"It's just a dog."

That's all!

Until now, the family still doesn't know why this incident has caused such a big fuss.

They didn't understand it before, they don't understand it now, and they probably won't understand it in the future.

The reason is very simple.

They are the kind of people who are only interested in profit and put profit first.

There is nothing in this world that can't be solved with money. If there is, then double it.

There is no apology or reflection in their words.

Because they believe from the bottom of their hearts that killing or injuring a dog is not a big deal at all.

Even if it is a guide dog that is one in a million.

But they don't understand the significance of guide dogs to every blind person!

"You are the owner of that dog, right?"

"Young man, take my advice, don't make impulsive decisions"

"Since things have already happened and cannot be changed, we should always think about the future, right?"

"Besides, my son was chased and bitten by your dog......."

"And he is still so young, if he has a criminal record now......"...

Tang Yi lowered his head and listened to the couple chattering in front of him in silence. He waited until they finished talking before slowly looking up.

"I wish he would die!"

Without a trace of emotion, the cold breath that seemed to come from the underworld slowly came out of his mouth, freezing everything in an instant.

The couple who originally held great hope were extremely shocked.

With it, there was also fear that permeated their souls!

At this moment, in their eyes, the young man in sunglasses and with a weak figure exuded a terrible aura all over his body, saying"stay away from strangers" and ready to kill at any time.

They couldn't help but believe it.

If their son was in front of him now, he would really be torn to pieces and chewed up by him without hesitation!


"You must not regret it!"

"In this world, what's the point of just talking? In the end, doesn't everything depend on money?!"

"Does your dog need to be treated and recovered? If it cannot be saved, does it cost money to buy another one?"

"Think about it carefully, there is no point in showing off your courage!"......

The cost of a guide dog is nearly 200,000 yuan, which is simply unaffordable for normal blind families.

Therefore, under the arrangement of relevant government agencies, most of them adopt the method of free adoption.

Although adoption is free, the cost of using a guide dog during the period is not a small amount.

After all, guide dogs are different from ordinary pet dogs, and their dietary and medical requirements are much higher.

For so many years, Tang Yi has relied on the meager property left by his parents and the relief of government departments.

After having Xiaoxi, he can barely make ends meet.

As they said.

Xiaoxi's surgery fees, medical expenses, and subsequent rehabilitation expenses, he is really stretched to the limit.

What's more, according to the attending physician who has been examining his eyes, even if there is hope of regaining sight, the related surgical rehabilitation costs are also a considerable amount.

Accepting a settlement in exchange for a considerable amount of compensation seems to be a good choice.

However, Tang Yi never had such an idea from beginning to end.

"get out!"


Seeing that Tang Yi was unmoved and full of malice, the two of them broke down.

"Even if our son goes to jail, he will inherit the family business when he is released, and he will have no worries about food and drink."

"Unlike you, a little blind man, who can only eat and wait for death, let alone a dog, you can't even feed yourself!"

After their hopes were dashed, the two of them no longer concealed their anger and directly cursed at Tang Yi.

"Shut up!"

""Get out of here! You really have to do it to me, right?"

Lin Xiangjun shouted at the same time, furious.

At the same time, he looked at Tang Yi with worried eyes.

These words were so vicious that they hit Tang Yi's soft spot.

He has never been afraid of hardship, and he hopes from the bottom of his heart to be a self-reliant person, to support himself and Xiaoxi.

But the cruel fact is that he doesn't even have the chance to suffer!

Being self-reliant, for a person who lost his sight at a very young age, what a luxury it is.


Tang Yi silently recited these four words in his heart, and they felt so strange and so far away.

Compared with being blind, his biggest weakness is not having any special skills. He dropped out of school early because of blindness, which not only made him lose the social circle that his peers should have, but also lost the opportunity to learn various professional knowledge.

Even if he has regained his sight now, if he asks himself, he doesn't know how to support himself.

Seeing that Tang Yi fell silent unexpectedly, the couple looked at each other, and hope rekindled in their eyes.

And a trace of barely detectable contempt and complacency

"As the saying goes, a man who knows the times is a hero. Be simple, don't be hard on yourself, and don't be hard on money......."

Seeing an opportunity, the two men approached again, ready to make another effort to open a gap in Tang Yi's defense.

At this moment, a voice came from far outside the door, shocking the whole audience.

"Who said he couldn't support himself?"

"Am I not delivering money to your door?"

As the voice came closer, a man in his thirties, smart and capable, with extraordinary temperament, appeared at the door.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Yang Ming and I work at Penguin Music."

"This time I came here specifically to buy the song"You Are My Eyes""

"As the creator of this song, the fruits of your labor should be exchanged for equal compensation."

"I wonder if you are satisfied with the price of 500W?"

Yang Ming went straight to the point and gave a staggering price.



"Are you kidding me? Did this guy hire a shill?"

Although the Gao family has some assets, they are considered wealthy in this metropolis.

But asking for 5 million right away is absolutely beyond their imagination.

And it's just to buy a song, a song sung casually by an unknown blind man. This is simply unreasonable.

Apart from the identity of a"shill", is there any other explanation?


"It's really Penguin Music, it's really 5 million!"

Lin Xiang was sharp-eyed. She stood on tiptoe and saw the numbers and seals on the contract in Yang Ming's hand. She was sure of it.

The exaggerated amount made her eyes widen. She covered her mouth tightly, eyes full of disbelief.

Jun Ge thought he had traveled a lot and had seen a lot, but he had never seen such an incredible thing. He was stunned for a while, speechless.

"Is it so simple to be self-reliant?......"

Tang Yi was completely dumbfounded, and felt his head buzzing.

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