Soon Yuan Shu left the ferry port with an army of 60,000 and headed towards Kuang Ting, but none of the scouts sent out in advance could return to report the situation to Yuan Shu.

At this time, Yuan Shu could not manage so much, and the 60,000 army still forcibly marched and continued to hurry.

So much so that when passing through the mountain road thirty miles away, he did not check it, and plunged into it.

"Hurry up, rush to Kuang Ting, it will be victory, you don't need to fight immediately, just give our battalion soldiers confidence and let them hold on!"

"Hurry up, whoever dares to fall behind, kill whom!"

At this time, on the mountain, countless eyes were staring at the Yuzhou army that was marching quickly on the official road.

Seeing that it was almost done, Cao Cao gave an order: "Attack!"

Knock knock!

War drums beat.

In an instant, the crossbow generals who ambushed on both wings fired arrows at the Yuzhou army on the official road.



The generals and men of the Yuzhou Army fell to the ground one after another, and they were terrified.

"It's not good, there is an ambush, there is an ambush, retreat, withdraw!"

"Lord, the big thing is not good, Cao Cao shot ambushes on both wings of the official road, and our army suffered heavy casualties!"

Yuan Shu had already heard the shouts of killing from ahead at this time, and he was also scared to sweat on his spine, his eyes were full of anger, and there was a sense of humiliation.

"Damn, Cao Cao set up an ambush for me here!"

"Steady, the main force of Cao 390 is in Kuangting, there will not be too many ambushes here, rush forward, don't mess, don't retreat!"

"Order Chen Ji and Chen Lan to each bring 10,000 soldiers and horses to face the ambush of the Cao army and take the mountains on both wings!"

At this time, Yuan Shu still did not believe that this was Cao Cao's main force, and still thought that Cao Cao wanted to prevent him from reinforcing Kuang Ting.

"Lord, withdraw, if you don't withdraw, it's too late, this is Cao Cao's main force, not a small blocking force!" the general Liu Xun persuaded.

Although his force is not as good as Zhang Xun, and his ability to command the army is not good, but he has a smart brain, and he is from a family, and he has a reputation for merit, he can still understand the current situation.

The Cao army on both wings had already begun to charge down the mountain like a sea, not just to block and scare back their own army.

It is likely that he really wants to eat his own army of 60,000.

"Report, lord, there is a cavalry of the Cao army behind them, the number is at least five thousand, I am afraid that our army will not be able to stop it!"

Just as Yuan Shu hesitated, there was an urgent report behind him.

Yuan Shu's face was extremely gloomy, and his heart was a little panicked.

Finally gritted his teeth and said: "Withdraw, immediately withdraw to the ferry." "

The army was defeated, Yuan Shu withdrew, and the 60,000 army collapsed.

Countless people abandoned their armor and fled to the west.

Cao Cao's 5,000 cavalry spared Yuan Shu's defeated army, and the two wings kept chasing after them, biting and impacting.

Intercept Yuan Shu's army piece by piece.

Make full preparations for Cao Cao and other pawns to catch up and encircle and surrender.

When Yuan Shu fled back to the ferry, there were only 5,000 soldiers and horses behind him at this time.

And everyone is at risk, and they are so frightened that their faces are as pale as blood.

"Lord, why did you come back?" Qiao Rui looked confused, Yuan Shu's 60,000-strong army set out, and now only 5,000 embarrassed people fled back, which was also too magical.

Qiao Rui didn't ask if it was okay, as soon as he asked, Yuan Shu was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

Chen Jidao: "The main force of Cao Cao ambushed us halfway, and our army was ambushed and suffered heavy losses!"

60,000 troops, this is gone.

"Hurry up, cross the river, and go back to the west bank to say something else!" Yuan Shu was frightened, and did not dare to stay on the east bank longer.

When the soldiers are gone, they can be recruited again, and if they lose their food and equipment, they can be re-recruited.

But if he dies, then the Yuan family's inheritance will be over.

At this time, Yuan Shu couldn't think of anything else at all, and he just wanted to save his life.

What Qiao Rui wanted to say, but in the end, he was stuck in his throat and did not dare to say it.


Booming, five thousand iron horses were almost chasing over, and the battle banner of the Cao army was like a plague, making the soldiers of Yuzhou tremble.

The war horse galloped, like thunder.

Qiao Rui also frowned, and said busily: "All the soldiers and soldiers will cover the lord's retreat to the west with me." "

At this time, the army crossing the east bank already had 30,000 soldiers and horses, enough for a battle.

However, these generals of the Yuzhou army have been affected by Yuan Shu and other defeated generals.

When facing the five thousand iron horses, he also began to be afraid of battle, and his legs were beating. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

It got closer and closer, and soon reached the land of one (agca) arrows, and I saw five thousand iron horses flying into two strands, and then the left side separated, bending the bow and shooting arrows in unison.


The cavalry did not rush directly over, but rode and shot, creating tension and oppression.


The Yuzhou army was suppressed and attacked by five thousand tiger and leopard horses, the formation began to be confused, the army was unstable, and countless people began to retreat and fled.

Qiao Rui swung his knife and slashed and killed a retreating general: "Fear to flee and fight to kill!"

Soon the second discussion of the tiger and leopard riding and shooting began again.

This time more Yuzhou troops died.

The shield soldiers in front also began to tremble and soften.

Qiao Rui was relieved to see Yuan Shu and the others withdraw across the west bank, but soon bigger trouble came.

Cao Cao chased after him with the main force.

The even larger Yanzhou army came to kill with great momentum, and the killing sound was shocking.

The murderous aura that rushed to his face made Qiao Rui also startled, and his face was so dignified that he could drip water.

"General, I can't stand it, the main force of Cao Cao is coming, we... Withdraw!"

"General, the Lord has already crossed the river, our 30,000 soldiers and horses are not at all the opponents of Cao Cao's horse and infantry combined army, while there is still time, let the soldiers withdraw to the west bank!"

The generals persuaded.

If you don't leave, you can't leave.

Qiao Rui saw that he would have no will to fight, and the soldiers also had no will to fight, and he was bent on retreating.

In the end, I had to sigh helplessly: "Withdraw, how much can be withdrawn?"

Everyone is wise to save their lives, why should I fight to the death for Yuan Shao!

Moreover, this method of death in battle can only be said to be a grievance and is meaningless.

If he dies, the responsibility for the defeat will be pushed over.

"Kill, the Yuzhou army wants to withdraw, take it down!"

"The tiger and leopard rode and rushed, killed to the river, and intercepted the enemy soldiers!"


This time, the five thousand tiger and leopard horses finally did not endure, and directly rushed into the Yuzhou defeat, not giving Qiao Rui any chance.

For a moment, countless Yuzhou troops fell under the iron horse and the sword.

Countless corpses floated on the banks and in the river, and the river was dyed with a rainbow.

Yuan Shu and the others who escaped from the west bank watched this heartache dripping blood.


Soon the battle on the east bank was over, and the Yuzhou army, which had no hope of escaping across the river, finally lost its weapons and asked Cao Cao to surrender amid the continuous roar of the Yanzhou generals.

"Damn, Cao Cao, I will definitely repay this hatred!"

Only a few thousand of the 30,000 soldiers and horses can cross the river.

With such a toss, the 150,000-strong army directly lost 80,000.

Heavy losses.

"Lord, three thousand iron horses of the Cao army have appeared in the north, and they are coming towards my ferry!"

Cao Cao's cavalry crossed the river, when did it pass, where did it come from, how was it so fast!

Seeing that the Cao army on the other side of the river was collecting the abandoned ships and preparing to cross the river to pursue, Yuan Shu had countless questions in his heart, and in the end, it only turned into one word: "Withdraw!"

"Withdraw the seal!".

Người mua: sabmado

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