Yanzhou Jibei County!

"Hurry, accelerate, we must get out of the county as soon as possible and cross the Pei Kingdom!"

In order to remain hidden, the march of the Western Route Army could only go out day and night, so take advantage of the time at night to rush as much as possible.

Xia Hou Wei is an acute son, so he constantly urges.

"General Yuanrang, the night is dark, we still maintain a constant speed, there is no need to rush at this time!" Military Master Liu Ye persuaded:

"Our journey is a surprise soldier, the intention is to be strange, not fast!"

"The road is not easy tonight, and it is steady!"

Li Dian also said: "Yes, General Xiahou, we sent someone to check it first, and without Yuan Shu's spies, we will not leak the news." "

Xia Hou saw that the disjointed horses were a little long, and after thinking about it, he said: "It's okay, slow down for the time being, you can't delay it any longer when you cross Pengcheng Country tomorrow night!" "

After a night march, 4,000 iron horses entered the Peiguo of Yuzhou, and took advantage of the dawn to hide in the Dangshan Mountains.

Not daring to start a fire, everyone could only lie on the ground to rest and eat dry food.

When it was dark, the lights of ten thousand homes were extinguished, and the troops were like ghosts, and then rushed out of Dangshan and killed Pengcheng County.

He eventually lurked in a village ten miles southwest of Pengcheng.

After dawn, according to Liu Ye's words, he sent a service to the city to spy on the news.

An hour later, the spying man returned and reported: "The Hui army division and General Xiahou, Pengcheng is no different, there are countless transport fleets from south to north on the Surabaya River, carrying grain.

Listening to the people in the city, they were preparing to transport to Rencheng and Lu Kingdom. "

Xuzhou's news is very easy to spy on, and this person has no vigilance and ability at all.

It's all about reaping the benefits.

There was also no loyalty to Tao Qian.

"Great, in this way, it should not be difficult for us to capture Pengcheng!" Xia Hou said happily.

Liu Ye said: "In the evening, the city gate should be handed over, at this time, the defense of the city is the most lax, and it can be broken with one blow!" "

"The only concern is that the news is transmitted to Tanxian County too early, so you still need a soldier and horse to intercept the south of Pengcheng, and you must block the news!"

Cao Chun said, "Leave this matter to me, five hundred iron riding is enough!" "

Xia Hou said: "Okay, Zi and I will give you a thousand horses, you ambush in the south, be sure to stop the escapees for me!" "

Before Cao Chun could hold his fist and sing his promise, Liu Ye instructed: "If you see the enemy army crossing the river and fleeing westward, then you will immediately lead the army south to attack Xiaping." "

"Xiaping City is the place where Yishui and Si meet, it is extremely important, if the news of the fall of Pengcheng reaches Tanxian County, then whether you can capture Xiaping or not, Tao Qian does not dare to send troops to capture Pengcheng, and must first hold Xiaping City!"

There is even such a doorway.

"It's a military master, I'll go here!" Cao Chun sang Nuo this time and quietly ambushed the southern movement of Pengcheng with a thousand iron horses.

When the hour was almost up, Liu Ye said, "Almost!" "

Xia Hou Wei glanced up at the sun in the west, and then shouted: "Attack!" Be sure to take Pengcheng! "

Soon, 3,000 iron horses rode to the city of Pengcheng.

At this time, the defenders and soldiers, seeing that they were about to change their defenses, yawned one by one, after all, after a day of sunbathing, standing for a day, they were somewhat tired.

"What movement?"

There was a sudden tremor on the ground.

The soldiers of the Pengcheng defenders were a little puzzled.

Someone saw the dust rolling up outside the west gate of the city.

Curious hands on the pergola looked up.

"Heh, it seems to be cavalry, the scale is not small!"

"Is it our army?"

"From the west, it's hard to say, after all, we have soldiers and horses in that direction!"

Soon, three thousand iron horses rode to the city, black armor, and cold flashing weapons all revealed the elite of this army.

The war horse galloped, getting closer and closer.

The momentum is like a mountain, which makes people can't help but be afraid and afraid!

"Not good, this is not the cavalry of our army!"

"We don't have so many war horses, let alone such elite war horses!"

"Hurry, close the city gate, close the city gate quickly!"

The defenders of the city immediately realized the danger and hurriedly urged their men to close the city gates, and the defenders under the city caves were in a hurry to close the city gates.

At this time, the scouts who had been hiding under the city dressed like beggars and leaning against the inner city wall to pretend to sleep, immediately showed their guys, rushed to the city cave, and slashed at the Xuzhou soldiers who closed the city gate.


"It's not good, someone attacked the city gates..."

Booming, soon the iron horse rushed in, and the Yanzhou iron horse shot arrows towards the city, suppressing the defenders of the city.

Between the whiskers, countless war horses had already rushed into the city.


Where the Xuzhou pawns could block the Yanzhou Iron Horse entering the city, they were quickly killed and retreated, and the western city gate was lost.

Pengcheng County Capital.

It's getting dark, and it's time to drink and have fun.

Ji Rong was still immersed in dissipation, and the maids on the left and right pinched their shoulders and hammered their legs, fearing wine and dancing.

Tao Qian asked him to supervise the grain transportation of Xiaping, Pengcheng, and Guangling counties, so Ji Rong changed hands and embezzled a large amount of property

"When this batch of materials is obtained, I will be able to cast gold and bronze Buddha in the Guangxing Buddha Temple in Xiaping County, dress in brocade colors, hold a Buddha bathing festival, and recruit believers for my use..."

Just as he was enjoying his beautiful vision, a man suddenly stumbled in:

"Governor of grain transportation, the big thing is not good, Yanzhou Iron Horse has entered Pengcheng, and the west city gate has been lost..."

The maid of Ji Rong scattered in fright.

Ji Rong was also frightened by this shock and fell directly off the bed.

"Oh, it hurts..."

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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