The moment Ke Yuehua left his mouth, it was as if he was struck by lightning.

Although she already knew the answer, the moment she admitted it, her heart that was already dead in Shi Jinchen seemed to be trampled on once again.

"How dare you lie to me!" When his Shi Jinchen was angry, he was terrifyingly calm.

Ke Yuehua saw that Shi Jinchen's face was cold and without any ripples, and became afraid. She would rather see her enraged face that was filled with rage than see him like this.

Because Shi Jinchen like that meant that he still cared about her, and was angry at her for what she had done. But now that his Shi Jinchen heart was dead, he did not care about Ke Yuehua at all.

"I didn't mean to. I lost my memory."

Shi Jinchen did not believe him, "If I treat you like this, you will repay me in this way. Ke Yuehua, are you interested? "

Each and every question that came from the Shi Jinchen stung his heart, especially the last sentence, which caused him to be unable to stand steadily in his sleep.

"Shi Jinchen, listen to my explanation." Ke Yuehua felt that they should explain that they were not like that.

The Ke Yuehua wanted to grab onto the sleeves of the Shi Jinchen.

Shi Jinchen waved his hand, and pushed Ke Yuehua away. Ke Yuehua staggered a few steps, and then fell to the ground.

Shi Jinchen raised his legs, wanting to support Ke Yuehua, but Shi Jinchen managed to stabilize his legs with perseverance. He turned his head and asked, "Who is allowed to call This King by his name?"

Aside from the grudges between Shi Jinchen and love, the ministers on the other side had also reacted at this moment.

The fourth duke actually treated the person whom his Shi Jinchen was like a treasure in his hands as the second in command of the broken sword cliff.

"The Fourth Marquis actually colluded with broken sword cliff." This person's loud shout was like a stone thrown into a calm lake, causing layer upon layer of ripples to appear. This person was the person who had previously reported the whereabouts of Shi Jinchen to Shi Jinchen through a pigeon.

The ministers were discussing among themselves. [The fourth prince is actually colluding with the assassination group? What does he want?] It was obvious at a glance that he was planning to rebel.

The ministers speculated but did not voice their suspicions out loud. The crimes were too serious, they did not dare to speak out loud.

When Shi Jinchen heard the ministers' answers, he knew that if he let go of Ke Yuehua just like that, it would make the officials suspicious. News of him colluding with broken sword cliff would spread, with the three of them acting like tigers, and it would then spread to the emperor's ears.

Shi Jinhan was such a vicious scheme, killing two birds with one stone. Not only did it separate him from Ke Yuehua, it also designed a colluded broken sword cliff, hoping to rebel.

Shi Jinchen decisively decided. He took out the sword at Pei Ze's waist, and with a sword in hand, he walked towards Ke Yuehua step by step. With a resolute and unyielding face, he was bound to cut the sword in half with his Ke Yuehua.

When the Shi Jinchen's sword pierced the waist of Ke Yuehua, he couldn't believe that Shi Jinchen would kill him. The previously laughing and furious Shi Jinchen which he had scolded so loudly with, had finally disappeared in the end, after his betrayal.

Shi Jinchen withdrew his sword and threw it on the ground. The sword was stained with his blood.

Shi Jinchen turned his body, did not see Ke Yuehua's deathly pale, disbelieving, injured face. His hand that was hidden in his sleeve was slightly trembling, but he pretended to be calm as he said, "Go, take your servant and subordinates and leave for good. I don't want to see you again. the next time you commit an offense, this king will definitely wash away broken sword cliff with blood. "

With the support of the latter autumn, he slowly straightened his back and used his right hand to cover his wounds. Before he left, he said in disbelief, "Shi Jinchen, is what you said true?"

Shi Jinchen: "When has this duke ever lied?"

After Ke Yuehua finished listening, he finally believed it. He left the Duke's Palace with Night Autumn, Jing Yi and the subordinates of broken sword cliff behind him.

At this time, Shi Jinchen no longer had the mind to deal with these ministers, so they let the aides handle it.

Mister Sima forced and threatened them so that these ministers couldn't spread the news. These ministers naturally agreed, they had all seen the prince's actions just now. The prince did not collude with broken sword cliff, and would not revolt, or else he would not have let them go.

Furthermore, it would be better to avoid unnecessary trouble. After the ministers returned, they all kept their mouths shut.

In the afternoon of the same day, Shi Jinchen took the lead to bring along guard Pei Ze and a small group of bodyguards on their way back to the capital. Keep the army to confuse the eyes.

Shi Jinchen had most likely already taken action against the secret guard who had sent the report for him. He had to return to the capital quickly and personally see His Majesty to tell him everything.

This was why Shi Jinchen had taken the small paths through the mountains along the way. They had used all sorts of shortcuts to avoid the spies the Shi Jinhan had set up everywhere.

Just as Shi Jinchen had predicted, on the day before the hidden guards from the Shi Jinchen arrived in the capital, they were attacked by the subordinates of the Shi Jinhan and it was impossible for one person to fight against them.

He knew what would happen if he were to be caught by someone from the Shi Jinhan.

When the subordinate of Shi Jinhan saw that person jump into the cliff, he spat out, "The crown prince had instructed us to capture him alive before going to bite back on Shi Jinchen, but our plan was actually disrupted by him."

Then, he arranged for the three of them to return to Shi Jinhan to report to the sect. The remaining people would continue to ambush and deal with Shi Jinchen.

When Ke Yuehua left the gates of the Duke Palaces, blood kept flowing and he was temporarily stunned unconscious. In the evening of autumn, he called for a carriage to send Ke Yuehua into the innermost infirmary.

The doctor used the herb to stop the bleeding. He examined the wound and said, "Fortunately, the wound is not deep and there is no life threatening. Don't worry. He should be able to wake up tonight. You all should temporarily stay here. "

It was as if evening autumn and Jing Yi had narrowly escaped death. Lying on the side of the Ke Yuehua's bed, Jing Yi asked evening Qiu, "Are you really people from broken sword cliff?"

"En! Are you afraid?"

Jing Yi: "I don't care where you guys are from. It was young miss who saved me and took me in. "No matter where you are from, I will follow the young miss."

He didn't think that Jing Yi, which was usually as timid as a mouse, would say such a thing. He nodded and realized that he couldn't see the Jing Yi. He just squatted down and hugged Ke Yuehua and Jing Yi, "It will be fine, everything will be fine."

"We'll always be together." Jing Yi firmly said.

It was just as the doctor had said, Ke Yuehua woke up at night, and after waking up, he laid there quietly. He didn't speak, and after Jing Yi fed her medicine, she drank it, fed her food, and she also ate it, but didn't say a single word.

Late autumn and Jing Yi knew that her injury had penetrated her heart. They all shut their mouths to not discuss Shi Jinchen, and accompanied Ke Yuehua until she was more or less healed up after three days.

Ke Yuehua opened her mouth and said the first thing she said in these three days, "Tomorrow, we will go to broken sword cliff."

Wasn't it precisely because Miss was a person of broken sword cliff that had severed their relationship with Shi Jinchen at that time? Why did he return it?

Ke Yuehua knew they were very surprised, and explained: "I know Ke Zheng wants to use me to suppress Shi Jinchen. Yes, he had succeeded. So, I want to go back and understand his every move, and help Shi Jinchen. "

"Miss, I will help you."

"Miss, where are you going? I'm going too." The Jing Yi wholeheartedly followed the footsteps of the Ke Yuehua.

Hearing the warm words of the two, Ke Yuehua revealed the only smile they had in the past few days.

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