After three months of travel, Ke Yuehua brought along Jin Zhi, remembrances, and beautiful trees as they traveled. They experienced the great rivers and mountains that were summoned from the south and saw the magnanimity in others.

Ke Yuehua had always believed that only by seeing vast seas and lofty mountains would one be able to have a heart for everything. Thus, she wanted to let the children know that there were many sights in the world and the one they loved the best.

After a long discussion along the way, Ke Yuehua finally decided to settle in Hangzhou. There was heaven above and Suhang below. Hangzhou would be a good choice.

Even late autumn was looking forward to it. "Sister Yuehua, I haven't been to the West Lake yet. I'm really looking forward to it!"

"Mom, Mom." Muttering to himself and pushing Ke Yuehua, he asked, "Is the West Lake very beautiful?"

Ke Yuehua tilted his head and thought for a while, then said: "Mn, Mother has also not seen her before, she should be very beautiful. When tomorrow arrives, you will know."

The Ke Yuehua sat on his lap while the Jin Zhi snuggled beside him. Jia Mu had already fallen into a deep sleep in the embrace of the autumn for a very long time, and was sleeping soundly, unable to wake up no matter how he cried.

They arrived in Hangzhou before nightfall. After entering the city, they first found an inn to stay at.

After dinner, Ke Yuehua brought Jin Zhi and remembrance back to their room. After Ke Yuehua washed their legs, they rushed them to bed.

The two children fell into a squabble and began to fight with each other. There was a wave of laughter, and when Ke Yuehua saw the two children, he also laughed happily.

After washing up, he went to bed. Lying between meditation and Jin Zhi, he carried the two children in his arms and asked, "Are you tired?"

His mind was still full of energy as he shouted, "I'm not tired!"

Ke Yuehua looked at Jin Zhi, which obediently shook its head. Jin Zhi was a little taciturn all day, but it was still very obedient and sensible. Ke Yuehua also did not force him to change his body.

Muttering to himself, he placed his legs on top of Ke Yuehua and petulantly said: "Mother, tell us a story."

Ke Yuehua said: "Alright, let Mother think about it. What story can I tell you!" Ke Yuehua really felt that telling a story was too tiring, especially for someone like her, who didn't read many books. In order to tell a story to these two brats, she had read countless books in private.

"Yes, have you heard the story of the White Lady? It has to do with the West Lake. " Ke Yuehua pretended to be profound as he looked at them.

He said excitedly, "Really? "Tell me, tell me!"

Jin Zhi's eyes also shone as he looked at it.

Ke Yuehua held them tightly in his embrace and began to talk. "In the past, there was a little white snake that was saved by a little shepherd boy every day …"

When Ke Yuehua spoke of the mountain of gold, the two little brats had already fallen asleep. After being tired for a day, it was time to sleep.

Ke Yuehua kissed each of the two children, and then covered them with their blankets. He looked at their sleeping appearance with satisfaction, and was very grateful that Shi Jinchen had given him these two adorable children.

Besides, the children were also very sensible. Other than asking why the Ke Yuehua were so beautiful trees when they were young, there was only mother and father when they were first born. When she found out that they would ask that question, and that she would be unhappy, they didn't ask her any more.

He gradually got used to it, and only his mother could live a happy life, but Ke Yuehua knew that if they saw Jia Mu and Autumn Shadow making love, they would also be envious, but they would not express it out loud, as they did not want to make her angry.

Ke Yuehua would often ask him, was he regretting leaving Shi Jinchen back then? Ke Yuehua did not know, she did not know what would happen if she did not leave, but she had never regretted giving birth to a dragon and phoenix.

Ke Yuehua carried the child and quickly fell asleep.

In Luo Village, in Hangzhou, there was a small forest with a family named Shi.

The forest was a two-story building and a large courtyard. The garden was filled with many kinds of vegetables, as well as flowers, rose flowers, peonies, and a large locust tree. It was already the early summer and the locust flowers were already blooming. The trees were luxuriant with leaves. Summer was a good place to enjoy the cool.

At this moment, there was a family eating in the shade under the tree.

"Lin Leyan, you must finish this bowl of food today!" Bai Yu spoke sternly towards a five-year-old little girl.

The little girl called Lin Leyan pitifully pouted and asked her father for help. "Daddy!" Tears welled up in his eyes, as if they were going to spill out in the next second.

The little girl from Lin Jinhan picked him up and put him in her arms. She rubbed her little face and comforted him: "Mother is doing this for your own good.

Lin Leyan doubtfully looked at her father. In her mind, her father would never lie to her. She asked, "Really?"

"Beautiful, beautiful!" Next to the dining table sat a three-year-old boy, clapping his hands as he ate.

Lin Jinhan pointed at the little boy, and said to Lin Yue Le Le: "Look, little brother already knows that you need to eat more to become beautiful, Yue Le should listen to mother's words and eat more."

Although Lin Leyan was only five years old, she was already a beautiful little girl. In order to become beautiful and not be angry at her mother, she scooped up rice and fed it to her mouth.

Therefore, he changed the name to Lin Jinhan. Because they lived in a bamboo forest, and because he also yearned for the seven sages to live uninhibited and unrestrained lives, he changed his name to Lin.

Bai Yu persevered and finally, five years ago, Lin Jinhan took over and married him, giving birth to a son and a daughter. His daughter was a bit older, but she was five years old this year. Her name was Lin Leyan, and she was a beautiful little girl. His son was three years old this year, and his name was Lin Xin Zhi. He was a warm man with a small voice, and the person he loved the most was his mother.

"Husband, have you prepared the things to enter the city tomorrow?" Bai Yu thought of his husband entering the city tomorrow, and asked if he had any preparations?

Lin Jinhan said: "It's about time, I'm just going to deliver some medicinal ingredients, there's nothing much to prepare."

Upon hearing that she wanted to enter the city, Lin Leyan immediately said, "I want to go as well. I want to go as well." Afraid that they would pull him down, she tugged on Lin Jinhan's sleeves without losing him.

Lin Jinhan had always granted their daughter every request and was a perfect daughter slave.

"Good, good!" Tomorrow, Father will bring them with him. " Lin Jinhan grabbed onto Lin Leyan's small nose. If Lin Leyan's request was met, then she wouldn't hate her father to pull on her small nose. The only weakness of Lin Leyan's face was that her nose was a little sunken, so she usually didn't like others pulling on it.

Bai Yu were not firm in their stance towards Lin Jinhan, they didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said: "You should spoil her, if not, you won't be able to get married in the future."

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