Blood sacrifice of millions of zombies, I am a demon cultivator in the end times

Chapter 217: The Blood Mist Soul Master's Plan, the Five Suns Evil Suppression Master's De


Sensing the danger, Zheng Yi did not dare to be careless.

He released the power of his soul with all his strength, trying his best to avoid the oppression from all around. At the same time, Zheng Yi's whole body vibrated with energy, and the physique of the small five elements yin and yang Tao embryo burst out instantly.

The particles of the five elements rotated, and the two qi of yin and yang circulated around the soul and spread out. Although his body refining skills were average, after being strengthened by the Tao Embryo, the continuous flow of the spiritual energy of the five elements gathered to form a defense, which quickly evolved into countless streams of light.

The surrounding space was densely covered with countless bloodshot threads, but they were directly resolved and dissolved by the Yin and Yang Qi.

When more bloodshot threads as sharp as arrows hit the Five Elements Particle Storm, there was a sonorous sound like a metal collision, and then they were directly assimilated.

"There is also a body-refining master, and the harvest this time is really not small!"

The vision that appeared here quickly attracted the attention of Lord Blood Mist.

I saw a surprised sound in his mouth, and his eyes bloomed with a magic light like rubies, with a trace of strange color.

High-level monks are not like God. They cannot do everything at once and be foolproof.

Lord Blood Mist lured Wei Xu step by step to lead everyone into the game, but he did not expect that Zheng Yi would also join the team for some other reasons.

So when Wei Xu led Zheng Yi, who went by the pseudonym Chen Long, the Blood Mist Lord wearing an ugly cow mask couldn't help but test him.

Now, he still doesn't know Zheng Yi's identity, but he can feel the extraordinary strength and power of this strange monk.

It turned out to be a dual cultivation of Dharma and Body.

His methods are extraordinary, and he also has certain attainments in body training.

Under the siege of the blood puppet refining formation, the head of the Sun family behind the Yinhu mask could no longer hold on. Only Zheng Yi and Master Wei Xu were left, relying on their own methods, they could still stop it. Attack from bloodshot.

For a time, the two forces stood there, seemingly forming a deadlock and a short-lived balance.

Even Lord Blood Mist couldn't help but speak out, but he was not worried at all. The layout laid out over the past few years would not let anyone slip through the net.

The stronger the opponent's strength, the stronger the increase in his blood puppet formation will be after being refined.

There was a strange expression on Lord Blood Mist's face.

It's obvious that he has tremendous confidence in his methods.

Secretly arranged for many years, the Blood Puppet Refining Formation has completely sealed this place. Even if Master Wei Xu is highly skilled in the formation and Zheng Yi is quite accomplished in body refining, it is impossible to withstand the continuous siege of the formation.

In the end, it will inevitably become just one blood puppet refined in the formation, and it will also be two extremely powerful blood puppets.

This is like being caught in an urn, with no chance of getting out.

Now that they have become moths in the net, Lord Blood Mist no longer regards Zheng Yi and Wei Xu as threats.

At this moment, the two sides were in a stalemate due to the collision of mana, forming a huge barrier. Lord Blood Mist's attention was entirely focused on the ancestor of the Sun family.

As long as it is completely refined into a blood puppet, the entire formation will be strengthened a bit, and then Lord Blood Mist can take out his hand and continue to control the other two people.

"The attic of the inner hall here turns out to be a void treasure. It was refined with formations and completely isolated from the fluctuations in space. It is as if it has become an island in the sea. It is impossible to escape by ordinary means."

"Venerable Blood Mist has been planning for a long time and will not let me leave easily..."

Zheng Yi secretly speculated, carefully sensing the changes around him, his face uncertain.

When setting up this trap, Lord Blood Mist had been operating here for a long time and thought of all possibilities.

This inner hall loft itself is part of the entire small space, and its function of isolating the void is extremely powerful, and Lord Blood Mist has also taken this special situation into consideration.

They are just afraid that some Zifu monks will have some trump cards and can escape from here by relying on some forbidden-breaking talismans and the like.

What Zheng Yi feels is not good now is that he found that since entering this small space, his ability to teleport to the doomsday world has also been blocked.

This completely verified Zheng Yi's previous speculation. Although his special ability can travel across the apocalyptic world, it must be without restrictions. If there are special space fluctuations, it will be difficult to use his special ability.

In other words, in the short term, he will not be able to leave here with the help of this plug-in to travel through the apocalyptic world.

Then it is inevitable to have a battle with the Lord of Blood Mist. As for who will win and who will lose, we have to get started to know.

There is no doubt that this moment is the most dangerous moment that Zheng Yi has encountered in a long time.

In the past, I was afraid to use space teleportation directly because I was afraid of exposing my special abilities.

But this time, the situation in the entire small space was special. The Shenji Temple seemed to have a special spatial fluctuation, sealing the surrounding void like a copper wall. Zheng Yi had no chance to leave here in the short term.

This is undoubtedly bad news for Zheng Yi.

It's not that he can't protect himself because of his strength, but when facing an old monster like Lord Blood Mist, even Zheng Yi must be careful and cautious.

Especially when the immortal-killing-god-killing gourd was damaged, the most powerful trump card he had actually lost its effect at this moment.

This results in a great loss of security.

Fortunately, Zheng Yi is now considered a true high-level monk. He has encountered countless dangerous situations, and his own magnanimity and conduct have quickly calmed him down.


At this moment, the space around him suddenly exploded, and an explosion sound came from beside Wei Xu.

Zheng Yi turned around and saw his lips moving slightly, and a clear sound came into his ears with the power of the soul.

"It was entirely my fault that I encountered the blood mist trap. It was not my intention to get Alliance Leader Zheng involved this time."

"It's just that your Excellency is very powerful and has a profound foundation. It is indeed beyond Mr. Wei's expectations. I wonder if you are interested in making another deal with Mr. Wei?!"

Wei Xu's voice was intermittent, and he obviously spent a lot of mana to resist the bloodshots swarming around him.

The formation compass in front of him was already showing cracks. Even with all his strength, a lot of silk threads were inserted into his body, and streams of bright red blood were surging outward along the silk threads.

This made his face turn pale.

It's obviously a sign of qi deficiency.

Compared to others, Zheng Yi was able to withstand the refining of the formation for a while. After all, the Small Five Elements Yin and Yang Dao Fei is his biggest base now. He has innate mastery of the five elements particles and the two qi of Yin and Yang, and can transform everything into chaos, which can form his own self in a short period of time. The circulation is not very affected by the blood mist formation.

But Wei Xu's situation was not good.

Zheng Yi frowned and didn't speak. He just looked at the other party quietly as Wei Xu's voice continued to sound.

"Now I have a chance to break the blockade here, but you must agree to a condition for Wei!"

However, he saw the formation plate in Wei Xu's hand suddenly thrown away, and the surrounding space was filled with white light. The bright brilliance was like the rising sun, and a loud and clear cry came out from it, shining all around.

The continuous power of the formation expanded crazily, and those flexible blood threads like snakes quickly melted away like white snow under the sunlight.

In an instant, a protective circle formed around Wei Xu.

Although the surrounding blood mist is still shaking, there is no trace of blood within the range illuminated by the white light. All blood threads are isolated by a mysterious force and appear to be completely purified.

"Five Yang Evil Suppressing Formation!"

On the periphery of the entire formation, Lord Blood Mist, who was working hard to refine the blood puppet of the ancestor of the Sun family, felt something was wrong, and then looked up.

Immediately, he said in a deep voice.

He saw a flash of white light in the blood mist, and the blood in his eyes flickered slightly, he said.

"He is indeed a well-known master of formations. We have known each other for hundreds of years, and he has methods that I don't even know about..."

The Wuyang Evil Suppressing Formation, as a Supreme Yang Formation, is one of the top three-level formations. It has a strong ability to restrain all kinds of evil spirits and Yin skills in the world.

Once those powerful evil forces are exposed to this formation, they will suffer heavy damage at least, or be wiped out in smoke at worst.

Moreover, the level of this formation is extremely high. As an extremely rare third-level formation, it falls in the blood mist formation. Although it cannot compete with the arrangement of the blood mist master, it can still protect itself in the short term.

Those evil blood threads were directly purified away due to the formation's terrible lethality against evil spirits, forming a short-lived hole.

Venerable Blood Mist's heart moved and he understood instantly.

In fact, this old friend also hid something from him.

But this is normal. As friends for a century, they have been talking about martial arts all year round. Lord Blood Mist thinks he knows Wei Xu well.

But formation masters like this have profound knowledge, and it is impossible for outsiders to do everything. They must always be on guard.

The cunning rabbit even has three burrows.

What's more, it is a dignified cultivator of the Zifu. It is only normal for a master of formations like Wei Xu to hold back others.

"Master Wei Xuwei, I advise you not to exert any effort. I can guarantee that when I refine you into a blood puppet, you will not feel any pain!"

"As for your precious granddaughter Wei Shuke, I will also take more care of you and won't make you anxious down there..."

The words of Lord Blood Mist seemed to be persuading, but in fact they were attacking one's heart.

Moreover, he used his granddaughter Wei Shuke as a threat to make him understand that in such a dangerous situation, no matter how hard he struggled, it would be in vain and would only irritate him.

Of course, these monks who have been practicing for hundreds of years have a firm mind and are difficult to be influenced by others.

Once a decision is made, other people's verbal threats are nothing more than nonsense if they fall on your ears.

As a cultivator of the Zi Mansion, any one who has not climbed up from the bottom after going through great storms will not give up resistance just because of a few words from others.

Regarding the words of Lord Blood Mist, Wei Xu just sneered.


Zheng Yi only thought about the promise requested by Wei Xu for a moment before agreeing.

Now, the situation on the field does not allow him to sit back and watch.

After all, the longer time drags on, the more detrimental it will be to him.

The blood mist in the surrounding space became thicker and thicker, and threads of blood were like flying blood snakes, constantly surging in the space.

The surging blood engulfed the entire space, and evil aura flowed in the air.

The small five-element yin-yang Tao embryo circulates itself, and the five-element particles form a storm protector. The two qi of yin and yang surround his body, turning almost all the blood and qi into chaos.

But this consumes a lot of money and is not a long-term solution.

The mana in the body is limited after all. Even Zheng Yi has a deep foundation. Because of the body of the Taoist fetus, his mana exceeds that of the cultivators of the same realm by several times.

However, there is still a terrible refining formation in the outside world. The Blood Mist Venerable has long been sitting on the Diaoyutai. The blood threads appear continuously. After being manipulated by the Blood Mist Venerable, they can be continuously regenerated. Even if there is a great foundation, there will be a day when it will be consumed.

For Zheng Yi, a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall. Although he has other means, it is definitely easier to leave early than to fight for his life.

Naturally, the sooner you leave, the better.

"Please make another oath of the Heavenly Dao."

Wei Xu just activated the 'Five Yang Suppressing Evil Formation' and consumed a lot of mana. While speaking, his internal energy was not as strong as before, but every word was still very clearly transmitted to Zheng Yi's ears.

"Kill the Blood Mist Venerable, get the inner pill of the Twelve Winged Sky Fire Dragon Centipede, and save Wei Shuke!"

Faced with this request, Zheng Yi had no objection at all.

Every grievance has its perpetrator, and this time, Venerable Blood Mist secretly set up a trap to refine him into a ‘blood puppet’. This kind of Dao hatred will not end until one dies.

This time, let alone Wei Xu’s request, even Zheng Yi himself would not let go of Venerable Blood Mist, this old man, the old cunning man.

If it were an ordinary person, it would definitely be regarded as a joke.

But Zheng Yi really has this ability.

And Master Wei Xu, the only one who knows Zheng Yi’s true identity, finally entrusted the matter to him because he understood Zheng Yi’s methods.

Anyway, he also understood that after Zheng Yi escaped, he would definitely fight to the death with Venerable Blood Mist.

As for the inner elixir of the twelve-winged sky fire dragon centipede, it was just a matter of convenience.

Zheng Yi made a vow to the heaven, and naturally did not intend to break it easily.

"Successfully escaped, I am also interested in this Shenji Palace. Killing the old bastard Xuewu is just a matter of convenience."

"As for what I promised you, it's a piece of cake. The innate extremely yin body is a good material for cultivation. With my status, I should not humiliate Wei Shuke by accepting her as a disciple!"

Zheng Yi's expression was serious, then he smiled and said.

Every word was transmitted to Master Wei Xu's ears through the soul induction.

This includes his attitude.


Wei Xu raised his eyes and looked at Zheng Yi deeply. After a moment, he said slowly.

"Get ready!"

But the white light of the formation around Wei Xu became more and more condensed. In the end, it was like a stream of white electric currents, gathering into a formation around him.

Just like this, the entire evil-suppressing formation was weakened a lot. The dense blood threads were like living things, winding and trying to completely engulf his body.

This time, Wei Xu spoke directly, with incomparable firmness in his calm voice. From the huge compass formation, a terrifying power fluctuation like a small sun burst came.

Even in the outside world, Venerable Blood Mist, who was refining the blood puppet of the Sun family ancestor with all his strength, could not help but look with a look of shock.

In an instant, it seemed as if the blood-colored airflow had penetrated the endless barrier of mana, and met the eyes that slowly lit up in the endless darkness, and became brighter and brighter, like a pair of little suns.

Those pupils were old and strong, but at this time they revealed a firm will to die.

Those eyes with a strong sense of oppression made Venerable Blood Mist secretly say that it was not good.

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