However, his expression also changed drastically, from the humble respect he showed to Zheng Yi to a superior tone that was almost like ordering a servant. The arrogance and nobility in his words were unacceptable to ordinary people.

"The Son of God will go to the Great Snow Mountain with me today, and you will move directly to the Snow City above. Your status will be redefined, and you will become the nobles of the Snow City directly. Other things will be handled by someone else."

The man in white said as if giving alms, but heard the man Amu's eyes shining, looking very excited.

"Another point, the most important thing is that from today on, the Son of God will have nothing to do with you."


The man, who didn't know how to deal with his son, was suddenly happier. Not only was his status upgraded to a noble, but his son, who frightened him, was also taken away. It seemed that all the troubles had been dealt with.

"Let's go!"

The man in white ignored the man's reaction and took the Son of God directly, soaring into the sky, escorting him, and galloping towards the Great Snow Mountain.

Three years.

Time flies by like a white horse.

In the Vulture Tribe, Zheng Yi's parents have long lived a noble life.

People like them, who were born in the lower class, live on the snowy grasslands, busy and diligent. They need to give birth to many children in their lifetime, even if some children die young, which is expected.

Although they occasionally think of the little baby who was taken away by the most honorable white-robed fairy on the Great Snow Mountain on that day when the wind and clouds changed and thunder struck, they actually know in their hearts that from the beginning, the fate of the baby was completely different from theirs.

Since they can't stay together for a long time, they can only forget each other in the years.

The son of God who was taken away by the monks of the Great Snow Mountain was raised in the temple and taught by a group of senior monks.

As the most honorable place in the entire Great Snow Mountain, it is also called the place closest to the "Great Spirit Heaven" by believers.

The whole temple is made of huge stones of the same size, piece by piece, ancient and vast, with a unique charm.

These were all selected piece by piece by the first generation of monks in the Great Snow Mountain, and they have lasted for dozens of generations. A huge formation covers an area of ​​100 miles, and the entire temple stands on the top of the snow mountain.

Under the sunlight, the huge and undulating buildings reflect circles of halos. From a distance, it looks like a temple in mythology, with a sense of splendor and gives people a very noble and inviolable feeling.

Because of the specialness of this place, those who are qualified to enter this temple are all famous monks in the Great Snow Mountain. Ordinary monks in the Snow Mountain can only stand outside to make pilgrimages.

This is the highest peak in the entire Snow Region, and it is also the place where endless faith in the Great Spirit Heaven is.

The foundation of the Snow Region Palace is to protect this holy place.

In the temple, ancient hymns are chanted all year round, and the simple voices echo in the temple, making people's mood inexplicably calm.

In the past three years, since he was taken away by the white-robed monks of the Palace, Zheng Yi has once again restrained his divine light and fallen into the mystery of the womb.

His consciousness fell into ignorance, and he was in a daze, as if immersed in the eternal years. The powerful will of the body no longer appeared, and he was just an ordinary baby, without showing too many abnormalities.

Under the guidance of the eight great masters of the temple, he continued to learn various different knowledge, including the practice system of the temple and the secret inheritance of the Great Snow Mountain. Every day was like a revelation. Under the teaching day after day, it was madly instilled into his mind.

Some of the extremely secret information would cause an uproar if it was spread to the outside world.

But here, it was just the basic knowledge system that Zheng Yi needed to learn.

Although Zheng Yi was trapped in the mystery of the womb and never opened up his wisdom, his innate original divine body was magical after all. Even if he only showed a little bit, compared with children of the same age, he was already like a genius who appeared once in a thousand years, with a photographic memory and extremely strong learning ability.

In just three years, he had learned all the information taught by the eight great masters, and it seemed that he still had a feeling of not being satisfied.

For this reason, the top leaders of the Great Snow Mountain Temple had to hold a meeting to discuss this matter.

He is also known as the most intelligent reincarnation of the Lord of God in the entire history of the Great Snow Mountain. In just three years, he has learned more than ten years of knowledge from others.

Some senior cultivators even asserted that he would become the next natural great power since the founder of the sect.

The absolute revival master of the Snow Mountain lineage.

Later, the chief priest of the Great Snow Mountain Temple decided to directly teach the Son of God the core magic and the method of offering sacrifices to the gods!

Unlike other immortal cultivation sects, the cultivators of the Great Snow Mountain believe in the supreme god Da Lingtian. They believe that the Great Snow Mountain is the highest sacred place given by Da Lingtian to the grassland people, and the high priest is the agent of the entire Great Snow Mountain center immortal cultivation world.

At the end of each life, the death of the high priest is not a real death, but a return to the side of Da Lingtian.

And the son of God designated by the high priest before his death is the next messenger sent by Da Lingtian to the human world.

Or in other words, life has no end, but only reincarnation, which is endless and forms a cycle.

This is the core secret of the Great Snow Mountain lineage.

It is also a spell that only the chief priest can practice.

The Great Snow Mountain covers a vast area, forming a huge grassland covered with snow and scattered with countless tribes. These tribes, big and small, have believed in the Great Spirit Heaven and have been passed down from generation to generation for countless thousands of years. The foundation of the belief has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and has become extremely stable, forming a world where theocracy and secular power are intertwined.

From the lower slaves and civilians to the upper nobles and ruling class, this belief has long been infiltrated into the blood, passed down from generation to generation, and has become an instinct.

The method of offering sacrifices to gods is a kind of practice born from this belief.

Different from the general secret arts of the soul, more of them are to replace the heart of heaven with human body, control a region, and exert powerful strength with the help of endless faith in gods.

All beliefs belong to the Great Spirit Heaven itself.

Of course, this method of offering sacrifices to gods is not something that everyone can practice. Only the reincarnation of the Lord of God, that is, the future high priest, can access this kind of core system of offering sacrifices to gods.

This is a method that only the son of God can practice in the Great Snow Mountain Temple.

Of course, the high-ranking officials of the temple can also learn and practice, comprehend, and draw inferences from one instance to another, but it is strange that from the ancient times to the present, no one has ever been able to obtain the true mystery.

From the beginning to the end, only the high priest can successfully practice this method of offering sacrifices to the gods, so for a long time, this has become the only method exclusive to the high priest of the temple.

To practice this method is to regard oneself as a god, accept the worship of thousands of believers in the world, and rely on devout faith to transform into the supreme god.

This method is known as the projection of Da Lingtian in the mortal world.

It can summon 13,000 gods of the Great Snow Mountain.

It has the absolute strength to suppress the extreme of the Southern Wilderness.

It is also one of the true foundations of the Great Snow Mountain Temple that can be passed down for thousands of years until now.

This method of offering sacrifices to the gods belongs to the secrets of the Great Snow Mountain. It is said that the method was obtained from Da Lingtian when the high priest was reincarnated. The whole method is obscure and difficult to understand. It can only be understood, not explained. Only by comprehending it yourself can you understand the true meaning.

Moreover, this method has many prerequisites, and it is extremely difficult to practice. The conditions are extremely harsh.

To start practicing this method, one must be a child, because only a pure heart, a mind without distractions, and a pure yang body can establish a foundation.

Moreover, it must be the first method on the path of cultivation. Before this, no other methods can be practiced, otherwise this method of offering sacrifices to the gods will be interfered with by traces of other spells, and it will never be possible to practice it successfully.

It is conceivable that it is difficult for a child who has no foundation in cultivation to directly practice the advanced method of offering sacrifices to the gods. Even a great cultivator will find it difficult to understand the obscurity of it.

It is like asking a primary school student to solve calculus without completing the necessary basic education. It is completely confusing.

Therefore, the knowledge that the Son of God learned under the guidance of the Venerable is the foundation of cultivation. Only by mastering it all can the method of offering sacrifices to the gods be understood clearly, and thus can truly begin to learn and practice.

This is also because Zheng Yi's performance is too outstanding, beyond everyone's expectations, even beyond all the ancestors in the history of the Great Snow Mountain lineage. In just three years, he learned the entire knowledge system, which caused discussion among the temple's top leaders.

After all, compared with other sons of God, Zheng Yi started practicing the method of offering sacrifices to gods too early.


The mystery in the womb is not so easy to solve, or in other words, this is also a protection for Zheng Yi's soul, which makes him fall into an absolute state of emptiness. Gradually, his soul merges with the reincarnated baby and turns into a true innate divine body.

From then on, there is no more obstacles and it is completely perfect.

Before opening up the wisdom of the innate wisdom, Zheng Yi is just a manipulated individual. Under the cramming learning and teaching of the temple's top leaders, he began to come into contact with the entire method of offering sacrifices to gods. Don't look at it as just some messy runes and just a few hundred simple words, but the meaning contained in it is as vast as the ocean, and the information is huge and terrifying.

Even with Zheng Yi's super memory and strong learning ability, it took him half a year to memorize and learn the whole thing.

Even at this speed, compared with the previous sons of God, he is a genius who has never been seen before and will never be seen again.

Compared with others who took more than ten years or even longer to learn the content of the sacrifice method, the time Zheng Yi used was so short that everyone was surprised and even unbelievable.

Only a few or even a dozen of others, it was too short.

Everything can only be explained by miracles.

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