Blood sacrifice of millions of zombies, I am a demon cultivator in the end times

Chapter 313: The Soul Appearance Ten Thousand Years Ago

It is conceivable that this strange crystal core contains so much destructive aura that Zheng Yi only took a quick look at it, then took out a jade box and put it away.

Then he cast more than a hundred spells on the surface to seal it tightly.

Although it is not clear what this thunder core is?

But it is undeniable that the source contained in it contains terrible power, enough to threaten the power of Yuanying Zhenjun, which means that this thing is extraordinary.

Maybe it is not useful now, but it may be useful in the future.

Of course, if such a dangerous thing is not placed carefully, if it is triggered, it will really cry to death.

So even if Zheng Yi placed it, he was very careful.

He cast countless sealing spells, and then he was relieved.

No one would think that there are too many treasures like this.

I don’t know when this kind of thing may be able to save a life.


The blood energy was exhausted, and the blood dragon shears fell from the sky and appeared in front of Zheng Yi.

Based on the Supreme Demon Yuanshen Magical Artifact, the Demon Blood-Transforming Divine Sword, it devoured the blood, flesh and soul of several dragons, evolved into the second magic weapon true form, and turned into this blood dragon shears that was enough to threaten all dragon creatures, which made Zheng Yi overjoyed.

Anyway, he and the Deep Sea Dragon Demon Court were at loggerheads, and there would be times when they would fight desperately in the future.

With this magic weapon, he was more confident.

It was just that this blood dragon shears was born too recently. As soon as it appeared, it faced the thunder dragon condensed by the will of heaven and earth, so the source consumption was huge.

However, after being tempered by thunder, with the ability of the blood dragon shears, as long as the mana was continuously nurtured, it was enough to become Zheng Yi's killer against the Dragon Demon Court.

This blood dragon shears is a treasure specifically used to deal with the dragon clan. After this time, as Zheng Yi uses it later, it may become the source of anxiety for countless dragon blood descendants.

After possessing the Blood Dragon Shears, Zheng Yi even felt that he could easily break the tricky Nine Dragon Sea Covering Formation.

In short, he had a powerful means to break the formation with one blow.

If his mana advanced to the late Jindan stage.

Then when he met the Sea Covering Demon Lord again, he would have a certain self-protection ability with the Blood Dragon Shears, a deadly weapon specially designed to deal with dragons!

After passing the test of the thunder tribulation, the Blood Dragon Shears transformed into two blood-colored dragons again. As Zheng Yi's ninth-grade Jindan's mana was infused into them, they became more and more flexible.

Compared with the initial dull emotions, the two dragon shears now seemed to be enlightened, possessing a certain degree of spirituality, and their eyes turned into bright silver, more vivid, as if they really had life.

The bright red scales on the surface were entangled with dots of silver threads, which seemed to add a bit of beauty and color.

After the evolution of the thunder tribulation, the true form of the Blood Dragon Shears magic weapon completely transformed, awakened its spirituality, and became a top magic weapon with spirituality.

This level of treasure may not be possessed by ordinary Nascent Soul cultivators.

The ability to give birth to spirituality and evolve wisdom is a coincidence and difficult to replicate artificially.

Such a magic weapon has a certain self-awareness and is even more powerful.

Even without the manipulation of the magic weapon master, this powerful magic weapon has great power when it attacks on its own.

This can be seen from the fact that the Blood Dragon Shears defeated the Thunder Tribulation Dragon evolved from the will of heaven and earth by its own strength.

The limit-breaking power is extraordinary.

It can be said that because of the foundation of the Heaven and Earth Sun and Moon Wheel and the Demon Blood Sword, and the successive swallowing of the corpses and dragon souls of several dragons, the true form of the Blood Dragon Shears magic weapon has transformed to a new height.

Especially before and after the thunder tribulation, the Blood Dragon Shears further refined the impurities and evolved their own spirituality. The strength comparison has undergone a tremendous change, and the power has been increased by at least one or two levels.

This is the power of the spiritual magic weapon.

However, after this evolution, Zheng Yi is more certain that the powerful cultivator who possessed the Heaven and Earth Sun and Moon Wheel and died in the deep sea of ​​the Dongyuan Sea Realm was definitely a strong existence in the Nascent Soul Stage.

Zheng Yi clearly remembered that the Prime Minister Turtle directly and clearly stated that this Heaven and Earth Sun and Moon Wheel was a great cultivator of ancient humans. Ten thousand years ago, he broke into the deep sea and killed people everywhere. In the end, his mana was exhausted, and he left this precious magic weapon in the deep sea. After drifting for hundreds and thousands of years, it became a collection of the Black Turtle Clan.

So Zheng Yi also became interested.

There must be something mysterious in it.

Now the Heavenly Demon Blood Sword has completed its evolution, transforming into the second magic weapon, the Blood Dragon Shears, and after being baptized by thunder, it is completely defenseless against Zheng Yi.

This allows him to have a deeper understanding of the most secret and core areas.


Just as Zheng Yi was exploring the changes inside the Blood Dragon Shears with his powerful soul, suddenly, a silver light bloomed from the core of the Blood Dragon Shears, and then a huge attraction suddenly descended like a black hole, causing Zheng Yi's own soul power to almost have no reaction, and was directly pulled into an unfamiliar space.

When Zheng Yi came to his senses, he saw a tall figure, stepping on the huge waves, surrounded by endless golden light, standing on the sea, like a sun god walking on the sea, with boundless majesty suppressing the vast sea realm, directly covering hundreds of thousands of feet of space.

"This is..."

Just one glance, Zheng Yi felt his soul tremble. Even though he now knew that what he was facing was just a phantom left behind countless years ago, he could still feel an invisible breath shrouding him, which made his soul almost unable to bear it and wanted to collapse.

Although there was only a trace of soul, it had no ability to resist.

But it could make Zheng Yi's consciousness change so much.

The spiritual imprint imprinted in the origin of the true form of this magic weapon was really terrifying.

Zheng Yi was shocked.

This was no longer the power of the soul, but the primordial spirit.

Transforming into a primordial infant was like holding a fetus, and the primordial spirit naturally evolved from the origin of the soul.

But the primordial spirit was not something that ordinary primordial infant cultivators could have.

According to Daozang, only the top primordial infant masters who had stepped through the two gates of life and death and had already come into contact with the invisible and intangible rules of the great way in the dark could have the possibility of refining the primordial spirit.

This was not comparable to ordinary primordial infant cultivators.

He has already touched the legendary magical power of the great self-cultivation and the rules of the great way.

There is no doubt that among all the strong men Zheng Yi has ever seen, the one who has imprinted the aura of the soul in the sun and moon wheel of heaven and earth is undoubtedly the most powerful one.

It can be said to be unprecedented.

Just facing the aura of the soul that was emitted after a period of ten thousand years, Zheng Yi felt boundless pressure, as if as long as the owner of the aura wanted to, he could make it collapse with a casual wave of his hand.

Even those deep-sea monsters that he had felt in the deep sea, or the Sea-covering Demon Lord sent by the Dragon Demon Court, were just a younger brother in front of this person just by comparing their aura.

They cannot be compared in terms of level.

Obviously, this terrifying existence is definitely the top sequence among the Nascent Soul cultivators.

"At least... the late Nascent Soul!"

According to Zheng Yi's own perception, he secretly pondered in his heart and gave a very clear and accurate inference.

Of course, now is not the time to think about this.

Zheng Yiqiang stabilized his own spiritual power and continued to look up at the sky.

The situation in the void changed temporarily.

It seemed to be imprinted with the scene of the last battle.

In a blink of an eye, two round wheels, one for the sun and one for the moon, appeared on the head of the tall and strong man. One was golden and the other was silver. The gold and silver were mixed, round and perfect, really like the sun and the moon in the sky, floating in the air at the same time.

But the ancient great monk pointed his right hand, and suddenly, the two round wheels drew an arc and shot directly into the endless ocean.

On the vast sea surface, a water column rose up, and a dark hole appeared in front of him, but the monk moved and turned into a flash of lightning, shooting directly into the big hole.

The figure disappeared in the blink of an eye, and the turbulent sea surface returned to calm again, leaving only the constantly undulating sea surface, still shaking violently, witnessing the scene of moving mountains and filling the sea that appeared before.

When the great monk appeared again, he had already appeared in the deep sea.

The scenery in front of me changed again.

It was a terrible battlefield, with countless powerful sea beasts besieging the ancient great monk. They were of various shapes and species, including patrolling sea yakshas, ​​blue-haired deep-sea monsters Wuzhiqi, and scale-covered dragons...

The only thing in common was that none of these creatures were easy to deal with, and they all exuded a terrible aura.

It was no exaggeration to say that the dragons in the Jindan stage could only be at the bottom here. Among the many black shadows that appeared here, there were even some that were not weaker than the Sea-covering Demon Lord, all of them were terrible existences at the Nascent Soul level.

Counting them carefully, there were more than dozens of sea beasts. However, so many terrible sea beasts were besieging the ancient human cultivator, and they all seemed to be fighting for their lives, launching terrible attacks on him in the most violent posture.

Even in such a dangerous situation, the human monk did not seem to be moved. As he waved his hands, the pair of sun and moon wheels were like a sun and a moon rising from the bottom of the sea. The brilliant light illuminated the dark deep sea area.

As the sun and moon wheels flashed, a sea beast was severely injured. The terrible power made those brutal sea beasts feel that death could come at any time. They gave up their bodies and joined forces to besiege the human monk.

After a while, this sea area had become a terrible battlefield of death.

Countless limbs and surging blood made this space extremely terrifying.

The undercurrent of the water body contained the most concentrated blood. A broken huge body floated helplessly in the depths of the ocean. With the surging waves, the rich blood continued to splash out.

Don't look at these ferocious-looking and cruel sea beasts. Each of them is a giant in the sea, devouring countless fish and shrimps every day, but at this moment they all became cowards and gathered together before daring to launch a joint attack.

Obviously, in the eyes of these cruel sea beasts, this human monk is undoubtedly a more cruel and terrifying existence than them.

Zheng Yi stared at the light curtain without blinking. The mysterious imprint left in the sun and moon wheel of heaven and earth ten thousand years ago left him with a brand new experience.

In fact, even with his current Taoism, it might be difficult to understand this fierce battle.

But he still tried his best to absorb and remember these auras.

For him, these are all real experiences!

Especially the battles at the Nascent Soul level, which are difficult to find at present.

Although Zheng Yi is only in the middle stage of Jindan, Jindan cultivators are extraordinary, not to mention the legendary ninth-grade Jindan, the starting level is different. Once he steps into the late stage of Jindan, he is only half a step away from the real Nascent Soul level.

Therefore, the sooner he absorbs this kind of battle experience, the better it will be for him.

On the contrary, he can understand earlier that this higher-level battle allows him to accumulate experience and gain enlightenment earlier, thereby improving his understanding of the power of rules and reaching a higher level.

Zheng Yi's soul was highly concentrated, and he tried his best to imprint everything in his heart.

As the ancient human cultivator fought in all directions, seven or eight sea beasts were slaughtered one-sidedly, and two of them were absolutely not inferior to the dragons of Fuhai Demon Lord.

This is the existence of a dragon that has passed the tribulation and turned into a dragon. It is not the unicorn of a dragon, but a real marine dragon. These monsters are earth-shattering and terrifying even in the deep sea, but at this moment, they have all become the ghosts of the Sun and Moon Wheel.

In the end, the human cultivator's mana was exhausted and drowned in the impact of the terrible marine beast. His body was finally incomplete. Under the escort of the brilliance of the gold and silver sun and moon wheels, he soared into the sky and disappeared in the vast sea.

The sun and moon wheel, which had lost its color, also fell deep into the sea.

It lost its light and lay quietly in the cold undercurrent of the ocean.

When the picture completely disappeared, Zheng Yi suddenly opened his eyes, and countless pictures flashed in the depths of his pupils, restoring the incredible history of the past.

It was the real world image he saw ten thousand years ago.

The final scene inherited from the imprint of the Yuanshen Dharma.

"The power of the Yuanshen is incredible..."

"But it can be passed down for thousands of years, and still leave such a clear memory impression. The cultivation of this human elder is indeed domineering!"

Zheng Yi calmed down his emotions. The scene of the human cultivator killing people just now was still running in his mind, leaving a deep impression on him.

After a while, Zheng Yi let out a long breath.

Even he couldn't help but admire the bravery and fearlessness of the human elder. He went straight into the deep sea alone, killed people everywhere, and died of exhaustion.

But I just don't know what the reason is?

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