Yang Ming and his boss are well-informed practitioners in the Chinese music industry.

But even so, they can't recall which songs have been included in the Chinese language textbooks for primary and secondary schools in the past and present.

Even those works by well-known musicians.

The reason is simple and cruel.

Although it seems to be an enlightenment textbook, the requirements for content are meticulous and not sloppy at all.

Not only must it be easy to understand, but it must also be sincere and have a certain educational and awakening significance.

In addition, as a literary work itself, the literary and artistic qualities required cannot be lacking at all.

There are very few who can meet such requirements.

You know, the articles and poems that can be included in the Chinese language textbooks are all the hard work of the literary masters.

Compared with them, even the most outstanding lyricists today are far behind.

Even the recognized literary master, Professor Xiao Ming, has not had an article included in the Chinese language textbooks.

Under such circumstances, he can still recommend this song with a warm and sincere heart, which shows his noble character.

At the same time, it can be seen that this lyric is of great value as a farewell poem.

"Yang Ming, this matter is not entirely your fault."

After a short moment of silence, the boss sighed and comforted Yang Ming first.

"You have made a mistake, and so have I."

"Alas, it's fate. No one could have imagined that there are people in this world who cannot be judged by common sense."

"Such a person is simply a legendary evildoer!"

At the end, this usually shrewd and powerful senior elite couldn't help but gnashing his teeth.

Tang Yi's performance was completely out of his consideration, and he couldn't even dream of it.

Seeing that this song has almost set off an earth-shaking wave, it is expected to become a classic, and it is expected to become a household name and a well-known legend.

Missing this song and this person simply made him feel defeated.

Such a huge mistake and incalculable loss are not something that Yang Ming can bear.

Instead of doing the useless work of shirking responsibility and letting subordinates take the blame, it is better to cheer up and get up from where you fell.

"Mr. Huang! I promise!"

"I promise there won't be a next time!"

"From now on, I will keep a close eye on him!"

"I will never let others take advantage of me again!!"

A man dies for his friend. Yang Ming was deeply moved that his boss could take the blame for him.

Thinking of missing such a great opportunity, he felt regret and unwillingness in his heart, and he fiercely threw down the military order.

He knew it too well.

Once a work is included in the textbook, it will never leave people's sight from now on.

Men, women, old and young, all kill!

It will not only become a classic, but also a classic that people will always talk about no matter how many years have passed.

Such influence is not only warm, but also far-reaching.

It is a rare opportunity.

It is the lifelong pursuit of all literati and artists.

But now, it was done by a blind man who was unknown and almost no one believed that he was really talented.

There is no one before!

It is hard to be the next!

Because you don't know how he did it....

"It shouldn't be that easy to get into the textbook editing team's eyes."

"Even Professor Xiao himself has not had any of his works selected so far. Does this song, which has just been released for less than a day, really have a chance?"

"To be honest, this song has the potential to be selected, but it should be delayed until it has been circulated for a longer time and reaches a wider audience."......

Even with Professor Xiao personally recommending it, many people still don't believe that this song has a chance to be selected.

A few people think that it is eligible, but it will take time to ferment.

It's just because Tang Yi is too young and has not undergone systematic cultural learning and education.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this is a pure wild way.

Maybe he is really talented, but it will take time to settle.

However, what they didn't expect was......

"Got it, I will arrange it right away!"

The official Weibo of the textbook compilation and publishing house, which has always been silent and ignored, responded at the first time for the first time.

And it was a response that no one could imagine.

Willful and sincere.

It can be seen that like Professor Xiao, these bigwigs who seem to be out of touch with the world in people's eyes also love this song to the core.

They also see its great significance in inheriting, promoting and passing on Chinese traditional culture.

This song, or this lyric, is simply a perfect work for them.

Simple but not simplistic.

Traditional but not clichéd.

The text is refined and the emotions are sincere. Just a few sentences can create a tearful picture. It is perfect as a textbook content.

What's more gratifying is that it is actually a young work that was just born in the hands of a young man.

Students naturally feel close to it, and they can learn it once and for all. With so many advantages, of course they can't wait.

"Ah this......"

"Is it arranged now? It's too fast......."

"Isn't this a bit of a joke? After all, it is the content selected by the textbook......."

"If we arrange it right away, then it may be possible after the summer vacation......."

"Incredible! Incredible! At such a young age, his masterpieces have been selected into textbooks. His ancestors must be so proud!"

"This kind of achievement is much more impressive than being the top scorer in the national college entrance examination. I heard that the person is blind. I can’t imagine it!"......

It is conceivable that once it is successfully selected into the Chinese language textbooks for primary and secondary schools, this song, and its author Tang Yi, will leave an indelible mark in people's hearts now and in the future.

His identity as a blind man has added to its legendary nature, and has brought unimaginable strength to many blind people who have lost their sight and other disabled people.

Full of positive energy!

When the news came out, countless blind and disabled people cried with joy.

The helpless Tang Yi shocked the whole city with the song"You Are My Eyes". Afterwards, more people paid more attention to the care and concern for vulnerable groups, and took action.

Tang Yi is a well-deserved hero in their hearts.

This time, his achievement made them proud and excited.

"Who will dare to say that we are good for nothing but eating and waiting to die?!"

"As long as we work hard, we can make our own contribution to this society!"

"No matter what, don't give up on yourself. What if something unexpected happens?"......

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