"Yuan Shu

"It's time to talk about him, otherwise you won't be able to understand the Three Kingdoms more comprehensively!"

Ye Qing thought for a while and said, "Let me tell you about his family lineage first, knowing what kind of person Yuan Shu is, in order to better understand the formation and decline of his power!"

Although both Cao Cao and Chen Gong knew Yuan Shu's family lineage, this was all inherent in their world.

What kind of judgment the immortals would have on Yuan Shu still made them extremely interested.

"Yuan Shu, born in the Runan Yuan clan, the third duke of the fourth dynasty..."

"Yuan Highway worries about the country and forgets his family, and the dry bones in the grave..."

After briefly evaluating and explaining Yuan Shu's family lineage, Ye Qing then said:

"Now let's hear what stupid things Yuan Shu did in his struggle to dominate the world, attacking Yanzhou and being defeated by Cao Cao at Kuangting, and the six-hundred-li escape We have already talked about once. "

"Yuan Shu sent troops to face Liu Bei and captured the land of Xuzhou is also half talked about, today we will start with another person, this person is Sun Ce.

Sun Ce, Sun Jian's eldest son, Sun Jian was killed by Liu Biao because he secretly possessed the jade seal, and the Gongbuqu was annexed by Yuan Shu.

Sun Ce was also dormant under Yuan Shu's rule, wanting to think far away and achieve hegemony, but he had no soldiers and no power, so his friend took care of the adviser Zhou Yu and offered a strategy, exchanged the jade seal for military power, and asked Yuan Shu to return Sun Jian's old department..."


Cao Cao and Chen Gong were shocked when they heard this.

Unexpectedly, Sun Jian really got the jade seal, so Liu Biao attacked Sun Jian, but he really did not wronged him.

Unexpectedly, at a young age, his son Sun Ce also wanted to dominate the world and rise from Jiangdong.

With the courage and courage, he took out the jade seal of the kingdom and exchanged it for his father's old ministry.

"Sir, can Sun Ce finally conquer the Jiangnan Counties?" asked Chen Gong.

Ye Qing said, "Don't worry, today we will talk about Yuan Shao and Sun Ce, and we will talk about it later." "

It hangs our appetite again.

Every time it is a key moment, the theme is changed.

No matter how curious and eager Chen Gong was, Ye Qing continued: "After Yuan Shu got the jade seal, he took it out every day to touch and check, thinking about the throne of the Son of Heaven, so after he captured Xuzhou Guangling and other counties, Sun Ce and others under his rule drove away Wang Lang and others, and defeated the brothers of the Zhou family sent by Yuan Shao to Yangzhou, Yuan Shu grew stronger and bigger, and finally, when Cao Cao attacked Wancheng and fought Zhang Xiu for the first time, he ascended the throne and became emperor!"

Even the main book pavilion elephant advised Yuan Shu: "In the past, after the Zhou Dynasty, he accumulated merit and merit, and as for King Wen, there are two out of three parts of the world, and he is still serving Yin." Although the Duke of Ming's family is noble, it is not as prosperous as Zhou, and although the Han family is small, it is not as violent as Yin. This is by no means feasible. "

Yuan Shu burst out and cursed angrily, "My surname Yuan is from Chen. After Chen Nai Dashun. Bearing the fire with earth is exactly what it is transported. He also said: The one who represents the Han dynasty, when Tu Gaoye. The highway, in response to its saying. There is also the jade seal of the country. If you are not a king, you will also go against the way of heaven. My will has been decided, and those who speak more will be killed!"

Therefore, Yuan Shu called Emperor Yue and established the name Zhongshi, Litai Province and other officials, riding the dragon and phoenix, worshiping the northern and southern suburbs, establishing Feng Fangnu as the queen, and Lizi as the East Palace. "

Yuan Shu dared to claim the emperor!

The Han family is still there, and if you take a jade seal, you dare to claim the emperor.

Yuan Shu is crazy!


Only by cutting off Yangzhou, he dares to risk the world's great opposition

Who gave him self-confidence.

Yuan Shu acted like a toddler, it was simply ridiculous.

"Yuan Shu is dying, just as Mr. said, dry bones in the grave!"

"If you don't die, you won't die, with Yuan Shu's family lineage, as long as you don't call yourself an emperor, don't be a rebel, protect yourself, and get away with it, in the future, the major princes of the world, no matter who defeats him and swallows his land and tribes, they will not dare to kill him." "

"Now, as soon as he is called emperor, anyone can kill him, and he can also destroy the Yuan family, uproot, the reputation of the Yuan family is completely lost, and even Yuan Shao will be affected. "

Cao Cao and Chen Gong looked at each other, and there was a look of shock in their eyes, as well as a touch of excitement. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Yuan Shu died like this, to save a big trouble, and it would be simple to deal with Yuan Shu later.

It would be convenient to eliminate the influence of the Yuan family on the hands of the world.

However, he said that Yuan Shu lost the battle with Lü Bu, defeated back to Huainan, and sent people to Jiangdong to ask Sun Ce to borrow troops to take revenge.

Sun Ce saved his life at this time, but he was angry: Ru Lai Wu Yuxi, arrogant title of emperor, back against the Han court, great disobedience!

After saying that Cao Cao had just returned to Xuchang, he ignored Sun Ce's letter from the envoy, and after Cao Cao read it, another subordinate reported that Yuan Shu was short of food and plundered Chen Liu.

So Cao Cao set up an army to march south, ordered Cao Ren to defend Xudu, and the rest were conscripted: 170,000 horse infantry, grain and more than 1,000 wagons... The Houshu army was defeated, rushed back to Shouchun, and could not hold out with an army of 100,000, and confronted Cao Cao to consume... In the end, Cao Cao broke through Shouchun after a hard battle, but let Yuan Shu run away!"

Cao Cao had to temporarily withdraw his troops and take care of the affairs in Chang'an Guanzhong. "

"Later Yuan Shao was too extravagant in Shouchun, and Lei Bo, Chen Lan and others all threw themselves into Songshan. Yuan Shu's power declined, but he wrote a letter to let the emperor call Yuan Shao, wanting to defect to Yuan Shao. Yuan Shao then asked Yuan Shu to go north, but when passing through Xuzhou, he was intercepted by Liu Bei and blocked the road to Beitou, so he turned back to Shouchun and eventually fell ill and died!"

In the past, Yuan Shu, who was the strongest, had the most soldiers and horses, had the most food and grass, and had the most extensive territory, died like this, and his power collapsed and collapsed.

All the betrayals left, and the Yuan family suffered from it.

Cao Cao couldn't help but sigh.

Yuan Shu also played with him from childhood to adulthood, although Yuan Shu has always been high, never put himself in his eyes, and often ridiculed and mocked.

But after all, it was also a childhood class, and they knew each other for a long time.

"'Yuan Shu, prosperous, defeated, mad, proud, declining, dead!' Chen Gong retracted his mind and said:

"Sir, after Yuan Shu's death, what happened to the land of Jianghuai? It all belonged to Cao Cao, or Liu Bei successfully stole Xuzhou, or Sun Ce crossed the river to attack Jiangnan. "

Ye Qing showed a standard smile and said lightly: "If you want to know how this kind of thing is, and listen... I (Li Dezhao) finished talking about Liu Bei and Sun Ce's beginnings, and you will understand by then!"


Here comes this trick again.

I also want to finish talking about Liu Bei and Sun Ce, talking about the final ownership of the land of Jianghuai.

Chen Gong felt uncomfortable in his heart.

Even Cao Cao made his heart itch.

Yuan Shu's Fang Xiong finished speaking, and there was an ending, but it didn't seem to be finished, and the story still tugged at the heartstrings.

"Sir, the cool dessert is ready, will it be served?" asked the mink cicada at this time.

Ye Qing said, "Take it, I believe that Boss Cao and Accountant Chen have long been thirsty and uncomfortable, and their hearts are full of anger!"

Cao Cao and Chen Jun looked at each other, and shook their heads helplessly and smiled bitterly.

However, he was very interested in this cool dessert.

Mr. Ye's food here is definitely the best in the world, even the palace meals in the past are just a small witch compared to this, the difference between clouds and mud! ! .

Người mua: sabmado

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