"You, you guys......"

Facing the endless, deafening abuse and spitting that echoed throughout the venue, Gao Lin was really shocked. In less than a day, it was as if everything had turned upside down. How could he become the object of public criticism and hatred?

"Captain, more and more citizens are gathering here!"

"Got it. I'll immediately ask my superiors to send more people to evacuate the crowd. We need to take the prisoner back to the police station as quickly as possible. If we delay, something unexpected might happen!"


Seeing that more and more citizens were coming here after hearing the news, and their emotions were getting more and more excited, the captain of the team couldn't help but feel worried.

He really couldn't expect that so many citizens would come here in anger at this late hour.

It can be seen that this guy really stirred up a hornet's nest this time, and he still felt wronged. It's really a pity that he deserves to die!

Although he also wanted to beat him up, after all, it was his duty, so he had to come forward to maintain order and appease the emotions of the onlookers.

If he was not careful, if there was a group fight and chaos, the consequences would be difficult to deal with.

"Everybody, be quiet and listen to me!"

"Now that the murderer has been arrested, we must believe in the laws and regulations and will give justice to the victim!"

"Everyone, go home, don't block the passage. We have to rush back to the bureau as soon as possible to conduct the next interrogation."

The captain said it sincerely.

Although he was still angry, the citizens spontaneously dispersed and made way for a passage.

Seeing this, Gao Lin couldn't help but let go of his heart.

Looking around, he even felt particularly majestic, as if he was walking on a red carpet.

"Hahaha, that’s what I said, it’s just a dog"

"What is there to interrogate? It's just about paying compensation. Just tell me the amount and I'll give it to you right now!"

"What if I get a criminal record at the police station? Won’t I be killed by you?"...

This series of arrogant shouting made the eyes of the citizens watching on both sides change, becoming like hungry wolves in the wilderness.

The captain wanted to beat the stupid scum to death with a stick.

The scene was already like a powder keg that could be ignited at any time, and you damned want to add fuel to the fire?

You don't know whether to live or die!

A single spark can start a prairie fire.

What he fears most now is that someone will not be able to resist rushing out to take action. With their current police force, it is totally not enough.

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help but be extremely alert, looking around nervously and being alert.

The situation is about to explode!

At this moment!

"Boom boom boom!"

The roar of the heavy motorcycle was like the roar of a prehistoric beast, coming from far away and rushing towards us!

The next moment!

""Fuck you!" accompanied by a classic and pleasant Chinese curse.

Everyone was shocked to see a burly giant riding an even burlier and wilder heavy motorcycle, rushing from the intersection and heading towards Gao Lin.

Without bothering to stop the car, Jun jumped off the motorcycle just before approaching. The heavy motorcycle weighing several hundred kilograms fell to the ground and slid out, bringing sparks all the way!


At the same time, the sound of a heavy object hitting something suddenly rang out, shocking the soul!


"Stop it!"

Then, Gao Lin cried out in pain and the captain shouted angrily.

When people's attention turned back from the gliding heavy motorcycle, they saw a sturdy northern man pounced on Gao Lin, like a god descending from the sky!

He looked crazy!

His fists as big as sandbags, one after another, hit him hard in the face.

His skin was torn and blood was flowing!

"This punch is for Tang Yi!"

"Bullying a blind person, rubbish!"


"This punch was thrown for his dog!"

"He repaid kindness with evil and attacked a guide dog. He is worse than a beast!"


Thinking of Xiaoxi's miserable state, thinking of Tang Yi's terrifying appearance when he ran away, thinking of the song he sang,

Jun Ge's anger reached its peak at this moment!

His face was hideous, his eyes were red, just like the evil ghost from the eighteen levels of hell who came to the world to take his life!

"Spare my life!"

Gao Lin's initial reaction was to beg for mercy.

But after seeing Jun's terrifying appearance, his innate desire to survive made him cry out for help to the police officers immediately.


The police officers who just reacted rushed forward and tried their best to pull Jun Ge away from Gao Lin.

At the same time, they were secretly afraid that if it had been a little later, the man would have been beaten to death.


The captain was anxious and angry at Jun.

This was a difficult situation. He had injured someone in public. Although the other party deserved it, they had their own laws and they could not turn a blind eye and stay out of it.

"You don't have to worry, I dare to take responsibility for what I did."

Jun stretched out his hands, without a trace of regret on his face.

"Why?" a young female police officer nearby couldn't help but ask

"I won't feel happy if I don't beat him!"

"My little brother is even more upset!"

Hearing such a straightforward answer, the police officers remained silent, and the onlookers on both sides were instantly excited.

Why can't they sleep so late and gather here?

The reason is very simple, they are unhappy!

Why are they unhappy?

Because the things they cherish have been trampled on again and again!

A single spark can start a prairie fire.

Once people's anger finds an outlet, it will be like a volcanic eruption, unstoppable.

"Well said! I am not happy about it either!"


A middle-aged man could no longer hold back, and rushed forward and kicked Gao Lin, who was still lying on the ground, groaning in pain.

"I've disliked you for a long time. Do you like to pay me? If you're not beaten to death, I'll pay you later!"



Another kick from a kind but tough auntie

"Bitch will be punished by God, I'm here to collect some interest first, screw you!"



"Captain, this......"

"What are you standing there for? Call an ambulance right now!"

"That he......"

A young police officer pointed at the soldier who was still holding out his hands.

"He He......"

"Oh, forget it. If we want to arrest so many people, everyone will be arrested. How can we arrest them all?"

The captain looked around and sighed helplessly.

Things were still going badly, but he was powerless.

But this was not the worst result. If he stood on the opposite side of the citizens and caused a conflict between the opposing groups, that would be the worst result.

And listening to the guy on the ground screaming like ghosts and wolves, it would be a lie to say that he was upset.

"The law must not punish the masses!"

Finally, he said fiercely in his heart!

Happy reading every day during the Spring Festival of the Year of the Rabbit! Top up 100 and get 500 VIP points!

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