"Professor Liu! Was the operation successful? Is there any hope that Tang Yi will be able to see again?"

"Professor Liu, what prompted you to break your vow and return to the operating table?"

"Professor Liu, it is said that you and Tang Yi have a secret relationship. What is that relationship?"...

As the questions became more and more outrageous, more and more people gathered around, and after obtaining Professor Liu Weiming's consent, the hospital simply opened the door and held a press conference.

"The operation was a success!"

As soon as the press conference started, everyone was reassured.

Those who cared about Tang Yi were all delighted and filled with joy.

"As for the reason for coming back......"

When it comes to this much-anticipated question, everyone present pricks up their ears at the same time.

Not only the media reporters, but anyone with a little curiosity would not miss this answer.

"Because of a song!"


"What? A song?!"

"What kind of answer is this?!"......

The absolutely unimaginable answer immediately set off the whole audience!

Everyone stared at Professor Liu in amazement. If they hadn't seen how serious he was, they would have thought he was joking on purpose.

What kind of song has such magic and energy?

""Excuse me, which song is it?"

The reporters looked at each other in bewilderment.

After coming to their senses, they hurriedly asked

"A big river with wide waves, the wind blows the fragrance of rice flowers on both sides"

"My home is on the shore, and I am used to hearing the boatman's call and seeing the white sails on the boat......."

When Liu Weiming sang this strange yet familiar song softly and affectionately, the noisy scene suddenly fell silent.

An unexpected answer!

And the best answer!

If it was this song, everything would make sense.

It has such a magical power and great strength!

As long as you have your homeland in your heart, who can refuse this song?

"This is our beautiful motherland!"

"This is where I grew up!"

"In this vast land!"

"There are beautiful scenery everywhere!"

The unexpected chorus suddenly came, as if it had been rehearsed!

Everyone's eyes were so pious and fervent.

Everyone's voice was so powerful and firm.

Seeing this scene, Liu Weiming's eyes were wet unconsciously. This kind of cohesion accumulated over thousands of years of common roots is far beyond the country he belongs to now. There is no need to deliberately promote or exaggerate. As long as this moving song sounds, people's patriotism will be awakened.

Moisturizing things silently , but unforgettable

"Snap Snap......"

Thunderous applause resounded throughout the venue.

People were not only amazed at Professor Liu Weiming's superb medical skills, but also admired his patriotic heart.......

"Why is it still pitch black?......"

On the hospital bed, Tang Yi, who had just woken up from anesthesia, half-opened his eyes in a daze.

The familiar dark world made his heart sink.


At this moment, a drop of unknown liquid gently dripped onto his face.

When it slid to the edge of his mouth, he subconsciously sipped it.


The salty taste on the tip of his tongue gave him a start. He looked closely and saw a woman standing by the bed, staring at him motionlessly.

He was not sure if it was what he saw or what he imagined.

But he could feel that the drop of liquid that had just dripped on his face was clearly a tear.......


When this blurry image overlapped with the image of his mother in his dream,

Tang Yi couldn't help but blurt out a longing call.......

""Woo woo!"

A suppressed sob sounded softly.

Then he saw the"mother" he had been thinking about day and night, covering her mouth tightly, and turned around and ran out of the ward before her tears completely burst out.

"Mom, are you leaving me again?......"

A strong sense of fatigue and dizziness from the anesthesia came over him.

Tang Yi slowly closed his eyes.......

"Lin Xiang, did you really not see a strange woman appear in the ward on the day of my surgery?"

"No no!"

"I've told you many times that no one else has come to the ward except me, the nurses, and the doctors on rounds!"

Lin Xiang replied unhappily in the ward.

She has answered the same question several times in the past two days.


Tang Yi fell into deep thought again.

Even if it was a scene he imagined, could that tear be fake?......

After thinking about it, he still had no answer.

He shook his head vigorously and put the question aside for the time being.

Because the next moment would be an exciting one.

Today, he would remove the bandage wrapped around his eyes!

He knew from Lin Xiang and the doctor that the operation was surprisingly successful. Professor Liu Weiming was indeed a world-class expert, an amazing and perfect operation.

As long as he removed the gauze wrapped around his eyes, he would have a completely different life!

"The doctor is here, are you ready?"

Seeing the doctor and nurse appear in front of the ward, Lin Xiang whispered softly in Tang Yi's ear


"I, I'm ready!"

He has been waiting for this moment for more than ten years.

He has waited for so many midnight dreams.

He hopes that his dream will come true.

The outcome will be decided at this moment.

"Don't be nervous, relax"


"Wait, don't open it all at once, take your time."

"OK, OK"

"Let your eyes gradually get used to the light and don't irritate it."

"Got it. Got it."......

When the gauze was removed from his eyes layer by layer, it would be a lie to say that he was not nervous.

This can be clearly heard from his trembling voice.

But when the light in front of his eyes gradually brightened, for the first time in more than ten years, the darkness in front of his eyes was no longer so thick that it could not be dissolved.

His heart gradually calmed down.

The doctor's instructions sounded like a whisper at this time.

All his attention was now on the gradually unfolding picture in front of him.

For other people, the corner in front of him was just a small corner, a small space.

But for Tang Yi.

It was a brand new world! A new world full of light and hope!

""Woof! Woof!"

When the last layer of gauze was about to be removed,

Xiaoxi couldn't help but shout excitedly.


"You are Xiaoxi!"

"I finally saw you!"......

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