Tang Yi suddenly heard that the old man next to him was also a blind man who had lost his sight.

He stood there in shock, unable to believe his ears.

"Don't react so much."

"Compared to those comrades who died on the battlefield, I am so lucky to have donated this pair of eyes, haha......"

The old man's laughter was still heroic, but his expression was lonely.

At this moment, many images emerged in his mind.

The setting sun was like blood, and corpses were everywhere! The smoke of gunpowder was endless, and the sky was full of artillery fire!

When he woke up in the middle of the night, his ears were filled with the sound of fighting and artillery fire.

Before he knew it, he was already in tears.

"This kid is being hypocritical."

"Compared to you, my experience is nothing......."

Tang Yi stood in awe, but was interrupted by the old man the next second

"What are you talking about, kid?"

"Who is not afraid of death? Who wants to fight? Aren't they forced to do so?"

"As long as the country becomes prosperous, you kids can study hard and live your life well."

"we���The battles fought in the past were not in vain, and the blood shed was not in vain!"

"Don't underestimate yourself. No matter you can see or not, you should work hard to be a useful person."

The old man said this earnestly.

Not only was Tang Yi encouraged, but also the audience who were invited to watch the ceremony and were sitting nearby and paying attention to the conversation between the old and the young benefited a lot.

They are elites and model representatives from all walks of life, from all over the world.

The old man's status as a meritorious veteran made them respect him.

At the same time, Tang Yi's identity also aroused their great curiosity.

You know, those who were invited to attend the military parade are all outstanding practitioners who have been deeply involved in their respective fields and industries for decades.

Tang Yi is so young, a rare blind person, and has a rare guide dog. Sitting among them, he would naturally look particularly abrupt.

Not to mention them.

Even from a distance, there were inquiring eyes from time to time.

Many participants couldn't help but mutter in their hearts, guessing Tang Yi's identity.

"What the old hero said is really great!"

"As the old saying goes, there are 365 professions and every profession has its top talent."

"Take me for example. I have been dealing with dirt all my life. I never thought that I would be invited here one day. Who would have believed it before?"

An old farmer from the northwest sighed with pride that he could not hide.

"Who said it wasn't?"

"I didn't expect this opportunity."

""My family is just a family of blacksmiths, but I never thought that this day would come. It's such an honor!"

A middle-aged man who claimed to be a blacksmith took over the conversation, full of pride.

This was simply unimaginable in the past.

Then, more and more participants took the opportunity to introduce themselves before the military parade officially began.

As expected, they were all outstanding people from all walks of life, regardless of status.

It was the first time that Tang Yi saw so many great gods, each of whom had a legendary story and unique temperament.

If they were taken individually, they would take days and nights to tell.

"Young master, what do you do for a living?"

Just as he was listening with great interest, the next second, the topic returned to him.

"Swish swish swish......"

Even though he couldn't see, Tang Yi could still feel it.

At this moment, he seemed to have become the focus of the whole audience.

Not to mention him, even Xiaoxi, who had been lying at his feet, felt tremendous pressure, and quietly shrank and pretended to be dead.

The dog could pretend to be dead, but Tang Yi couldn't pretend nothing happened.

Facing so many curious eyes.

Tang Yi tried hard to recall what he had done in the past.

Facing this question, it seems that there is only one answer....


"I seem to, maybe, should......"

"A singer, eh?......"

I wanted to say he was a singer.

But then I thought it didn’t seem professional enough.

In the end, I could only say"I guess he’s a singer.""

"Wow, I didn't expect that the young man looked so energetic and was also an artist."

"She is so young, she must be the star that young people are chasing after nowadays."

"Great, great, to be invited to participate in the military parade at such a young age, he must be a talented young man with a bright future!"......

Everyone was generous with their compliments.

Tang Yi could tell that their praises were from the heart.

However, Tang Yi couldn't handle the words"literary workers" on the left and"stars" on the right.

Artist, artist.

Since ancient times, it has generally referred to people with talent and skills, and is also used to refer to themselves.

It has a standardized name with literati, that is,"cultural and artistic workers".

Today, it mostly refers to entertainment workers.

That is,"stars" in people's mouths.

In the old society, artists belonged to the lower nine classes and had a low status.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, they received due courtesy and people's love.

With the development of the economy, they have been worshipped and pursued by more and more people, becoming stars who are shining and are praised by the stars wherever they go.

However, greed is insatiable.

The huge benefits and halo have made more and more artists degenerate into slaves of money, fame and fortune.

The so-called original intention and dream have become the most ridiculous joke.

The various hype that followed, the shoddy work, and the profit-seeking.

Tax evasion, shady contracts, pornography, gambling, drugs, etc., have gradually turned artists into"actors" that people disdain.

Unconsciously, the title of artist has become a derogatory term.

Whenever it is mentioned, more people despise it, and fewer people respect it.

"Just sing, there's nothing to be embarrassed about."

"As long as you can sing and sing well, that's great."

The old man seemed to sense Tang Yi's guilt and encouraged him.

"Just like a song the old man accidentally heard some time ago"

"At the end of the sky, at the corner of the earth, half of my friends have left"

"A pot of muddy wine to end the remaining joy, tonight do not dream of the cold"

"This kind of song makes people feel emotional whenever they hear it."

"I heard that it was also sung by a young man. Boy, you should learn from him."


Unexpectedly, not only did the topic return to himself, but even his own songs were used as examples by the old man.

Tang Yi couldn't help but feel a little bit amused and proud at the same time.

"This song......"

Just when I was about to raise my head and introduce myself to others, and receive a wave of admiration,


"I'm coming!"

"It’s finally about to begin!!"......

Deafening cheers instantly resounded throughout the venue, and everyone present felt that their skulls were about to be lifted up by the sound waves!

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