Everyone was asked, one by one, you look at me, I look at you.

Yang Yichen is not a good man.

A gatekeeper, is it powerful?

can guard a level, and he is also a ruthless character if he thinks about it, and he has no ability, so he can't become a general who guards one side.

So they guessed and reported their opinions.

After listening to everyone's speculation, Ye Qing continued: "This Yang Yichen set up a steel flag array and an eight-sided golden lock array in front of the pass, hiding stumbling horses, iron thistles, and trapping horse pits, just waiting for Qin Shubao to break in, and he must be captured."

For this reason, he also repaired a letter to go to Youzhou, and asked Luo Yi to come to help in the war!"

Luo Yiyi, isn't that Luo Cheng's father?

Everyone didn't pay attention, and everyone in Wagang was in trouble this time.

"However, Luo Yi refused on the grounds that Youzhou military and political affairs needed to guard against barbarians, and only sent Luo Chengnan to help in the war under "163"!"

Luo Cheng got his mother's order, protected the bronze flag, and secretly helped Qin Qiong, but Shan Xiongxin couldn't see Luo Chengdezhi, so he broke into the battle alone at night, was trapped in it, and finally had to be rescued by a black dragon and escaped from the door of life. "

"The next day, Qin Qiong explored the formation, tried to make this formation difficult to attack, and waited for another day, Xu Maogong ordered all the troops to attack the big array, from the eight gates at the same time, and Luo Cheng secretly ordered that the marksman in the bronze flag was not allowed to release arrows, so that Qin Qiong could successfully break through the copper flag, Luo Cheng killed Dongfang Bo's life with one shot, and killed Yang Bao and Yang Biao, and reversed the Great Sui, Yang Yichen saw that the big array was broken, so he committed suicide and died!"

"Captured Xiongguan, but at this time Wei King Li Mi came with a will, it was Zhuozhou who stayed behind to guard the evil Shixiong, raised 100,000 soldiers, came to attack Kim Yong, and the old general Pei Renji died in battle.

Qin Qiong then ordered to withdraw his troops and return to defend Kim Yong, Luo Cheng asked for battle, and picked off the evil Shixiong with one shot. Qin Shubao's soldiers entered and killed Shixiong's 100,000 soldiers. Speaking of this, Ye Qing changed his words and said:

"Looking at Taiyuan, Li Yuan saw that Emperor Yang had not returned, and the world was in turmoil, so he repaired the armor soldiers, and gradually had the ambition to win the Central Plains, and then under the instigation of Li Shimin and others, he called the king of Tang, established himself as the prince, and named Li Jing as the military division to protect the country, Yuan Tiangang and Li Chunfeng as the left and right military divisions, and Li Yuanba as the vanguard, and took Chang'an directly. "

The Tang army then won Hexi, took Tongguan, and entered Chang'an; everyone urged Li Yuan to ascend the throne and claim the emperor, Li Yuan was so cunning and insisted on refusing, but instead supported the ten-year-old acting king Yang Yu as the emperor and respected Yang Guang as the emperor. "

Good guy, Li Yuan finally made a move, acted resolutely, and directly captured the national capital.

also played a beautiful trick of scheming and made a puppet emperor, which is really clever.

No wonder he has been holding back.

It's really a blockbuster also!

"Luo Yi heard that Luo Cheng rebelled against the Great Sui and helped Qin Qiong break the bronze flag, he was half angry and was about to raise troops to the south, but at this time, Dou Jiande, the king of Xia Ming in Mingzhou, sent Liu Heimin as the marshal and Su Dingfang as the vanguard, and led the troops to attack Yanshan. "

"Luo Yi defeated Su Dingfang with a few shots, but as a result, he turned against Su Dingfang's poisonous arrow, and died in the back hall when he returned to the city, Luo Chun protected Luo Cheng's mother, led the army out of the city, and went south to vote for Kim Yong Luo Cheng!"

"The backer king Yang Lin, seeing that the world anti-king occupies more than half of the land of the Great Sui, and the Great Sui is about to die, so he came up with a poisonous plan to recruit the world's anti-king to come to Yangzhou to compete and win the championship. "

Speaking of this, Ye Qing stopped.

After taking a sip of tea, he asked, "Do you think this plan can be done?"

Chen Gong said: "This plan is quite clumsy, Sui Ting has lost his faith and righteousness, and will die in the country, the anti-kings are rebels, how can they fall for his poisonous plan."

On the contrary, the anti-kings took the opportunity to besiege the Sui Court, kill Yang Guang, and destroy the Great Sui!"

This Yang Lin is really smart for a lifetime, but he is confused.

Cao Cao stroked his beard with a smile, agreeing with Chen Gong's opinion.

Ye Qing continued to tell the story of Yangzhou's martial arts competition.

As Chen Gong said, no one would fall for Yang Lin's plan, and the anti-king entered Yangzhou.

As a result, when Li Yuanba arrived, Wu Tianxi killed Liang Shitai, which angered Li Yuanba, so Li Yuanba tore Wu Tianxi to death!

Later, the Tang State was attacked by the enemy, and Li Yuan called Li Yuanba back to meet the enemy.

The Yangzhou competition began, and the generals came to power, Wu Yunzhao, Duan Da, Zhen Zhai, Storm Tiger, Peng Hu, Zuo Xiong, and Temujin all died on the stage.

Bai Bodang, Qin Qiong and others were injured.

In the end, Luo Cheng stood up, beat the heroes all over the world, picked forty-two generals in a row, and finally won the first place 0.

At this moment, the three cannons rang out after the martial arts hall, and there was no follow-up, it turned out that the medicine line in the bamboo slip was wet, and it didn't sound again, and the anti-kings escaped by luck, but they didn't dare to stay for a long time, and they got on their horses and ran out.

But at this time, the thousand-pound giant gate was put down, and it was about to be closed, but it happened that the majestic sea came from outside, holding the giant gate in his hand, and rescued the anti-king.

The majestic sea ran for a day and a night, and his stomach was hungry and his body was tired. Running here, he held the half-day jack gate, he was dizzy, his hand was loosened, he pounced, and was crushed to death under the city.

When everyone heard that the fourth good man died here, they couldn't help but sigh.

What an iron man, he died too unjustly.

These anti-kings knew that there was fraud, and they went into the city to rob the false leader, but as a result, they killed dozens of heroes by killing each other, and finally killed the innocent Xiong Kuohai.

Zhao Yun, Xu Huang and others set their sights on Chen Gong.

I can't seem to guess accurately.

Cao Cao said: "Sir, then Yang Lin should also appear and kill!"

Cao Cao diverted Chen Gong's attention, and Chen Gong cast a touch of gratitude.

It's still old Cao Dong and me.

Ye Qing smiled slightly and said: "The princes looked forward and took the way, ran to the Dragon Scale Mountain, and suddenly heard a cannon sound, and the ambush soldiers came out together. The first general, it was Yang Lin, who came with a prison dragon stick in his hand.

As a result, he died in Luo Cheng's horse pistol stunt, and Yang Linbu killed Yin Yue with a stick, fought with Qin Qiong for thirty 3.3 rounds, and finally died under Qin Qiong's killer skill!"

Yang Guang knew that the Great Sui was exhausted, and he wanted to go south to Jiangdong to keep one side to continue to have fun, but Yu Wenhua rebelled, and let Yuwen Chengdu lead troops to attack the palace at night and kill Yang Guang.

The next day, Yu Wenhua and ascended the throne as the emperor, the founding of the country, Feng Yuwen Chengdu as the king of Wu'an, Yuwen Zhihe, Yu Wenshi and the left and right prime ministers. "

Speaking of this, Ye Qing stopped.

Taste the tea slowly, and I won't talk about it tonight.

This is not a good thing.

Everyone was enjoying listening to it, but they didn't expect Yu Wenhua to rebel and kill Yang Guang, the faint monarch.

What good guys!

This time the Great Sui is really dead, the troubled times are coming, and the world is competing for the deer.

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