Ye Qing satisfied everyone's appetite before continuing:

"Cao Cao has a plan, trapped in the city by Lü Bu's soldiers and horses!"

"Fortunately, Liu Ye's division plan allowed the Cao army to constantly rush into the city, and Dian Wei entered the city twice in succession, rescued Li Dian and Lejin, but could not find Cao Cao!"

"In the end, Cao Cao was clever and ran into Lü Bu himself, and Lü Bu asked Cao Cao where he went, so Cao Cao pointed in a direction and asked Lü Bu to chase, and Cao Cao took the opportunity to kill the city gate, and finally was saved by Dian Wei and Xiahou Yuan, and only then escaped."

Good risk!

Cao Cao was almost finished.

However, everyone turned their attention to Dian Wei.

In this battle, Dian Wei is undoubtedly the most shining.

He has entered the city twice, not only martial arts, but also fierce.

Also loyal and invincible.

After looking for someone else, he gave up, and quickly fled out of the city to save his own life.

Cao Cao's eyes were suddenly full of affection.

"Dian Wei is my bodyguard, a dutiful guard."

Dian Wei was looked at by the three people strangely unconscious.

I didn't expect Mr. Ye to give himself such a sensational play.

The story of the Three Kingdoms also has its own scenes, and it is quite brave.

I like it!

"Sir, what's next?" Chen Gong withdrew his gaze and asked.

"After that, Cao Cao simply tricked Ji to death, claiming that he was burned by fire last night, died of death, and ordered people to be mourned!" Ye Qingdao:

"Cao Cao ordered people to set up an ambush on Maling Mountain, and Lü Bu heard that Cao Cao was burned to death, so he led troops out of the city to attack the mountain, and as a result, a drum sounded, ambushes were everywhere, and Lü Bu fought to the death to get out of trouble, folded a lot of soldiers and horses, fled back to Puyang, and never held out!"

"Just at this time, locusts suddenly appeared, eating all agricultural crops, and the price of grain in the Kanto region suddenly skyrocketed, and the people were cannibalizing each other, starving for thousands of miles!"

"Cao Cao had no food and could only lead his troops back to Zhencheng, and Lü Bu had no food to go to eat elsewhere, and the two armies had the power to strike a truce!"

Cao Cao was so treacherous that he tricked the enemy to death.

It is simply daring to be the first in the world.

Since ancient times, people have kept dead words secret.

As a result, Cao Cao was good and used it to deceive the enemy, and he was extremely cunning.

"Sir, is it because of the locust plague that Cao Cao and Lü Bu truce?" Cao Cao keenly noticed this key point.

Water and fire are relentless, but so are plagues and pests.

Together with the catastrophe, I don't know how many people will die.

Ye Qing nodded: "That's right, it is precisely because of this locust plague that Cao Cao and Lü Bu temporarily stopped fighting. "

"This locust plague has hit the whole of Yanzhou hard, and it has also brought disaster to the entire Kanto region."

Chen Gong gasped: "Fifty pounds of money, who can afford this!" "

It has always been a thousand dollars, and fifty is fifty thousand dollars!

Ten buckets are one stone, and five buckets are one hu!

Fifty pounds of grain cost 50,000 pounds (a stone in this book is a hundred catties).

"Locust plague, Yanzhou will cause locust plague, how can the people live, God is also too good at joking, isn't this asking for human lives?" Cao Hongjian said:

"Sir, what can be done to eliminate this locust plague!"

"You must save the people of Yanzhou, it's terrifying!"

Although Cao Hong is a martial general, when he usually fights, he cuts people and fights, and Sihao is not timid and will not frown.

But when I thought of the locust plague and the calamity caused by the locust plague, I attacked with a kind of evil spirit, and my whole body was cold.

Even Cao Cao also looked solemn and worried.

Chen Gong also showed a hint of pain.

Even if he could avoid rebelling against Cao Yinglu and give the people a war-free environment, God still had to punish Yanzhou.

It's really unfair, it's really unfair!

In the end, how do I wait, this thief will be kind to Long Teng Huaxia.

"There is no way to eliminate it, this is a natural disaster, it can only be prevented and cannot be cured!" Ye Qing shook his head, not to mention ancient times, even in modern times, in the face of the locust plague, most of the local people were helpless.

As if grasping a life-saving straw, Cao Cao asked anxiously, "Sir, how to prevent it?" You must have a way to weaken the locust plague, right? You have a way to save the people of Yanzhou! "

Ye Qing's brows frowned slightly: "Are you two too deep into the play!" "

"This is history, this is ancient things, what are you bothering about."

Seeing that Ye Qing refused to say, Chen Gong immediately turned a corner and said, "Sir, although this is a story, if I wait in ancient times, how can I prevent it?" "

"Even now, if our Caojia Village encounters a locust plague, how can we prevent it!"

I have to say that Chen Gong's brain is more flexible.

When Ye Qing heard this, he thought seriously for a while and said

"If you want to control it in ancient times, there are also ways, one is to raise more chickens, one chicken can eat an average of 70 locusts a day."

"If every household, village and village raise some, although it can't get rid of locusts, at least it can alleviate the disaster a lot!"

"If possible, it is best to raise ducks, because a duck can eat more than 200 locusts a day, and more importantly, the duck is a carpet search, which can eat the pupae of the locust and kill it in the bud, which is extremely helpful before the locust plague begins."

It turns out that chickens and ducks still have such benefits.

Cao Cao, Chen Gong and the others were quite excited when they heard this.

Little poultry is a little master of locust control.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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