"But there is a letter from Mengde!" Wang Yun was still a little old-fashioned and asked.

Xu Huang shook his head: "No, my lord said that this matter is confidential and must not be known by Dong Zhuo, otherwise I don't know how many loyal ministers will be killed!" "

"If Situ doesn't believe it, you can summon Jiading and wipe Dian Wei's force to see if it can be comparable to Lü Bu!"

Wang Yun said, "I definitely want to verify his bravery, and at the same time I need to think about it, you two will stay in the mansion these days, and you can't go anywhere!" "

Xu Huang had expected that Wang Yun would make such a move, so he said, "This is natural, since he is assisting Situ to get rid of thieves, he should be about half Situ!" "

"Master and apprentice, rest assured, the other people we have entered the customs have already been hidden, and when the thief is successfully eliminated, they will appear to connect with Situ to connect with the Guandong loyalists!"

A trace of essence flashed in Wang Yun's eyes.

Xu Huang's words are not revealing, we have answered, don't move your mind to "two six zero".

Killing one Xu Huang and Dian Wei may force the other party to defect to Dong Zhuo.

Wang Yun's heart was as uncomfortable as eating a fly.

But he also said with a smile: "In this way, you two go down, I will order someone to find you two good rooms!" "

"Thank you Situ!" Xu Huang was neither humble nor proud, and thanked him.

In this way, Xu Huang and Dian Wei lived in Wang Yun's mansion, and Cao Hong, who did not dare to show up, responded to the two in the dark.

The next day, Wang Yun really found twenty guards, but as a result, none of them could beat Dian Wei's move, and they were all beaten to the ground.

Wang Yun then understood that Xu Huang's dian Wei was comparable to Lü Bu.

It was even more believed that Xu Huang and the two of them were a little more confident.

In the remaining days, nothing changed in Chang'an, and Dong Zhuona was still the same.

Wang Yun was also afraid that the night would grow and dream more, so he immediately planned to eliminate it.

First, he deliberately intersected with Lü Bu on a famous occasion, and invited Lü Bu to come to the mansion to lie about Du Ji being robbed by Dong Zhuo.

Then guide Lü Bu step by step, and finally persuade Lü Bu to get rid of Dong Zhuo.

Lü Bu then found his friend Li Su to do this big thing together.

Li Su was angry that Dong Zhuo did not reward him, so he agreed to Lü Bu's intention to unite, and also personally ran to Meiwu, lying that the Son of Heaven wanted to let Zen, and asked Dong Zhuo to go to the Chang'an Palace.

Dong Zhuo had long had the heart to waste the Son of Heaven to stand on his own, and when he heard this, he was so excited that he couldn't sleep all night, and immediately sent 3,000 troops to Chang'an the next day.

Before he saw the city, he met Wang Yun and countless officials to greet him.

Wang Yun began to praise Dong Zhuo between words, and Dong Zhuo laughed when he heard this:

"Master Zi rest assured, if I am the emperor, you will be my prime minister, and you will have to come to everything in the dynasty!"

Wang Yun pretended to be overjoyed and thanked him: "Thank you!" Special dedication of two fierce members to the lord. "

This sentence completely dispelled Dong Zhuo's doubts, and at the same time made him float even more.

Even the ministers of the DPRK compromised, and it seems that this time he can really stand for Han and ascend the throne as emperor.

After Wang Yun finished speaking, Dian Wei and Xu Huang stood up and met with Dong Zhuo.

Dong Zhuo saw Xu Huang and Dian Wei, a fierce god, but a big waist and a strong fierce, a dignified appearance, the atmosphere is very strong, Dong Zhuo is a person who knows soldiers and understands war, and he knows at a glance that these two are fierce soldiers.

I couldn't help but feel even more joyful in my heart.

"Very good, you two will be my guards for the time being, and if you have the opportunity, let the two of you lead troops to fight in Kanto!"

Xu Huang and Dian Weiyan said thank you.

So Dong Zhuo signaled the carriage to continue and returned to Xiangfu.

The next day, Zhuo Jin Dynasty, all the courtiers wore imperial uniforms and greeted Yu Dao. Li Su held the sword in his hand and walked the car. When they arrived at Beiye Gate, all the soldiers blocked the door, and more than 20 people from the only royal car entered together.

Among them, Dian Wei and Xu Huang are among them.

Dong Zhuoyao saw Wang Yun and the others standing at the gate of the temple with swords, and asked Li Su in surprise: "What does it mean to hold a sword?" "

Li Su didn't answer, and rushed straight in.

Only then did Dong Zhuo realize that it was not good, and hurriedly shouted: "Help, someone wants to be lonely!" "

Wang Yun shouted: "The anti-thief is here, where is the samurai?" "

Immediately, more than 100 people turned out on both sides, holding halberds and killing them!

At the same time, Dian Wei behind the car suddenly crashed into the horse.

The carriage and horse fell to the ground with a bang.

Dong Zhuo's guards were shocked and wanted to step forward to save Dong Zhuo, when Xu Huang drew his sword and struck at each other, shouting: "Xu Huang, a general under the Duke of Yanzhou Mucao, is here, and everyone can be blamed for Dong thieves!" "

Dong Zhuo's guards did not go forward, Dong Zhuo came out of the car, his head was almost bloody, and he cried: (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

"Where is Wu'er Fengxian?"

As soon as the words fell, Dian Wei had already climbed up, jumped onto the carriage that had overturned, and then threw the halberd down.

Straight to Dong Zhuo's back heart!

Dong Zhuo screamed.

Then came Lü Bu's roar: "There is an edict thief!" Kill Dong Zhuo! "

After speaking, a halberd stabbed and inserted into the back of Dong Zhuobei's side.

Dong Zhuo couldn't believe it, his eyes were full of horror, and his face turned pale.

Li Su wanted to step forward to grab the merit, but at this time Dian Wei turned over, grabbed Dong Zhuo's head, and chopped off Dong Zhuo's head with another matchless iron halberd, raising it high:

"Yanzhou Mu Cao Gong's subordinate Dian Wei is here, Dong Thief is cursed!"

When Wang Yun and others saw it, they all liked to call 0...

The hundred officials wept with joy.

Then Li Suying claimed to have gone to capture Li Ru.

After that, Wang Yun beheaded Li Rushi Cao and then rewarded a group of people who eliminated Dong thieves.

The first of them was Lü Bu, who served as the general of Fenwu, the third division of Yibi, and the Marquis of Wen.

Then came Cao Cao, who officially worshipped Yanzhou Mu; He is also the general of Zhendong.

Xu Huang granted Henan Yitaishou (噽太守), Marquis of Feng Du Ting, and supervised Luoyang and Baguan; Dian Wei awarded Hongnong County Taishou, the Marquis of Feng Du Ting!

Li Subai rode the capital lieutenant, the marquis of the capital Pavilion!

The rest of them have their own rewards!

After that, Lü Bu led an army and ordered Lü Bu to lead 50,000 troops with Huangfu Song and Li Su to copy Dong Zhuo's family property and population in Chenwu.

At this time, Wang Yun was proud of the spring breeze.

Set up a banquet in the capital hall, gather all the officials, and drink wine to celebrate.

At the banquet, there was a hint of solicitation for Xu Huang and Dian Weiduo

"Cao Cao, you robbed my mink cicada, today I will also rob your two fierce generals, and we will not owe each other from now on!"

Seeing the courage of Xu Huang and Dian Wei that day, Wang Yun naturally had some more ideas.

Otherwise, he would not have given Cao Cao such a big benefit, and he was also a state pastor and a general of Zhendong.

He also gave Dian Wei Xu Huang the post of real power and great guard.

In order to dig Cao Cao's corner, and Cao Cao had nothing to say. 3.1 This is a fierce general sent by Cao Cao, and the sky does not take it, but suffers from it.

Xu Huang saw through Wang Yun's meaning, and thanked him many times when he toasted, and he really wanted to vote for Wang Yun.

Dian Wei is a humble person, but he also learned to be a thief in Ye Qing, nodding vigorously and pretending to be a fool, and then eating and drinking, interpreting a simple mind and developed limbs to the fullest.

Looking at the way Dian Wei ate, Wang Yun was more satisfied with his beard.

Martial man, just want to be like this, pure and simple, what do you want your mind to do?

The martial artist with brains is like Dong Zhuo, who eventually scourges the world.

"Report! Lord Situ, Dong Zhuo's violent corpse was in the city, and some house slaves reported that some people privately mourned in the house. "


These words completely angered Wang Yun.

Wang Yun stood up and was furious: "Who?" Arrest him immediately! "。

Người mua: sabmado

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