"From today on, my name is Taiyue!"

The huge god opened his eyes, as if the sun, moon and stars were hanging in his eyes. A vast voice came out of his mouth. The seemingly light voice was like the sound of a huge bell, which was long and lingering, with a kind of Tao sound like the beginning of the universe.

The voice came from outside the endless sky, layer by layer, gradually penetrating the three realms and six paths, spreading to every altar in the incense world, and from every temple in the city god temple.

Spread throughout the entire Jiuzhou Divine Realm.

The tall figure stood on the endless nothingness, and the vast figure with a mysterious and ancient breath covered the entire Jiuzhou Divine Kingdom, covering the sky with one hand, blocking the boundary between the outside world and the Divine Kingdom.

In the endless void of heaven and earth, as the greatest existence, the original Dharma body can be said to have condensed the original will of all the three realms, and it is also a body condensed by the secret method of the heaven-repairing Nirvana method, Nirvana rebirth, and rebirth.

Representing Zheng Yi's future body, present body, and past body.

They merged with his original body, the Dharma body of the Lord of Mount Tai, Yin Tianzi, and the body of the Heavenly Dao, and completely returned to one.

Trinity God.

Coexisting with the three realms, and living as long as the heaven and earth.

Zheng Yi naturally couldn't do this, but the original body of Taiyue God was integrated with the entire Jiuzhou God Realm.

Both sides prospered and suffered together, the land God Realm was immortal, and the Dharma body existed forever.

The sun and the moon rotated, and the original was boundless.

The extremely tall figure enveloped the entire Jiuzhou God Realm. At this moment, everyone felt something in their hearts.

On the land God Realm, bonfires representing human civilization rose from all directions, and the city god temples in various places were shining brightly. Countless Yin gods came out, as if countless small suns were ignited.

And countless believers knelt on the ground, bowing to the endless sky, shouting the name of "Taiyue God".

The whole world seemed to be caught in boundless madness.

The original Dharmakaya of the Three Realms represents the most powerful majesty of the Nine Provinces Divine Realm. All wills are attached to it, and it has the ability to destroy and create.

For a time, heaven and earth worshiped together.

Taiyue God represents not only the only god revered by human civilization, but also the only true god of all the thousands of strange races that survive and depend on the land Divine Kingdom.

Many powers of faith are connected, like a huge faith network, forming a network of souls across the sky and three realms, and becoming one here.

Even those tall guardian trees or extremely powerful demons bowed down under this majestic figure.


With the integration of the three bodies, the Nine Provinces Divine Realm slowly calmed down.

The entire Three Realms also restored the tranquility of the past. The ancestor tree god glowed all over, like a huge light column that reached the sky and the earth, completely stabilizing the four fields and eight wastelands.

Standing on the endless void, Taiyue God's eyes contained the sun, moon and stars, looking at the peaceful world, stretched out a hand, the lines on the palm were like the traces of the sky.

A dazzling golden light rose in his palm.

At the beginning, it was just a little weak, like a candle flame, and like a firefly.

Immediately, the light was magnified and the divine brilliance gathered.

In the endless golden light, countless original origins of the three realms belonging to Taiyue God gradually penetrated into the golden light, dispelling the fog and revealing the true face.

Only then could I see clearly that it was actually a small baby curled up with his knees hugged.

But the baby had golden skin, shining like a little sun, making people happy and extremely magical.

No, it was not a baby.

It was a pill.

A pill that could help the peak Jindan strongman break the pill and condense the infant, an extremely rare Juying Pill.

This pill was originally the biggest trophy that Zheng Yi got at the end of the Yellow Spring River by chance when he was in the Wanxiang Senluo Cave Heaven of Dayi Immortal Realm, taking advantage of the competition among many powerful Dan-forming masters.

When Zheng Yi got this Juying Pill, he was going to use it when he was condensing Yuanying and practicing Nirvana, but in the process of the three bodies merging into one, due to the convergence of the power of the three realms and the Jiuzhou Divine Realm, some accidents occurred.

This small Juying Pill became an external object and became useless.

With the help of the power of the three realms and the burning phoenix flame, Zheng Yi crossed the period of the great culmination of the soul and directly merged the three bodies into one, merging into Taiyue God, without using the Juying Pill.

At this time, Taiyue God took it out, although it was not aimless, but it had other great uses.

"Go! Find a place in the world of immortal cultivation, return to the origin, have my divine origin, use the Juying Pill as a body, can be reincarnated, transformed into a natural divine body, and further, it is possible to impact the Great Dao..."

"Practice again."

The Taiyue God sat high outside the nine heavens of the Jiuzhou Divine Realm, and everything in the three realms was in sight.

At this time, he was no longer a chess piece, but the chess player.

Even if it spans across two realms, it can also be a little bit on the table and be a behind-the-scenes manipulator.

The Taiyue God waved his hand casually, and the Juying Pill wrapped in the endless golden light turned into a golden stream of light, directly penetrating the space barrier. Under the effect of his endless ability, it spanned the two realms, entered the world of immortal cultivation, and fell into a vast world covered by endless snow.

The Juying Pill contained a grand aura, the light of the origin of the Nine Provinces God Realm, and the core divine power essence of the Taiyue God, who had condensed three lives to become a god. Once this energy was absorbed, Zheng Yi would be able to successfully reincarnate.

Escape the realm of reincarnation.

When his reincarnation is successful, he will completely transform into a new body of the Taiyue God.

It contains the original essence of a small Shinto world.

After birth, it is the original innate divine body.

All innate spirit bodies, innate sword bodies, indestructible vajra bodies, ice muscles and jade bones, pure yang bodies, innate Tao embryos, original yang Tao bodies, dragon and phoenix chalcedony, and star bodies must all be pushed to the back. Being thrown far away.

Unless it is the legendary Hongmeng Immortal Physique, Chaos Saint Physique, Ancient Saint Physique, and Heavenly Demon Killing Immortal Physique that are widely circulated in the nine spiritual realms, and these types of physiques only exist in legends, I am afraid, there is absolutely no such thing. People are comparable.

As for the seventy-two talisman bodies and the small five-element yin-yang Tao embryo that Zheng Yi worked hard to complete before, they have long been assimilated and digested and become part of the innate original divine body.

This deity is the Taiyue God who has opened up a small world of the divine soul.

The immortal clone is an innate original divine body that is rare in the world.

Zheng Yi rebuilds the road.

If you want to bet, bet a big one.

This is a world wrapped in endless snow, shrouded in silver light.

Looking into the distance, the towering snow-covered mountains extend towards the distant sky. It seems that everything is shrouded in faint white, and the whole world has an indescribable feeling of loneliness.

The wasteland of the Southern Territory.

The nine spiritual realms are one of the most ancient places of inheritance.

Daxue Mountain, a holy land for cultivation.

There are countless mortal residences scattered up and down, existing in the form of tribes. There is the Royal Court of the Golden Tent, the Land of Huali, the King of the Grassland, and the intersection of many tribes.

But everyone’s ultimate belief is in the Great Spirit Heaven of the Snow Mountain.

The people closest to the top of the mountain have higher status, while at the foot of the mountain are the residences of the lowest common people.

Snow Wolf Plains.

The Daxue Mountain is surrounded by eight desolate areas, with the northernmost point being an extremely remote place.

There are no larger forces entrenched here.

It is extremely far away from large tribes such as the Grassland King, the Haidongqing Alliance, or the Golden Tent Royal Court.

Because of the sparse vegetation, life here is still relatively difficult.

There are more than a dozen small forces, large and small, entrenched.

Vulture tribe.

It is one of these dozen small tribes.

The nobles of the grassland live on the snow-capped mountains high up, with a series of buildings and temples. The tribes at the foot of the mountain are the residences of slaves and lower-class people. They are chaotic and chaotic, with sewage flowing across them. The ground is full of garbage. You have to be careful when walking. , for fear of stepping on dirt.

In such a chaotic environment, in front of a small door, a young man was walking back and forth at a loss. From his rough face, it can be seen that this person's life is not good, and he must be doing menial work. Much more.

There are a lot of such people on the prairie. Although they are not slaves, they are still lower-class people. Their life is difficult and difficult. Their main task is to work and have many children, so as to cultivate more descendants for the slave owners or the nobles of the prairie. of living labor.

At this time, his rough and dark face showed a bit of anxiety, and his originally silent temperament became even more silent now, but judging from his frowning, the situation inside was not very good.

In the room, it was his wife who was giving birth.

The screams coming from inside the door made him at a loss. For a moment, he didn't know what to do, and his whole body fell into a state of panic.

From time to time he walked back and forth, and from time to time he lay down in the crack of the door and looked inside. He was in an extremely anxious state, but he was unable to help, and he undoubtedly became more nervous.


Suddenly, the weather that had been clear and clear suddenly changed, and thick dark clouds came from nowhere, instantly covering hundreds of miles of land, and the entire tribe was enveloped in it.

In an instant, there was lightning and thunder without any warning, and the terrifying sound waves continued to roll in the sky. The air pressure was so low that it was frightening, causing the livestock to run around anxiously, and the people's mood also plummeted to the bottom.

"Damn the weather, my God, what on earth is going on? Help me Amu!"

The man knelt on the ground, his eyes red, and prayed to the Great Spirit Sky, the highest god in the Snowy Mountains.

A muffled thunder exploded above his head. The man looked up and was surprised to find that a dark cloud had gathered above his head. But unlike other dark clouds, there were countless golden lightnings in the gaps between the thick dark clouds. The suddenness is like a small sun, penetrating into the dark clouds, like the golden thunder snakes in the sky constantly entwining.

This small piece of sky was completely covered.

Brilliant golden bolts of lightning flashed across from time to time, as if they might strike down at any time, making those who saw it tremble with fear.

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