"What?! Received an invitation to the military parade?!"

In Lin Xiang's office, colleagues who were previously dissatisfied with Lin Xiang's sudden surprise and looked at each other in shock.

If it weren't for Lin Xiang's reaction, they would have thought that today was April Fool's Day.

At the same time, they expressed their comprehension of her loss of composure in public.

If they were in her place, their reaction would probably be even more intense than hers.

"Damn! Are you kidding me?!"

"Brother Jun, although the truth is cruel, I have to say that although we are both singers, the difference between us is really that big!"

"Incredible! Incredible! Brother Tang Yi is really going to soar to the sky, so awesome!"

"To be honest, I am so jealous that my teeth are about to fall out at such a young age to have such a golden opportunity!"

"Plus one, who isn’t?!"...

Whether it is Lin Xiang, Jun Ge, or their colleagues and fans.

No one can remain calm when hearing this news.

Because the military parade ceremony has extraordinary significance for this country and every Chinese living on this land.

Military parades have always been considered the best way to show national prestige and military prestige.

It is also an important form of building national self-confidence and pride.

Other countries may pay more attention to the former, but we pay more attention to the latter.

The humiliating history of the past century in modern times is remembered by every Chinese, and it is still heartbreaking and sad every time we think of it.

Falling behind will be beaten!

This iron law summed up with blood and tears is like a warning bell, ringing in the hearts of every Chinese at all times.

Among all the strengths, the military is undoubtedly the most important and most intuitive.

The foundation of the country!

Showing and reporting to all Chinese people the great achievements of the modernization and regularization of the army is undoubtedly the greatest significance of this world-renowned military parade.

In this relatively peaceful era, such a unique military parade is undoubtedly the best way to give all Chinese people a reassurance and a sense of security.

It is easy to imagine that when you are at the scene and face the steel torrent that amazes the world up close, you will see the neat and uniform military formations with a synchronization rate as terrifying as robots. What you hear is the sound of footsteps as majestic as mountains and as silent and heavy as the earth. What is stirring in your heart is the lofty ambition of being proud, surging, and boiling with blood.

Being able to experience all this, you can really say that you have no regrets in death!

It is also conceivable.

How difficult it is to get such an invitation letter.

The military parade has always invited old heroes or their families who have made outstanding contributions to the establishment and development of the country, and representatives of advanced model figures from all walks of life to attend the ceremony. At most, there are only more than a thousand people. In this huge country with a population of more than one billion, there is only one in a million!

Young people like Tang Yi are unique.

"Is it because of the previous incident that caused a lot of trouble in the city?......"

"Maybe it's because I'm blind. After all, caring for the disadvantaged is a symbol of progress."

"Could it be because of the previous two songs? After all, they had such a big impact, especially the last song"Farewell", it's amazing!"

"That's unlikely. Speaking of good songs, there have been many popular songs in the past, and I've never seen a singer specially invited to sing for this reason."

"That being said, I have never seen any song with such great power and impact."......

The news spread quickly.

After all, as a"celebrity" on the Internet media this past summer, and a"demon" in the eyes of many people, Tang Yi's every move now is being watched by someone. There was a lot of discussion on social networks about how Tang Yi could receive such an extremely precious invitation. Scarcity makes things valuable, not to mention such a one-in-a-million quota.

The extraordinary significance of being different makes this invitation indescribably precious.

How could Tang Yi, a blind man in his twenties, be so favored?

Because of his blind identity?

Not likely, after all, although blind people are rare, they are not rare in the whole country.

Maybe it was because of his guide dog's injury before?

Not likely either, although the military parade has a certain propaganda purpose, it has never been used for show!

Excluding these two biggest factors, people's attention naturally focused on the two sensational songs written and sung by Tang Yi.

The song"You Are My Eyes" is sincere and heartfelt, and speaks out the inner world of the blind.

In a short period of time, the song"Farewell" was selected into the Chinese textbooks for primary and secondary schools, becoming a well-deserved representative of graduation songs and the preferred school song of many schools.

Such an achievement is truly unprecedented and will be difficult to surpass.

No wonder more and more people believe that Tang Yi was alarmed by the influence of these two songs.

They recognized that he used songs to express his feelings and lead a positive social trend.

This is definitely an official recognition.

A good family!

Naturally, people who are famous are prone to gossip.

A tree that stands out in the forest will be destroyed by the wind.

Such a high-quality recognition, as well as the heated discussions and increasing attention and love from more and more people, pushed Tang Yi to the forefront of the storm.

Naturally, he offended the most notorious and despised group of people in the entertainment industry and even on the Internet.

The deformed fan culture - the creators of the fan circle, the brainless fans.

Seeing Tang Yi occupy the headlines again and again, he overshadowed the fiery scene that he spent so much savings and energy to create.

As a result, their idols have been compared to them again and again.���Laugh.

These brainless fans are so jealous that they are about to go berserk.

"How is it possible? Because these two songs are hilarious. They are so old-fashioned and pitiful, but they act like they are so great."

"That's right, I don't know what era it is, there are still people who like such clichéd songs, no wonder our music is looked down upon."

Although the aesthetics of the brainless fans are terrible, when it comes to attacking and smearing, they are really like fish in water, perfect, and can do it without opening their mouths.

They belittled Tang Yi's two songs, as if they were useless, or even the culprit that delayed the progress of the music industry.

"I think he has found the code to wealth. He just has to play the victim. As long as he can save face, popularity will come to him automatically. Unfortunately, my brother is too self-righteous!"

"Who says it’s not? Who knows if it was launched by some shameless company to attract traffic!"

"What do you mean by being moved by the scene and having this sudden inspiration? Do you really think you are Cao Zhi, who can compose a poem in seven steps? I think it's all a script, it's all acting!"......

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