"Find the murderer! Punish the murderer severely!"

"Justice may be late, but it will never be absent!"

"Please show us your determination and efficiency in upholding justice!"

At this time, the streets outside the police station were crowded with people.

People were full of anger and gathered from all directions, just to ask for justice.

"Justice must be served, and the demands of the citizens must be responded to in a timely manner!"

Faced with the excited citizens, the police chief was extremely shocked.

Such a big scene, such a big reaction, just for a dog?

Is it worth it?

Worth it!

Gently push open the window, lower your head slightly and look down, the answer is self-evident.

When your eyes swept across a group of people with different images, the chief couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart, and his fists clenched unconsciously. Blind people with guide dogs, guide sticks, and sunglasses.

Disabled people in wheelchairs, crutches, and mobility difficulties.

And the deaf-mute people who excitedly raised their hands and gestured in sign language when they saw the window open....

They are all disabled people and vulnerable groups living in this city.

In the past, their physical defects made them feel inferior and timid. They dared not to fight for some things, nor did they want to fight for them.

But at this moment, they stood up bravely with the same fate and empathy.

My destiny is in my own hands!

No matter how small, I must make my own voice heard!

Such a tragedy must never happen again!

Their dignity must never be trampled on at will!

Under the cover of night, they stood there quietly and silently, completely different from the excited and shouting people next to them.

But in the eyes of the police officers, it seemed as if there was a heavy weight on their hearts, pressing everyone to breath.

Facing their eager eyes, soon, such pressure turned into a tremendous driving force!


"Find that scumbag for me!"


At the same time, in the meeting rooms of the city's bus company and subway departments.

The leaders of the two giants were staring at their subordinates, and it seemed as if fire could burst out of their eyes.

The people below were so scared that they lowered their heads and trembled.

No one could have imagined that it was just an ordinary dog loss incident, how could such a terrible storm brew in such a short time.

Since that song, everything has been different.

From the Internet to reality.

The blind and guide dogs are vulnerable groups that should be loved and given special care.

The bus driver is indifferent, arrogant and unreasonable.

The subway station is poorly managed and slow to respond.

When such a label is attached to their foreheads, the management of the two companies not only lost face, but also received direct reprimands from the relevant departments for causing bad social impact.

What's even more frightening is that just now someone threw bricks in and smashed the glass to vent their anger.

I don't know when the company building was surrounded by people, and the anger of the citizens made them feel guilty.

"Anyone who has clues about the murderer can report it. Once it is verified to be true and valid, our company will reward 2 million in cash!"

"Our company has an unshirkable responsibility for the occurrence of this incident and would like to express our sincere apologies!"

"In the future, our company will comprehensively launch relevant training and publicity work, attach importance to caring for and helping vulnerable groups, and prevent similar incidents from happening again!"

"The company will also be fully responsible for the treatment of guide dogs and subsequent rehabilitation costs."

"In addition, the company will donate 10 million yuan to relevant charities to help the blind and their guide dogs."......

It is never too late to mend the fence after the sheep have been lost.

Reward, apology, compensation, donation, a set of smooth emergency handling, can be included in the textbook of crisis Guan Gong.

But the price is too high.......

Faced with such turbulent public opinion, the police also showed unprecedented efficiency and quickly locked down the identity of the murderer.

An emergency press conference was held. Even though it was late at night, the media reporters who heard the news still crowded into the hall.

In front of the TV, countless pairs of angry eyes were staring at the screen.

When the murderer's photo appeared on the screen

"It really is this garbage!"

"Scum! Beast! Die a miserable death!"

"How could you be so cruel? Has your conscience been eaten by a dog? No! Even a dog wouldn't be able to swallow such a black heart!"......

At this moment, countless people jumped up, pointed at the screen and cursed.

The person in the photo was none other than the despicable bitch in the video that was exposed this morning.

Once the anger that had been accumulated for a long time had an outlet, the flames of anger that erupted could burn everything.

Not to mention the simple and upright citizens, even the media reporters who were known for their rationality could not help but curse on the spot.

"Scum, scum!"

"Not only did he beat the blind man, he even spared his guide dog. What a beast!"

"I heard that people who are cruel to animals have the potential to become perverted murderers. Such people must never be let off easily!"......

The journalists are well-informed, and some of them who specialize in reporting criminal cases can find similar cases from past reports.

It's chilling to think about it.

Because some people are born with cold blood!

A foreign research report once pointed out that some of the notorious serial killers had the experience of killing small animals since childhood!

"A perverted murderer? That's not so exaggerated......."

"If you abuse animals when you are young, will you kill people when you grow up? Is there a necessary connection between the two?"

"Yes, who can say that he never played with small animals as toys when he was a child? Does that mean they all become murderers when they grow up?"

"Besides, even if it was confirmed that this person did it, couldn't it be self-defense? You know, the guide dog chased him out of the subway station."

"He did push the blind boy down in the subway station, but we cannot conclude that he did it on purpose and seriously injured the guide dog."......

There was more than one voice in the lobby of the press conference.

Compared to the ordinary citizens who were easily prejudiced and sympathized with the weak, some media reporters who were suspicious of everything and never stopped talking raised their questions.

Not only them, but many people also had doubts after calming down.

Because in the previous video, everyone saw that it was Xiaoxi who angrily chased the young man out of the subway station.

This makes people wonder whether the man in the photo was defending himself or committing a crime.

Happy reading every day during the Spring Festival of the Year of the Rabbit! Recharge 100 and get 500 VIP points!

Recharge now (Event time: January 21 to February 5)

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