
Liu Xiang had just arrived with an army of 50,000, and the scout in front hurriedly came to report: "Report, General Liu, the big thing is not good, Cao Cao has already led the army to send troops from Zhencheng, and the 50,000 army is rushing towards our Kuang Pavilion!"

"What?" Liu Xian was taken aback when he heard this.

"How could Cao Cao come so quickly, our army has just arrived, and he sent troops!"

"And how could Yanzhou have so many soldiers and horses, and where did they come from, could it be that Yuan Shao sent troops?"

Then Liu Xiang hurriedly urged the guards: "Hurry up, report this news back to Fengqiu, and ask the lord to bring the army over immediately, come to the evening, my vanguard army will be in danger."

If the Lord comes to the night, he can only collect the corpse for us!"

For Cao Cao, Liu Xiang is still a little longing and has no confidence.

After all, the last time Cao Cao attacked Tao Qian, the battle to defend and counterattack was too good and dazzling.

Almost forced Tao Qian to death and swallowed Xuzhou.

In the face of such a fierce hero, Liu Xiang naturally lacked a little confidence.


Closed Hill!

Soon Yuan Shu received news from Liu Xiang, the general of the ministry.

There are still 50,000 troops available, and it is good to hide it from Yuzhou 06. "

"He wants to solve my vanguard army before my main force arrives, but unfortunately, I have long expected that he will plan to do so, otherwise I would not have chosen the battlefield in Kuang Ting!"

"The journey from Fengqiu to Kuangting is half shorter than that from Yancheng to Kuangting, and Cao Cao, a guy with a false name, doesn't even understand this, and he still vainly wants to resist our army and prevent me from swallowing Yanzhou!"

Yuan Shu sneered a few times, and then said: "Pass the order, go to Kuang Ting with all my army, this time I must surround Cao Cao in Kuang Ting and eliminate his main army." "

With Yuan Shu's order, Fengqiu's 150,000-strong army went east.

Yuan Shu's abacus is good, but he overlooks an important aspect, that is, the difference between maps and reality.

From the map, it seems that Fengqiu is not far from Kuangting, but it is necessary to spare the road, it is not straight, and there are four rivers in the middle, and crossing the river is extremely time-consuming.

With the addition of the 150,000-strong army, the speed of the march could not be fast at all, and the transportation of heavy weight and grain and grass was even more backward, and it was impossible to catch up with the main army, and could only fall far behind.

And Cao Cao knew all about Yanzhou, especially the situation in Chen Liu County better than Zhang Liao.

The mountain and river roads are also familiar with the chest, so it is extremely easy to deal with Yuan Shu.

Yuan Shu chose the battlefield in Kuang Ting, which was simply a divine help for Cao Cao.

If Yuan Shao directly took the line of Liang Guo and Chen Jun, attacked Dingtao in Jiyin County, and took Dingtao to attack all parts of Yanzhou, Cao Cao would have to divide his forces to deal with it.

Now that Yuan Shu has gone east from Fengqiu, the battle line is lengthened, and there are many geographical restrictions, which is different.

In just one day, Liu Xiang's back road was sealed by the seven thousand Yanzhou cavalry, cutting off his connection with Yuan Shu.

The next day, Liu Xiang met Cao Cao's main army.

"General, what now?" asked his subordinate.

I lost contact with Yuan Shu, what should I do now?

Liu Xiang said: "Cao Cao has cavalry, cut off the grain routes and connections in the rear of our army, and our 50,000 army does not carry much grain and grass, the only way to do this is to defeat Cao Cao first, drive Cao Cao's cavalry, and open up the connection with Fengqiu!"

Liu Xiang's proposition was simple, first win and then stabilize, defeat Cao Cao, and wait for the arrival of Yuan Shu's army.

So Liu Xiang pulled out the army, 50,000 against 50,000, and fought on the battlefield.

If you win, there is hope, and if you lose, you may die.

However, Liu Xiang knew that he had to make this peace, otherwise if Cao Cao blocked him for a long time, his army would be short of food and collapse, and finally surrendered to Cao Cao.

In this year, when there is food, there are soldiers, and the other party will lay out fragrant meals when you are hungry, and you will not descend.

In order to survive, the soldiers below will inevitably sell him Liu Xiang.

"Liu Xiang led the army into battle, who is willing to be the vanguard of our army and defeat the enemy!" said Cao Cao:

"In this battle, I don't need to kill Liu Xiang, just defeat his people, and then drive back to the camp and surround them. "

"Remember to kill less and do not kill too much, after all, they are all my great people. "

Cao Cao wanted to surround the point to help, and if Liu Xiang was killed, there would be no bait.

Yuan Shu may have turned around and returned to Fengqiu with the main force halfway.

"Lord, the last general is willing to be the vanguard!" Xu Chu hugged his fist and asked for battle.

He threw Cao Cao here, but he did not achieve an inch, plus he wanted to compare with Dian Weibi.

This kid Dian Wei can go to Chang'an to kill Dong Zhuo and make great achievements. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

There is no reason why he can only stay in Ye Xian's small courtyard to watch over the nursing home.

"Lord, Li Dian please fight!"

"Lord, please fight!"

The generals asked for battle.

Cao Cao glanced at everyone, and the battle spirit was available.

So he said to Xu Chu: "Zhongkang, give me a breath to defeat Liu Xiang and scare him to death!"

"No!" Xu Chu was overjoyed when he heard this, and hugged his fist to lead the order.

So he was at the front with three thousand pioneer soldiers and horses.

Bang war drums cocked.

The big war was about to break out, and both sides were fighting with high morale and morale.



Both sides photographed a small army of soldiers and horses to make tentative contact with the battlefield.

This is the case in battles, it is impossible to go up all at once, you must first rely on small battles and small victories to accumulate morale and stack up the fighting spirit.

"Brothers kill with me, kill them in one go!" Xu Chu gathered enough strength and stood in the middle and front part of the army, urging his subordinates to charge forward.

Soon the two armies approached, both school knifemen.

993 "Kill!"

Both sides erupted in roars.

Then slash at each other or raise shields against each other.



As soon as the two armies came into contact, the general of the Cao army took two steps back, and he could not withstand the other party.

Xu Chu stared straight at him, and the anger on his face soared.

"Attack, give me back, Yuzhou Army, follow me!"

After all, the Qingzhou Army is a military tun army, since the surrender, in addition to simple training, more often it is still farming, basically the combat effectiveness is still maintained at the level of the original Yellow Turban Army, the only difference is that they know the rules better and know how to cooperate with the military formation.

Other than that, there really aren't any big improvements.

Yes, it is far inferior to Yuan Shu, a well-trained Yuzhou veteran elite.

"Lord, our Qingzhou Army is weaker than the elite of the Yuzhou Army, and this battle seems to be a bit suspended!"

The soldiers of Yuzhou were well fed, and the soldiers were well fed and drunk, so they also had great strength and a much better mental outlook.

The rest of the crowd was also anxious, although the 100,000 Qingzhou army was basically handed over to Yu Ban to command, but after all, this was 100,000 soldiers and horses, how could Yu Ban be able to cover everything and train 100,000 people into elites.

It's not uneven to be good.

Cao Cao was not in a hurry, and his expression showed firmness: "If there is Zhongkang, there will be no trouble, and look at how my tiger idiot will be powerful!"

Người mua: sabmado

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