The ritual was beaten into a corner, as if the sun was at dusk

Mountain, and on the other hand, "Moon Warrior") He was also more severely

Serious injuries, it’s weird that these injuries can’t affect them at all.

Affect his ability to act.

His speed and movements compared to his heyday

Almost not weakened at all, this makes the sacrifice men quite eaten

Needless to say.


The winner was divided, and his arms were cut.

The priest collapsed weakly to the ground.

Realizing that he had won the final victory

Shi grinned a cruel smile, he didn't hesitate

Cut off the sacrificial neck, holding the opponent's head

Zhe's own victory.

Just when Bai Ji thought this battle was over

When, "Yue Zhan Tu made an amazing move, cruel

He bit his opponent's ear

Then he ate his opponent's head bit by bit

It’s like eating an apple, after eating it

After that, he also put on an unfinished look.

Chu saw this scene of Bai Ji disgusted

Holding her belly, even her vampire who **** human blood

I was so sick that I wanted to spit out breakfast*. Yes,

She hadn't eaten breakfast at all.

"A lunatic? I watched standing in the Colosseum

The corners of Yang's mouth are covered with sticky ye body, let's smash your mouth

The moon warrior, Bai Ji's eyelids jumped wildly.

People cannibalize people for a long time, even though they stand on fighting beasts

The man in the middle of the field is not necessarily a human, but also

Let Bai Ji's SAr value go crazy.

It seems that the food is too good to buy, the man bows

He lowered his body and ate on his opponent's body.

It's pure venting xie anger can do

At this point, there are only insane lunatics.

Right? ?

Soon Bai Ji got the answer

She just reached the dazzling number on the border.

The sacrificial information boards have become untrustworthy

The line of interest is gone, after all, the head is gone.

And the information of "Moon Warrior is updated, the level

The block jumped directly from 1 to 2.

Upgraded? ? This world also brings Daguai upgrades


Daguai upgrade, and this strange and familiar

The information board gave Bai Ji a strange sense of sight.

She didn’t feel like she had come to another plane,

It's more like playing a brand new video game.

Are all high-dimensional planes so highly digitized?

Is it? ? What is the principle of this? The ultimate black this

Who created this plane?

Bai Ji remembered that the ancestral **** taught the high priest to herself

Words: It’s not the nine gods who created Barland, they just don’t

After being a latecomer, the Creator is someone else.

Is the person shaping Balland the ultimate

Is the black one the same? who is she? Why in nine gods

After disappearing, there is still no record of him?

If the ultimate black and pure white are both

Created by humans, so the purpose of creating these planes

What is it for? ?

"Ka Ka Ka!" The sharp and harsh voice cut off Bai

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