In the end, Cao Ang had to turn around and go in again.

"Cao Da, why did you come back?"

Ye Qing heard Cao Ang's footsteps and already judged that it was him.

Cao Ang said: "Sir, please Xu Ba to come over is my father's meaning, Xu Ba received the money, he will not break his promise!" "

"Now he is still kneeling outside the gate, and at the same time he does not dare to disobey your words, for fear of losing his faith, so he has not left and will not come in!"

"So sir..."

Ye Qing frowned slightly when he heard this.

This Xu Ba is still a seed.

But the meaning he understood, Xu Bahun is all over, but he is also a real man!

Keep your promises, and you will not regret what you promise.

So I could neither walk nor enter, so I had to kneel in front of the gate.

Ye Qing couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "In essence, he is not a bad person, since he has already collected your father's money, it is not good to rush him, just let him temporarily stay in school for a few days for the time being." "

"Let him in, just say I said it!"

Cao Ang was overjoyed when he heard this, and immediately went out to call Xu Chu.

The mink cicada asked puzzled, "Sir, why did you drive him away before, and now you keep him?" "

"Little Cicada, whether it's to rush or stay, my original intention is to be for his good, I don't want to waste the money in the village, and I don't want the village to waste a strong labor in our academy!" Ye Qing explained:

"As a teacher, he has the responsibility to teach without class, so he should take advantage of the few days left behind to lead him to the right path, so that he can give full play to the maximum effectiveness of the school!"


"Xuzhou just sent back the news! The Western Road Army broke through Pengcheng! Xun Yu said:

"Don't drive, we can order someone to go and pick up the grain and grass."

Chen Gong said, "There is no news from the lord's side yet, so it is not appropriate to use the people to go for the time being!" "

"Otherwise, it will alarm Cao Leopard and Xuzhou and affect the lord's plan!"

Just when the two were deliberating.

Suddenly a sergeant came to report!

"Report, General Xiahou came to report that Cao Bao went out of the city to attack the camp of the Jizhou Army, and the Xuzhou Army and the Jizhou Army both suffered losses, and when Cao Bao retreated into the city, he was attacked by General Xiahou and killed more than a thousand thieves!"

Ren Chengguo has new news.

However, Chen Gong and Xun Yu were a little surprised after hearing this information.

"Cao Bao did not attack General Xiahou's three thousand soldiers and horses, but went to attack the nine thousand Jizhou army!"

"I really don't know what this Cao Leopard's brain is thinking?"

Chen Gong opened the copper tube secret letter sent by Xia Houyuan.

Half of it, a shout!

"Okay, Lord Lord, they have become, and Cao Bao's return is basically cut off! We did it! "

After reading it, Chen Gong handed the letter to Xun Yu.

A smile also appeared on Xun Yu's solemn face: "General Xiahou Zhenyongye, took Zhu Ling to ambush Cao Bao, so even if Cao Bao fled back to Tancheng, it is estimated that there will be no more soldiers left!" "

"Yes, the current Xuzhou is undefended for us, but it's a pity!" Chen Gong immediately sighed heavily.

Cao Cao had just taken Yanzhou, and Yanzhou had not yet been consolidated, and even if he defeated Xuzhou, he would not be able to occupy it.

It's a shame.

If the Qingzhou Yellow Turban can be thoroughly digested and 100,000 pawns trained, then there will be no problem in occupying Xuzhou.

"It's already very good to be able to win, and besides, Yuan Shu is still watching from the sidelines!" Xun Yu said:

"Let's take advantage of the fact that Yuan Shu has not yet received the news and before the reaction returns, we will move the money and grain of the occupied land, so that our army will not worry about food and grass, and it will be enough to deal with Yuan Shu!"

"You can order Dingtao over there and dispatch the people!" Chen Gongdao:

"Let the Qingzhou army of Dongping Kingdom also dispatch, they can't fight for the time being, but it is still feasible to transport grain and move things, that is, we must pay attention to military discipline, enter Xuzhou, but there are robbers who have made trouble, and there is no amnesty for killing!"


Pei county!

"Cao Leopard's back road has been cut off by us, and then it depends on how many soldiers and horses Cao Leopard can take to escape back!" Cao Cao said confidently and happily:

"After solving Cao Bao, basically we don't have to fight, we can ask Tao Qian for things from that old guy!"

The crowd burst into laughter.

Xuzhou soldiers are also too careless.

It's basically a one-hit crush.

However, the individual combat quality of the Xuzhou soldiers was very high, which also surprised everyone!

"Lord, Tao Qian sent an envoy, just outside the city!" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

A soldier came over to report.

Tao Qian's messenger!

It came really fast.

Everyone turned their attention to Cao Cao.

Cao Cao said: "Tao Qian should have received the news of the loss of Pengcheng, and after adding Zixiao they killed Tancheng, Xuzhou side completely lied, so he wanted peace talks!" "

Everyone was talking about it.

I haven't fought enough, how can I talk peacefully.

Cao Cao said, "Tell the Tao Qian envoys outside the city that I am not there, go to Pengcheng, and let them go to Pengcheng." "

When everyone heard this, they all praised: "Lord is wise, at this time, the conditions for peace talks are definitely not so superior!" "

"That's right, when Cao Bao's army is killed, Tao Qian's soldiers and horses will be reduced by half, and he will have no confidence at all, and then it will not be what we say?"

"Let them go to Pengcheng to pounce, after turning back, it is estimated that they have just solved Cao Bao, and it will not be too late to talk then!"

Sure enough, Tao Qian's envoy under Peixian City heard that Cao Cao was not in the city and went to Pengcheng, so he quickly rushed to Pengcheng... 0

Half a day later!

North Side Tanmalay Newspaper!

"Report, lord, Cao Bao has returned to Xuzhou with more than 10,000 defeated and fleeing troops!"

When Cao Cao heard this, he became even more energetic, and immediately beat the drum and gathered the generals: "Everyone, Cao Bao has fled back, it's time for us to strike!" "

"The generals obey the order, follow me to intercept Cao Bao, Cao Leopard can not be killed, and the Xuzhou soldiers and horses he carries will be intercepted as many prisoners as possible, this will be a good source of troops for my Yanzhou army next!"


The generals took orders, so they and Cao Cao immediately left the city and ambushed on the south bank of Nanshui.

If Cao Bao wants to return to Xuzhou, he must guard the river.

Otherwise, they can only be bitten by Xia Houyuan.

The chaotic army rushed to the scene, and it had already lost its armor and abandoned.

It's not in military shape.

"There is a boat, quick, get on board! River! "

At this time, who really rushed first and who crossed the river first.

Soon the first batch of Cao Bao crossed the southern water, and the boats seemed to cross the river, taking Xuzhou soldiers and horses one after another.

When it was almost five thousand, the Yanzhou army suddenly came out from the west and east!

"Cao Bao Hugh go, wait for 4.4 for you for a long time!"


I saw the enemy army flying the Yanzhou banner.

Cao Bao was so frightened that he panicked, and patted his horse and said, "Go, go quickly, leave the people and horses on the north bank alone!" "

At this time, he only wanted to escape, and he could not care about the army on the north bank of the river.

As soon as Cao Bao fled, the following scrambled to the south.

Cao Cao's two armies attacked one east and one west, eating 3,000 Xuzhou soldiers and horses.

Only two thousand escaped to Cao Bao.

"Master, why don't I chase after me, won't I let Cao Leopard go?" Lejin was a little depressed, and although the spear in his hand still wanted to dance and chase down.

Cao Cao said: "Cao Bao Yongcaiye, it is more beneficial for me Yanzhou to keep him, if you kill him, if Tao Qian changes to someone who can really command troops to fight, how will he attack Xuzhou in the future!" "

"Moreover, if I let him die, he must be grateful to my subordinates for their mercy, so that he will have the opportunity to welcome my army and surrender to me in Yanzhou in the future!"

Người mua: ngaothienqb

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