao can't afford this population.

Besides, Liangzhou can't get other species, and the yield is low, but this potato is a magical species that can take root in this desolate mountainous area.

Planting on the spot, there is no need to transport more grain to cool down.

After all, that's at least thirty stone of food.

"'O Lord!'

When everyone heard this, they were all impressed and praised one after another.

Obviously, Ma Teng lost this bet.

I didn't have any power to lose.

Cool and cool, no force is needed.

What could be more excessive?

Ma Teng, do you still have an excuse for not going to Jiaozhou?

"Shoucheng, how's that?" Cao Cao asked.

Ma Teng closed his eyes, and after a long time, he said: "Meng De has this artifact, Ma Teng is not unjustly lost!"

"Thank you Meng De for saving me Liangzhou, the people of Liangzhou will be blessed from now on, and they will not be hungry!"

Cao Cao didn't look half happy, and continued to clap his hands and said, "Carry it in!"

There's still something to be appreciated.

The crowd suddenly came to their senses.

It won't be a more productive agricultural product, fifty stone is not a ceiling?

For a while, everyone was full of anticipation and infinite hope for what would appear next.

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