
Yuan Shao and everyone were shocked.

Cao Cao waved his army north, wanting to fight Yecheng.

"Say, what's going on?"

The gap in Yuan Shao's heart really wanted to kill someone.

I finally defeated Jixian County, and Cao Cao is going to beat me?

"Back to the lord, the Dongjun spies reported that Cao Cao had captured Nanyang, transferred to Guanzhong, won Chang'an and Liangzhou, and returned from Hangu Guandong, and got Zhang Ji's soldiers and horses.

All the way eastward to Puyang, Dongjun, a group of iron horsemen numbered about tens of thousands, suspected of attacking Yecheng!" The person who came told the truth the information that the spies had obtained.

Yuan Shao and the others were shocked again.

Good guy, Cao Cao, this guy not only defeated Nanyang.

subdued Liu Biao, and also captured Guanzhong and Liangzhou.

Received Zhang Ji and other Xiliang people to ride.

Tens of thousands of war riders, mighty and mighty, can go straight to Yecheng.

Its threat is far greater than when Gongsun Chan entered the Ji Dynasty.

From Dongjun to the north, you only need to cross the Qingshui River to kill Yecheng.

If it is okay in normal times, the Qingshui River can temporarily block the cavalry from crossing the river.

What season is it now, it is the dry season in autumn and winter, the river has long dried up and is about to bottom out, and the war riders can directly wade through the water and jump over the river canal obstruction, and kill Yecheng.

Yuan Shao waved his hand and motioned for the report to go down, and then rubbed his temples and sat back in place.

"Everyone, you have all heard it, what should Cao Cao do if he wants to offend Yecheng?"

Gongsun Chan has not been extinguished, and Cao Cao is here again.

This time, the generals who had just shouted happily stopped talking one by one.

To go east or back to the south, it was a difficult decision to make.

If you accidentally say the wrong thing, you will suffer.

Yuan Shao saw that everyone didn't speak, so he said, "What do you think of Zhengnan?"

The judge said: "My lord, Cao Cao has just won Nanyang and Guanzhong and Liangzhou, the soldiers are tired, the newly acquired land is too wide, and he should not send troops to fight with us for the time being, otherwise the newly occupied land will be unstable, Cao Cao is cunning, or it is also the intention of deceiving our army to return to the south to aid Gongsun Zhan.!"

These words are to the point, but Yuan Shao still has doubts, and his eyes are set on Xin Bi, Chen Lin, Xun Kan and others.

Chen Lin said: "Lord, Cao Cao is fierce and has to be guarded against, you must know that all he brings are cavalry, and this Zhang Ji has not participated in the war between Guanzhong and Nanyang!"

Well, these words suddenly made Yuan Shao's heart rise again.

A strange light flashed in his eyes.

Xin Bi said: "Otherwise, although Cao Cao is fierce, this is not a good opportunity to start a war with us, if the war is long, its place will inevitably be chaotic, Cao Cao should be stable at this time, if it is a year or two of recuperation, its strength will be beyond reach, at that time in the north, we are not opponents!"

Xun Kan said: "The words of George and Zhengnan are reasonable, Cao Cao should not dare to go to war at this time." "

"He led his cavalry to wander in Dongjun, just to deter Yecheng, he only needs to order the southern army to guard against it!"

While everyone was talking, someone outside reported it.

"Newspaper, letter from Yecheng, please check it out with the lord!"

Someone walked in and presented a letter from Yecheng.

After Yuan Shao opened it, he was first overjoyed, and then his face was extremely solemn.

"Yuan Hao and Gong He both said that Cao Cao's trip to Puyang was a fraud, not an attack on Yecheng, please don't worry!" Yuan Shao put down the letter, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they heard this, but they were not happy to see Yuan Shao's face.

I saw Yuan Shao then said:

"However, Tian Feng said that the Son of Heaven fled to Hedong, and I Yecheng should send a large army to welcome back the Son of Heaven, build a palace to house His Majesty, restore the prestige of the Han Dynasty, and build the Han court. "

After speaking, Yuan Shao closed his eyes.

Tian Feng's words were a knife inserted into Yuan Shao's heart.

What Yuan Shao thinks, Tian Feng can't know.

Han room, bullshit big man.

He Yuan Shao is the one who wants to dominate the world and take Han to ascend the throne as the emperor.

Is it appropriate to get a emperor for yourself?

Not to mention, the fourth and third princes of the Yuan family, after serving this son of heaven, how can they abolish Han Xingyuan in the future. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The present said that it is important to attack Youzhou now, where is there a large army sent to Hedong to fight with the Baibo bandits.

To appease these thieves, don't be in a hurry, and beat them, isn't this looking for abuse?

Therefore, Yuan Shao is extremely not tall and unpopular.

The judge looked at Yuan Shao's face, lowered his head and muttered for a moment: "My lord, the Son of Heaven is in trouble, and I should welcome him, but the war in Jizhou is tight, and there is no army to send."

Although the east of the river is far away from Jizhou, it is pursued and intercepted in the north of the Wuxi Liang army, why not let the Son of Heaven and others go east on their own and go to Hanoi to Yecheng!"

Even the trial match agrees with Tian Feng's words, take the Son of Heaven to Yecheng?

Yuan Shao stared towards the trial, but soon came to his senses.

If the Son of Heaven had this kind of ability, he could go to Yecheng by himself, and it is estimated that he would have escaped from Chang'an a long time ago, and he would not have ended up like today.

This is a euphemistic refusal for the Son of Heaven to come to Jizhou.

I went with me.

According to what Zhengnan said, this intention was sent to Yecheng and transmitted to Hedong. Yuan Shao made the final decision, and this time he was so decisive that he didn't say anything.

There is no chance for others to discuss at all.

The crowd had no choice but to keep silent.

Although Cao Cao will not go north, he has to prevent his cavalry from mixing into my Jizhou to make trouble, and it will hurt my attack!" Yuan Shao thought for a while and said: "Just now Zhengnan said that if you wave your army to the east, I am afraid that Liu Bei and Gongsun Zhan will unite, and there will be a solution?"

Look at me, people, and I'll look at you.

I had an idea in my heart, but I didn't dare to say it.

The judge said: "My lord, you can send an envoy to temporarily appease Liu Bei, make him Yuyang Taishou, and wait for Gongsun Zan to be killed, and kill him for a reason!"

Yuan Shao stroked his palms and smiled when he heard this: "There is still a good plan in Zhengnan, Liu Bei and Gongsun Zan must die, and let Liu Bei be free for a while!"

"Come on, go to Liu Bei to announce the order, seal Liu Bei as the Taishou of Yuyang, guard Yuyang City, and order all armies to march east to kill Gongsun Zhan!"

The crowd sang a promise to receive the command.


Let's talk about Liu Bei's side!

Gongsun Zhan besieged the city for a long time, and was never able to break through Yuyang City, but he first received the news that Jixian County was broken, and his expression was extremely solemn.

"It's been done by Yuan Shao, Liu Yu, it didn't take long!"

After some emotion, Gongsun Chan said: "Send this news to Lu Bu quickly." "

Yan Gang said: "My lord, what should we do now? Yuan Shao has already captured Jicheng, and he will march east in a few days." "

"Without Yuyang City, we can only retreat to Youbeiping to fight with it. "

Gongsun Zhan said: "All the foot soldiers retreated to Youbeiping, and prepared more time in the county to build defenses. "

"The cavalry followed me south, attacked Zhuozhou and other places from the land of Quanzhou City, cut off the grain and grass of the Jizhou army, and at the same time asked Lu Bu to lead the cavalry to attack Jicheng and other places, so as to break the left rear flank of Gongsun Zhan, so that his army could not advance eastward together. "

Yuan Shao went to the right Beiping step by step, and the battle line was lengthened.

The land of the new Youzhou is bound to be unstable.

He can use cavalry to attack the rear, cut off Yuan Shao's grain and grass, summon Liu Yu's old department, and in the name of revenge, attack Yuan Shao's soldiers and horses all over the country, and trap them in Youzhou.

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