"Ding ding ding......"

The alarm rang as expected, waking the dreamer.

Unlike most people who hate the sound of the alarm in the morning, even if he was still asleep the previous second, Tang Yi woke up immediately when the alarm rang.

Without hesitation, he sat up first, then walked to the window and gently opened it.

As the window opened, a ray of morning light gently caressed his face, causing the corners of his mouth to lift slightly unconsciously.

"It's great, it's another sunny day."

Tang Yi smiled and whispered to himself.

As long as he could feel the sunshine, he would always be in a good mood.

""Woof! Woof!"

The next second, Tang Yi's mouth, which had just been raised, froze immediately after a dog barked in a hurry.

To him, this was the real, terrifying"alarm clock sound"."

"I know, I know. Can't I just brush my teeth, wash my face and get ready to go out right away?"

"You annoying little guy~"

Tang Yi smiled bitterly, then squatted down habitually and stretched out his right hand.

In that familiar position, a fluffy head always appeared.

First it nudged in his palm, then stretched out its tongue and licked his palm.

First a stick, then a date. This dog is really cunning.

"Woof woof~"

Hearing Tang Yi's happy agreement, the dog barked again, his voice was full of coquettishness and a hint of pride.

"Xiaoxi, I'm ready, let's go."

After quickly washing up, Tang Yi led the dog named"Xiaoxi" out of the door facing the morning sun.

"Xiaoyi, why did you go out so early today? Is there something urgent?"

"Yes, if it's urgent, tell your uncle and ask him to go with you."

"Oops, you must not have had breakfast so early. Grandpa just bought some steamed buns and soy milk. You can take them with you on the way. You can't skip breakfast."

"Please be careful when walking. Xiaoxi is so good. You must lead the way."...

Although this old residential area is a typical"old, dilapidated and small" one, it also has an extraordinary human touch.

It is rare to see Tang Yi early in the morning. He rarely goes out. The early-rising residents of the community gathered around him and asked about his well-being.

"Aunt Liu, it's not a big deal, so I won't bother you."

"Grandpa Li, the doctor specifically told us not to eat breakfast during the examination. Thank you."

"Uncle Meng, Xiaoxi is very capable. Don't worry about it."

Tang Yi responded with a smile, and followed Xiaoxi to the gate of the community.

After watching his figure disappear at the gate, several people couldn't help but sigh.

"Oh, God, why does such a good child have to suffer such a thing?"

"Really, my heart aches when I think about it. This child has such a hard time."

"Fortunately, there is Xiaoxi, so there is always a way out."......

It is said that there is always a way out, but now, Tang Yi's road has been blocked by someone.

"Pets are not allowed on buses."

At the bus stop at the entrance of the community, before the morning bus, the bus driver looked down at Tang Yi, arrogantly, and impatiently shouted at him.

"This is not a pet, this is my guide dog."

Although he was not used to the other party's arrogant attitude, Tang Yi still plucked up the courage to argue.

This experience is the main reason why Tang Yi doesn't like to go out.

Yes, he is a blind man. And Xiaoxi is his guide dog.

Unlike most blind people, he is not born blind.

Many years ago, a sudden car accident took away his parents and his sight.

The once happy and happy little family was broken up overnight.

When he woke up after being rescued, he found that he was blind and his parents had left him forever. This is a terrible reality.

Tang Yi, who was still a little child at the time, fell into complete despair.

For countless dark nights,"Dad, Mom, I miss you so much......."

"I can't see anything, I can't see anything, woo woo woo......"

"Why did you leave me alone?......"

When his lifeless gray eyes were filled with tears, soaking the pillow.

The endless darkness, day after day, year after year, had no end.

He completely lost the courage to live.

Even if the neighbors came to his house and took care of his daily life, he still couldn't feel the slightest warmth and hope.

Because he had lost the light.

Whether it was in front of him or in his heart.

It was dark and silent, endless.

Until that day......

""Woof woof!"

Xiaoxi's arrival was like a flash of lightning!

It broke through the thick black curtain that covered the sky and let the sun shine on him again.

He felt the warmth and hope again.

It was an angel, Tang Yi's guardian angel!

That ray of light in the deep darkness!

It was his closest companion in the world.

Therefore, he would rather imprison himself in a small room than let Xiaoxi suffer any grievances because of him!

"No! What if it bites people?"

The bus driver still insisted, with a look of disgust on his face.

In his heart, he already regarded Tang Yi and Xiao Xi as troublemakers.

"No, guide dogs are strictly selected and professionally trained......."

No one knows Xiaoxi's temperament and abilities better than Tang Yi.

Moreover, to be able to become a guide dog, it is a rare existence.

The selection process for guide dogs is very strict, and it has to go through the stages of selection, foster care, work training, joint training, and assessment.

To meet the passing line, the first round of guide dogs must be large enough, emotionally stable, friendly to people, and have strong learning ability.

Most importantly, the selected puppies must be of pure bloodline, and no one in the previous three generations can hurt people.���Record.

As you can imagine, one must have excellent innate conditions, work hard, and make unimaginable sacrifices to have the opportunity to become a one-in-a-million guide dog.

In order to concentrate on their work, their curiosity is suppressed.

They also have to ignore other dogs' invitations and provocations to play, resist the temptation of food, refuse uncleaned food scraps on the streets, and learn to"hold their urine".

Obviously, they usually have their own personalities and favorite things.

But once they put on their work clothes and wear guiding devices, they enter a working state without holidays.

They work diligently and selflessly just to let the blind people regain hope.

At the same time, they should not be abandoned by this world.

But the world often only misunderstands and ignores them!

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