"Yuanlong has time to go to Yanzhou to sit!" Before Chen Deng left, he personally delivered it to the camp gate from then on, expressing great courtesy to Chen Deng.

Chen Deng was also flattered.

However, Cao Cao is now just a Yanzhou Mu, and he has no place in his own past.

So he replied tactfully: "Okay, on the day that Cao Gong breaks Yuan Shu, Yuanlong will definitely go to congratulate him!" "

After speaking, Chen Deng left dashingly!

After Chen Deng walked away, Cao Ren said: "Brother, this kid is leaving, and he will give you a set, but he is not well!" "

"Haha, it's okay, sooner or later he will be in my pocket!" Cao Cao patted Cao Ren's shoulder and said:

"Those who want to achieve great things, how can they be small!"

"If there is no popularity at this point, how will Xuzhou be charged in the future!"

"This kid is a talent, but unfortunately he has not yet obtained the master, Tao Qian can not play his talents, only by following me, he can ride the weathered dragon, instead of coiling in this Xuzhou like a snake."

Cao Ren said seriously: "Brother, it makes your face look like this!" "


Cao Cao glared at Cao Ren, then stroked his beard and laughed.

It was said that Chen Deng returned to the city and said the results of the discussion.

Tao Qian frowned at first, and after a while, he said: "That's it, the matter was caused by us first, fifty thousand stones will be fifty thousand stones, send him away early, we will also rest assured!" "

Xuzhou was originally a rich place, as long as 830 can settle down, grain and grass are still easy to raise.

If the war is delayed, the destruction of agricultural materials is one thing, and people are uneasy and flee, then Xuzhou is the biggest disaster.

Food is sent out of town.

Cao Cao immediately left with grain.

There was no longer a single pawn under Tancheng.

Even Cao Chun, who attacked Xiaping, withdrew to Pengcheng.

However, Pengcheng has not yet withdrawn its troops.

The Qingzhou army from Yanzhou worked day and night to transport Pengcheng's grain and grass back to Yanzhou from both land and water.

"Report, military division, in the direction of Yuzhou, it is suspected that there are soldiers and horses moving, coming towards the east!"

When Liu Ye heard this, his eyebrows twitched slightly.

"It seems that Yuan Shu has learned the news!"

Xia Hou said, "Anyway, most of the grain and valuable things such as money cloth have been transported away, and even if Yuan Shu comes, it will be useless!" "

"Withdraw the troops, return the city, let Tao Qian and Yuan Shu go to confront, and see if Yuan Shu dares to enter!" Liu Ye said:

"By the way, when passing through Peiguo, scatter some grain to the people along the way, one is to speed up land transportation, and the other is to give Yuan Shu and Tao Qian a headache!"

"It's the Army (AGFF) division!" Xia Hou Wei and Cao Chun and the others replied one after another.

The southeastern border of Liangguo in Yuzhou.

Yuan Shu's general Zhang Xun led a group of men and horses who had just arrived, and the scouts who had entered Xuzhou in advance were just in time to return.

"Report, General Zhang, Cao Cao's soldiers and horses have withdrawn from Pengcheng and have entered the Peiguo Yuqiu, and Pengcheng has been taken over again by Xuzhou soldiers and horses!"

Zhang Xun couldn't help but show pity when he heard this.

The subordinate asked: "General, what should we do, do we want to pursue the Cao army?" "

Zhang Xun shook his head: "No need, the opportunity has been lost!" "

"Moreover, the Cao army is all cavalry all the way, I am a pawn, I may not be able to catch up with them, and even if I catch up, I may not be able to win!"

"Withdraw, the Xuzhou crisis has been lifted, even if we want to fight Tao Qian, we have no chance!" Offending the Pei Kingdom, it will also provoke Mao Tao Qian, do it badly, force Tao Qian to Cao Cao, if these two parties cooperate, my Yuzhou will suffer a loss! "

I have to say that there are not many handsome people in Yuan Shu who can coordinate the army.

And Zhang Xun is one of them, like Ji Ling, wait for half more.

A day later, Xiayi is near the top of the mountain! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Military master, the Yuzhou army did not chase, it seems that we are busy in vain!"

Liu Ye said: "This shows that there are still capable people in the Yuzhou army, not all of them are straw bales, after the fourth and third dukes, it is not surprising that they have a prominent reputation, and there are a few sages who defected!" "

"Withdraw, this time you can return to Zhencheng with peace of mind!"

Soon the three thousand iron horses disappeared on this nameless mountain, and Zhang Xun also escaped because of his steadiness.



Yuan Shu Department!

"Bastard, Tao Qian, this fool, actually made peace with Cao Cao so quickly! Rubbish! "

After Yuan Shu received the news that Cao Cao had peace talks with Tao Qian, and all kinds of soldiers and horses quickly retreated north, he was so angry that his lungs were about to explode!

Originally, he thought that this was an opportunity, and wanted to wait for the two sides to consume a wave, and then whether he attacked Xuzhou or Yanzhou, he would have the winning chance.

As a result, he never expected that as soon as Cao Cao sent his troops, he broke through Pengcheng County and Donghai County, and killed the city of Tanxian County.

I didn't expect that Cao Bao's army, such a straw bale, was defeated by the soldiers and horses of the Cao army at once, and almost the entire army was destroyed.

Tao Qian was even softer, and so soon he sang to Cao Cao about conquest and handed over grain and cloth.

I didn't expect that Cao Cao was so calm and not greedy at all, and he withdrew all of a sudden.

This made the army that he had just prepared to march north stillborn again!

"You say, now we really don't have a chance to move north?" Yuan Shu swept unwillingly to everyone:

"Cao Cao fought with the Xuzhou army, the soldiers were tired, at this time they had just retreated to Yanzhou, and they were not in a hurry to deploy defense, I Yuzhou can kill the city of Yancheng in one fell swoop and capture Cao Cao!"

Yang Hong, who had always supported Yuan Shao's northward march, was silent at this time.

Only Yan Xiang, who liked to advise, said: "Lord, Cao Cao fought with the Xuzhou army, and he did not hurt the roots, and the soldiers did not fight bloodily; On the contrary, he easily won the Xuzhou army.

And also captured tens of thousands of Xuzhou soldiers and horses, at this time the soldiers and horses were strong, and at the same time Xuzhou had a large amount of grain and grass, sufficient supplies, high morale, or local battles, it was difficult for us to fight Yanzhou! "

Yuan Shu understands the truth, but he feels uncomfortable in his heart.

If only he had sent troops earlier, he might have already been a guest at the banquet in Zhencheng.

The opportunity, hesitate, and it is lost.

Yuan Tao, who had not spoken for a long time, stood up at this time and said: "Lord, Jingzhou has repeatedly provoked us recently, and it has the posture of completely occupying Nanyang County, and our southern enemy has not retreated, so it is not the time to send troops north at this time!" "

"If there is a war, when the south is first and then the north, I think that the feud between Xuzhou and Yanzhou will be formed, maybe it will fight again next time, but I can't bear it from time to time."

Hearing this, Yuan Shu was completely angry and finally found a catharsis:

"Damn Liu Biao, I don't think about his Jingzhou, he actually worries about my Nanyang, hit me, hit me hard, and completely drive the Jingzhou army out of Nanyang."

"Pass the order to Ji Ling, the whole army will go south, and capture Cai Yao's guy for me, I will let Liu Biao never dare to look north again!"

Everyone was speechless for a while, Nanyang should belong to the territory of Jingzhou!

However, who let Dong Zhuo make Yuan Shu Nanyang Taishou in the first place.

Invisibly, a thunder that will burst is planted! .

Người mua: sabmado

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