Blood sacrifice of millions of zombies, I am a demon cultivator in the end times

Chapter 288: The Master of Bibo Island, with great magical powers

The fleet came quickly, from far to near, at a very fast speed. It can be seen that a strong figure stood in front of the fleet.

His face was a little ugly, and there was a tumor on his forehead. Although he did not use any momentum, it was obvious from the aura he exuded that he was not an ordinary person.

At least, he was also a powerful person with high power.

A strong bloody aura continued to spread around him, even distorting the air. From a distance, it seemed that countless vengeful spirits with bared fangs and claws were entrenched beside him, roaring silently.

The flag hanging high on the bow fluttered in the wind. In the strong wind, a black giant dragon was blowing fiercely, giving people a sense of oppression with bared fangs and claws.

"This is the Demonic Flood Pirates. Standing on the bow is the 'two-headed dragon' Zhong Sheng..."

"The great pirate leader in the Jindan stage!"

"I didn't expect that the Jindan ceremony of Bibo Island would attract this big man. Now there will be something interesting to watch."

As the giant fleet passed by, the closer it got to Bibo Island, the more fleets it encountered.

Looking at the warships of the Demonic Flood Pirates, other fleets gave way. Many people recognized the name of the fleet and retreated far away, only daring to look at it from a distance.

After all, these eighteen great pirate groups are not ordinary people.

All of them are pirate forces in the Jindan stage.

Except for the Thirty-Six Islands and some powerful and powerful chambers of commerce, who would not be afraid and who would not be shocked when they met them in the sea?

After all, the names of the great pirate groups were all gained and won through bloody battles and killings.

The Jindan ceremony was held on Bibo Island.

This person suddenly appeared, and it is hard for anyone to believe that there is nothing fishy.

Therefore, all the fleets followed the Magic Dragon Pirates, preparing to see the situation first and then make plans.

What if there is really a conflict?

The surrounding pirate spheres of influence will be re-divided, and then we will see if we can profit from it.


A large number of fleets gathered at the periphery of Bi Bo Island.

Here, a group of pirate ships are surrounding the entire island.

After streamlining, the fleet in the Bi Bo Island area seems to have shrunk a lot, but the combat power has been greatly improved, and the organization has become more rigorous.

In fact, except for the combat power outside the statistical range of Jindan monks.

Now, the combined Bi Bo Island forces are absolutely stronger than most of the large pirate groups.

"The Magic Dragon Pirates, 'Double-headed Dragon' Zhong Sheng, come to pay homage to the owner of Bi Bo Island..."

A melodious voice came from the Magic Dragon Pirates warship.

The patrol fleet of Bi Bo Island, led by three warships, formed a ship chain, stood in front of the fleet, and blocked the way of the Magic Dragon Pirates.

Because they didn't know the specific situation, they didn't dare to let it go easily.

After all, as a famous pirate, the two-headed dragon Zhong Sheng's range of activities is still a little far from the Bi Bo Sea.

No invitations were sent to them for this ceremony.


Another notorious villain.

If it were the former pirates of Poison Dragon Island, they would have been scared and dared not approach.

But they are now the Heavenly Demon Slaves.

Let alone the two-headed dragon Zhong Sheng, even if there were two more Jindan cultivators, these brainwashed Heavenly Demon Slaves would dare to block them.

For a while, the situation became oppressive, and the two sides were in a state of confrontation.

‘Two-headed dragon’ Zhong Sheng slowly stood in the air, and an invisible bloody aura surged around his body. The surrounding space was shaken by this terrible aura, and the pressure like a tide fell from the sky and squeezed towards the Bi Bo Island.

The situation became more and more tense, and the powerful Jindan aura began to rise, and the surging mana continued to shake the space.

"We're going to fight!"

"I'm afraid there will be problems with the Jindan Ceremony of Bi Bo Island today?!"

A large team gathered in the distance, and they followed the Demon Dragon Pirates one by one, watching from afar. Many people looked very excited at the crisis and expected the two sides to fight directly.

"Open the door and welcome the guests!"

Suddenly, a majestic voice spread from Bi Bo Island. The voice appeared out of thin air and sounded in everyone's ears like thunder.

The terrible momentum shocked many people's minds and bodies.

Among them, many people had unbelievable horror on their faces.

They didn't expect that just a voice would bring them such a terrible shock.

"Is the rumor true?"

"The owner of Bi Bo Island is not going through an ordinary Jindan thunder tribulation, but at least a third-grade Jindan tribulation..."

The expressions on many people's faces also became solemn, with a slight hint of tension and uneasiness.


'Two-headed dragon' Zhong Sheng moved his body, turned into a flash of lightning, and flew directly into Bi Bo Island.

At the same time, the island's waterways were opened, the docks were open, and the Magic Dragon Pirates were welcome.

And those who were waiting outside to watch the show were all uncertain and their expressions changed.

However, in less than half an hour, new news came from the island.

'Two-headed Dragon' Zhong Sheng and the owner of Bi Bo Island hit it off at first sight, and the Magic Dragon Pirates decided to join Bi Bo Island and become its outer ring forces, advancing and retreating with it!

This news was really too shocking.

Who would have thought that things would develop in such a direction?

As the leader of the most brutal pirate group, he suddenly surrendered to Bibo Island and became its outer ring force. This move is really intriguing.

"God, we hit it off at first sight, and we voluntarily surrendered..."

Many people twitched their faces and gnashed their teeth after hearing this.

Since when did Jindan cultivators become so worthless?

Just hit it off at first sight, and you can become someone else's subordinate?

"Why don't you say that the owner of Bibo Island is a peerless beauty? The two-headed dragon Zhong Sheng fell in love at first sight, and it is more reasonable to bow down to her..."

Many people just felt itchy and wanted to complain in their hearts.

Many smart people vaguely felt that things were not as simple as they seemed. Perhaps this 'two-headed dragon' Zhong Sheng had already surrendered to the mysterious owner of Bibo Island a long time ago.

Otherwise, it is impossible to explain such a bizarre thing happening today.

It is even more impossible that the two-headed dragon Zhong Sheng suddenly figured it out and didn't want to be a pirate, and suddenly became someone else's dog.

From this speculation, it can be seen that this Bi Bo Island Master is extraordinary and is definitely a top-grade Jindan cultivator.

Being able to subdue the old pirate leader, the notorious two-headed dragon Zhong Sheng, his strength and background can be seen.

After the two-headed dragon Zhong Sheng incident, the entire Bi Bo Island is undoubtedly more lively.

In the next few days, a large number of pirate groups and chambers of commerce sent congratulatory personnel, and the surrounding sea area became an extremely lively area.

It can be seen that no matter where you are, strength is always the most important means to gain respect from others.

The Jindan Grand Ceremony is naturally very lively.

It spans both the good and evil factions.

In addition to the important members of the Thirty-Six Islands.

A large number of pirate groups and chamber of commerce executives also came to pay homage to the Bi Bo Island Master.

For a time, Bi Bo Island had a lot more allies and partners.

In fact, at the beginning, Zheng Yi only planned to treat the ‘two-headed dragon’ Zhong Sheng as a hidden chess piece.

However, after he stepped into the ninth-grade Jindan.

There was a partial change in his mentality.

The great power belongs to oneself.

Heaven is unkind, and treats all things as straw dogs.

The upper three-grade Jindan cultivators are completely different from other Jindan cultivators.

In addition to combat power, there is also the perception of the rules of heaven and earth.

This is especially true for the ninth-grade Jindan, which has been vague in history.

Only when Zheng Yi completely stepped into the ninth-grade Jindan did he truly understand that sentence.

Swallow a Jindan, my life is in my own hands, not in the hands of heaven.

From then on, his Tao was unrestrained, the sky could not cover his eyes, and the earth could not bury his heart. Everything, the heart turns at will, and the Tao follows nature.

Bibo Island still has a low reputation.

Therefore, Zheng Yi directly took out this trump card and shocked other forces.

It also showed the outside world the strength and foundation of Bibo Island today. In this way, many things will be much easier to do in the future, and at the same time, it can also reduce a lot of trouble invisibly.

After all, in this vast sea, only the founder of a big force is qualified to step onto the chessboard and become a real chess player.

As for the relationship with the Sunset Chamber of Commerce, it was concealed.

After all, compared to the pirate group.

Zheng Yi pays more attention to the interests of the Chamber of Commerce's waterway.

In this sea area.

In addition to the pirate group, the Thirty Islands and some islands of scattered cultivators.

The most important neutral force is the major chambers of commerce.

The Sunset Chamber of Commerce is a nail planted by Zheng Yi in the neutral zone.

I don't know when it will play a decisive role.

Now, the relationship between Bi Bo Island and the Sunset Chamber of Commerce only needs to be maintained privately, and there is no need to announce it outside. It can be kept as a trump card.

At this Dan-forming Conference on Bi Bo Island, the famous pirate, the two-headed dragon Zhong Sheng, has been subdued in name, and the strength shown is already quite extraordinary.

A double Dan-forming sect.

Although the two-headed dragon Zhong Sheng is a lower third-grade Xudan cultivator, he has been roaming the sea for many years and is a real old-fashioned Jindan cultivator.

He is ruthless and has good combat power.

Zheng Yi, the mysterious master of Bi Bo Island, is even more unfathomable in the eyes of everyone.

He quietly subdued the big pirate leader of the Jindan period, and united the seven major pirate groups, connecting them into a rope, sitting in the Bi Bo Sea, and completing the reshuffle process.

He even started to collect waterway fees.

This is no longer a clean landing, but a thorough establishment of a maritime empire.

Generally speaking, only the top groups with strong deterrent power to ensure the safety of the waterway can collect waterway fees, which is generally the right of the ocean empire.

With the current sphere of influence of Bi Bo Island, it is enough to deter most pirate groups, so that they avoid the waters of Bi Bo Island and ensure the safety of the waterways in their own sphere of influence.

The upper third-grade Jindan cultivators do have this powerful deterrent power.

Besides, outsiders couldn't tell what grade of golden elixir Zheng Yi had.

It was just that the earth-shaking thunder of the tribulation at that time had spread over a thousand miles. Under the cover of the heavenly tribulation, even if outsiders used secret methods such as the Qi-viewing technique, they couldn't see the true appearance inside.

But that kind of terrifying fluctuation still spread fiercely.

There were even rumors in the outside world.

Zheng Yi's tribulation was not the seventh grade golden elixir, but the eighth grade golden elixir that had not appeared in the Dongyuan Sea for five hundred years.

This naturally casts a thicker layer of mystery over Zheng Yi, the master of Bi Bo Island.

The eighth-grade golden elixir leads to the heavens.

Not to mention the Nascent Soul stage, even the legendary God Transformation stage has a glimmer of hope.

The higher the grade of the golden elixir, the stronger the strength.

It can even be measured not only by the early stage of the Jindan, the middle stage of the Jindan, and the late stage of the Jindan.

If Zheng Yi does not take action himself, no one knows his depth.

But it is easy to subdue the two-headed dragon Zhong Sheng, such a rebellious old-fashioned Jindan pirate leader. It is conceivable that he is very cunning and has strong means.

Zheng Yi is also happy for others to speculate. He puts himself in the same position and does not need to expose everything.

Otherwise, if the strength is too strong, it will attract the fear of other large pirate groups and the Thirty-Six Islands.

If the two parties isolate Bi Bo Island at that time, it will not be conducive to development.

Moreover, although he has strong means, he has only survived the Jindan Tribulation for a year. Zheng Yi also needs more time to consolidate his own realm. He does not need to stir up the sun and moon in the sea world for the so-called false reputation.

There is still a long time in the future, slowly accumulate the foundation.

Collect grain widely, build high walls, and slowly become king.

This nine-word mantra is a safe means.

The Bi Bo Island Dan Jin Ceremony came to an end in a commotion.

Everything settled down with it.

Taking this opportunity, it also locked the sphere of influence and completely made a name for itself.

Even after the Dan Jin Ceremony, there was a so-called slogan circulating.

The owner of Bi Bo Island, long life.

Longevity and heaven, great magical powers.

Bi Bo Island occupied all the sea areas of the original seven pirate groups, together with the forces of the three or four pirate groups that were killed before, all of which were included, occupying a large area.

Completely became the undisputed overlord in this newly named Bi Bo Sea area.

The external situation gradually calmed down, but the sea area around Bibo Island became more and more lively.

The law that Zheng Yi had originally implemented was well implemented in this sea area.

The number of pirate groups under Bibo Island is now less than 30% of the previous heyday. The remaining people have all become the food for Zheng Yi to survive the inner demon tribulation, but because of this, they have become all elite troops.

These people have also been baptized by Zheng Yi's demon species, and they are loyal to Zheng Yi, the master of the demon, and are unified as their own people.

Nowadays, there are no more pirates in the waters of Bibo Island, only the official organizations of Bibo Island.

Bibo Island's maritime patrol team and law enforcement team.

Under the strong orders and cruel and bloody suppression of Bibo Island, no other pirate groups dare to violate the law and come to this sea area to collect money.

Most merchant ships have become much more stable because of this new route.

This is also warmly welcomed.

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