The officers and men of the Jizhou army immediately ran to the city and scolded.

However, they were greeted only by a chaotic arrow from the city, which frightened Yan Liang's men to dodge and run back.

When Yan Liang saw it, he had no choice but to order to set up camp.

Since Gongsun Chan didn't go out of the city to fight, he could only stare at the boundless city and don't let Gongsun Chan run away.

Waiting for the arrival of Yuan Shao's army.

Don't show Yan Liang here, and look at Yuan Shao's army in no end.

received a report from the rear, and it was suspected that Gongsun Zhan's cavalry was infested and went to Zhuo County.

"Gongsun Zhan's cavalry went to Zhuo County, and he wants to cut off our army's food route?" Yuan Shao thought for a while and said:

"Send more scouts, be sure to find its cavalry army, and see if Gongsun Chan is among them~!"

Gongsun Chan: What do you want to do?

The boundless city is not defended, desperate to fight with me - logistics?

Soon the trial and others arrived, and Yuan Shao said the situation.

The judge said: "Gongsun Zhan knew that with the land of the right Beiping County, he could not compete with our army, and he would be defeated if he defended it for a long time, so he made a strange move, gave up the boundless, and wanted to seize Zhuo County, so as to cut off the return route of our army and make our army panic, so as to find an opportunity to break it." "

Yuan Shao said: "How to break this plan?"

The judge smiled: "The lord doesn't need to worry too much, Gongsun Zhan's troops are all cavalry, which is feasible for a short time, and he is free for a long time, there is no supply, no supplement, no city to rely on to rest, this day is cold, I am afraid that I will freeze to death and frostbite." "

"So we only need to order the garrisons of each city, strictly defend the city, hold on to each city, and not give Gongsun Chan a chance.

Especially let Yuantu guard Zhuo County, and when we break the boundless slaughter and come back, lay down 100,000 ambushes, Gongsun Zan has all the horsemen in vain, and there is nowhere to escape!"

Yuan Shao was overjoyed when he heard this.

Then he gave another order, and sent it to all the cities, and kept it strictly without fighting.

In particular, let Fengji hold Zhuojun and prevent the soldiers and horses of Youzhou from cutting off contact with Jizhou.

Then Yuan Shao ordered the army to set off and advance into the boundless.

When he came to the boundless city, he saw Yan Liang and had no achievements, and he was suddenly a little angry.

"Yan Liang, why don't you attack the boundless, waste two days!"

Let you be a pioneer, not let you play.

This is the case with Jicheng, and it is like this with Boundless.

Do you Yan Liang only eat dry rice?

Yan Liang said: "Lord, our army came over, called for war and scolded the war, there was no response in the city, Gongsun Chan was obviously afraid of our department, and did not dare to go out of the city to fight, so he stubbornly held on without fighting, I had to lead the army to surround the boundless, so as not to let Gongsun Chan escape." "

Yuan Shao heard this and scolded: "Idiot, Gongsun Zan is not in the city at all, and there are not many defenders in the city, if you don't surround it, no one will come out!"

Ah, Gongsun Chan is not in the boundaries, so where is he going?

This is his lair.

Yan Liang's face was puzzled, and he seemed to be a little disbelieving.

Yuan Shao said: "You take the headquarters to fight the Liaoxi Lingzhi, this is Gongsun Zhan's hometown, if you can't attack it this time, come and see you!"

Although Youbeiping is the starting place of Gongsun Zhan, Liaoxi is the county of Gongsun Zan.

Although there are not many people in Liaoxi, there are still a few cities.

It is also necessary to siege the city and not leave a chance for Gongsun Chan to turn over.

Yan Liangli immediately took his headquarters and rode to Liaoxi Lingzhi.


Saying that Lu Bu left from Yuyang City, passing near Yushui, he heard movement in the mountains, so he led the army to catch up.

As a result, a group of remnants of the army was surrounded.

"Are you Liu Yu's people?" Lu Bu asked guessingly when he saw what the other party was wearing and his embarrassed appearance.

The people who were surrounded were Yan Rou and others, who originally wanted to take advantage of Yuan Shao's army to go east to fight Gongsun Zhan, and then quietly go to the north of Yuyang, and gather the Wuhuan troops in the north out of the Great Wall to avenge Liu Yu.

As a result, as soon as he came down the mountain and walked on the official road, he ran into Lu Bu who came over, so he hurriedly retreated, and Lu Bu found clues and chased him.

"I didn't send Yan Xing, the captain of Youzhou Huwuhuan, to meet the general. Yan Xing bowed and said:

"I don't know the name of the general, but I'm going to Jicheng!"

When Lu Bu heard Yan Rou's name, his eyes that didn't care slightly lit up.

Looking Yan Rou up and down. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"I'm Lu Bu!" Lu Bu said:

"I'm going to attack Jicheng, and you're willing to follow me. "

Lu Bu!


Yan Rou and the others changed their expressions one by one.

"It turns out that Wen Hou is on top!" Yan Rou said: "I don't know how Wen Hou wants to capture Jicheng, what is the purpose, is it to kill the enemy, or to seize the city to defend himself, or to disrupt Yuan Shao's arrangement?"

Yan Rou is not a stupid person, and it is not a good job to attack Jicheng now.

Aimless, he doesn't do it.

0 begging for flowers

Lu Bu waved his hand and motioned for everyone to take Yan Rou's subordinates down, and then said: "I know that you are talented, if you vote for Cao Gong and are willing to do something, you will be a general who defends Xinjiang in the future, and a meritorious minister who protects the country!"

"If I say it's just to disturb Yuan Shao's arrangement in Youzhou, what should you do?"

Cast Cao Cao!

Yan Rou was slightly stunned when she heard this.

A glint flashed in his eyes.

Sooner or later, Cao Cao will have some troops to the north, and he will have a battle with Yuan Shao.

It is impossible for Yuan Shao to vote for himself, Liu Yu treats himself well, even if he does not take revenge, he cannot help Yuan Shao.

So the only one who can choose is Cao Cao.

Even Lu Bu surrendered Cao Cao, why can't he be a down-and-out general.

Besides, the conditions that Lu Bu said were enough to move his heart.

Yan Rou then said: "If Wen Hou just disturbs Yuan Shao's arrangement in Youzhou, I think that attacking Jixian County is far better than fighting Juyong Pass!"

Lu Bu's eyes narrowed slightly: "Why?"

Yan Rou said: "Jicheng as the original place of governance, it must be an important place, but Liu Zhijun died, Youzhou fell, the importance of Jicheng is not as good as before, even if Wen Hou captures it, it is not very important to Yuan Shao."

Juyong Pass is not, this is the gateway to the upper valley and the county, and it is also the pass to the north of the Saibei to connect Wuhuan and Xianbei, and to get this pass, Wenhou North can occupy the upper valley to attack the county, and can also go on an expedition to merge the state. "

"Nanke can attack the hinterland of Youzhou, threaten Yuan Shao's grain road, disturb the peace of his cities, and divide his troops to make the crowd strong. "

"In the coming day, Cao Gong will go north to attack Yuan, and Wen Hou can also lead the army to the south, go straight to Zhuojun and other places, and cooperate with Cao Gong to act, wouldn't it be wonderful!"

Lu Bu laughed when he heard this: "I forgot that you are the captain of Wuhuan, you can dispatch the Wuhuan troops, and you can also collect the remnants of the army in Youzhou, Shanggudai County." "

Lu Bu faced south and walked in the direction of Jicheng: "Give me a reason to help you!"

"I am willing to fight with Wen Hou in Youzhou, and from now on I will be Cao Gong Eagle Dog!" Yan Rou knew that he had already spoken of Lu Bu, so he bowed down and bowed.

Before the Song Dynasty, the eagle dog was a good word, meaning loyal and brave people.

Therefore, Yan Rou called himself an eagle dog, which was to show his attitude.

Lu Bu Fangtian drew a halberd and pointed to the northwest and said: "Take your men and horses, lead the way in front, and we will quickly break through Juyong Pass!"


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